Saturday, December 11, 2010

Empty Gestures

With peace being harder and harder to find in the world, it's small wonder that the Nobel Peace Prize Committee is having an increasingly difficult time locating any real peacemakers.

Following last year's laughable award to Barack Hussein Obama, the Committee chose to present this year's Nobel Peace Prize empty chair. Although at least it was empty for a good reason; the intended recipient, Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, was barred by his government from attending.

Barack Obama, commenting on passing the prize to a new winner after administering over a not-so-peaceful world for a year, modestly stated that the award "speaks to our highest aspirations" and that it is "claimed by giants of history and courageous advocates who have sacrificed for freedom and justice."

"Giants of history?" Oh please...

However, it is true that the alleged president courageously sacrificed several vacation days during his reign as King of World Peace, and was also willing to cut back on basketball games if it became absolutely necessary (though thankfully it never came to this).

In any event, Hope n' Change sends our congratulations to Mr. Xiaobo for his Nobel Peace Prize win...and our condolences that the Prize lost any meaning just one year earlier.



  1. Hate to have to correct you Stilt, but the Peace Prize lost all credibility for me when they gave it to Yasser Arafat, in '94. I mean, what the heck, let's give a 'peace' prize to an unrepentant terrorist... some other quizzical choices (to my mind)
    2001 KOFI ANNAN, - corrupt bastard, used UN 'oil for food' program in Iraq to create several large fortunes

    2002 JIMMY CARTER JR., "Peace in the middle east starts w/ the elimination of the Jews" (no, he's never actually said that, to my knowledge, but he's sure all buddy-buddy w/ the terror organizations Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, etc)

    2005 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY and MOHAMED ELBARADEI - the shipdit that single handedly gave Iran a nuclear program

    2007 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE (IPCC) and ALBERT ARNOLD ( AL) GORE JR. - aside from the part about it being sloppy junk science, how the bloody heck does 'science' qualify for a 'peace' prize? Seriously?

    Shame that China would not let the guy out to pick up the award, but probably just saved him some embarrassment..

  2. Maybe in "Giants" it was referring to "ego"....

  3. If he tells a lie enough times people begin to believe its true. He's a giant alright...a giant...well I better not write that. There are women and small children reading this.

  4. Doc - Northern NevadaDecember 11, 2010 at 10:03 AM

    In one aspect - Obummer is a Giant! He will always be remembered as the one person who figureheaded (he did not do it, just spoke the words and did the deeds his puppet masters told him to speak and do) the almost complete ruination of America in 2 short years and also revitalized the entire conservative movement in this country ... THAT boys and girls WILL go down in history!

  5. Pete(Detroit)- You're right, of course. The Nobel Peace Prize Committee has a long history of making idiotic choices and the award hasn't had meaning in eons. Even so, I'll suggest that when Obama got the prize, they'd not only scraped the bottom of the barrel...they'd gone right through the bottom of the barrel and dug a hope deep enough for British Petroleum to envy.

    Doc- There's no question that Obama's presidency will be historic. God help us.

  6. Hey....I just bought a Nobel Peace Prize at a pawn shop...traded an old Polaroid camera for it!

  7. Pryorguy, you got ripped off, you should have kept the camera.

  8. Pete:
    Clearly the Nobel Committee jumped the shark in 94, then they nuked the fridge in 2002. I don't know how to describe 2005, 2007 and 2009. Jumped the nuclear fridge??

  9. If they bought that chair in the United States then it was probably made in China, so that's sort of like having a representative of the country there for the award.

    Then again, with China's penchant for punishing its political dissidents by confining them to labor camps, it is quite possible that a political prisoner helped make that chair. So, in a sense, an empty chair representing China (and probably from China) is fitting but I'd be careful about letting that award go home to China or the next batch will return with the little gold stickers on the bottom that say, "Made in China".

  10. Yeh, but the camera didnt work! Hmmm....I still got screwed!

  11. Suzy said...
    Maybe in "Giants" it was referring to "ego"....

    Ba Ha!!!! All the time Suzy. Here's the fav of mine of what most of us know what he is:

    And that stunt he did yesterday at the Presser for the b.s. "hostages" he's protecting by bringing Slick Willie in. The country is in a major crisis (which we know he loves, but we're wise to that) and he says "I'm late for a Christmas Party and I don't want to hold up The First Lady????? (The first oranagatang in the White House. OK. I'm gettin juvenile here) Then says "I'm a half hour late so I'll leave you with Bill. Bye." Thats a number of WTF's!

    Then Clinton goes into that b.s.mode of his. Check oout all the facials and even how he moves his tongue in his mouth then just goes on to give all of Barry's memes on why the bill is so good. I mean big barf time. It really is worth the 10 minute watch.

