Friday, December 3, 2010

Lean Forward

It turns out that there's a very good reason that MSNBC's alleged news coverage slants so heavily in favor of the Obama administration. In fact, there are 16 billion reasons...because that's how many taxpayer bailout dollars were secretly given to MSNBC's parent company, General Electric.

In fact, the bailout money quietly went
everywhere - not just in the United States, but around the world; to banks, companies, private businesses, and anyone else with connections. In other words, the trillions in giveaways went to everyone except the people footing the bill: the American taxpayers. You know, the people that MSNBC is currently saying should pay higher taxes.

But MSNBC didn't mention their financial windfall when giving leg-tingling praise of all things related to the Obama administration, or hint that they were on the government payroll as surely as (other) Whitehouse Spokesman Robert Gibbs.

No, the money quietly went to things like MSNBC's advertising campaign for their new slogan: "Lean Forward." Which
must have been created by a woman who didn't realize that these are the most dreaded words that men of a certain age can hear when in their doctor's office.

It means that it's time for a prostate check...and that you're about to get something unpleasant shoved up your rear end, and you'll actually be
footing the bill to have it done to you.

Come to think of it, maybe that's the perfect slogan for MSNBC after all.



  1. Maybe Obama's slogan should be "poke & change"!?!

  2. The first time I heard "lean forward" I thought that "bend over" was more appropriate.

  3. Stilton.....another "home run" story. Keep up the great work.


  4. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog! It is always right on the money...I love to read your slant on the headlines of the day! :)

  5. At least Fox admits to being (partially) owned by the Saudis.. and they do NOT 'seem' to be involved in programming / content decisions...

  6. Readers- Just to be clear, General Electric says that they eventually paid the $16 billion back (with interest, even)...after using that money to make loans to other businesses at higher rates. As the old saying goes, "it takes money to make money." And you can make a lot with $16 billion...especially when you've only borrowed it from the taxpayers.

  7. So to the taxpayers, "lean forward" means getting in the position to be kicked in the butt (or the teeth depending on which end the government is standing)!

  8. Imagine if this kind of thing happened under the Bush Admin. and Halliburton was a news agency. The Left would br outraged. But because MS-NBC is their pet, they get a pass. I wonder if Rachel Maddow got her hair done with this 16Bill...

  9. Boy, 16 billion bucks would sure give ME a thrill up my leg, but I guess I will have to settle for the TSA doing that for me.

    Great strip, once again, Dr. Jarlsberg!

  10. What a deal!!!! We gave them 16 billion and they gave us Matthews and Olbermann. I wonder what we would get for a trillion???

  11. And all this while American families can't get loan modifications on the mortgage for the house they live in. Just how much was paid back in interest? Half a percent? Quarter percent? I'm sure it was some sweetheart deal.

    Didn't Harry Reid make the statement he saved the world from economic catastrophe? Wonder if he also got some of that 16 billion dollars.

    Its time for a Second American Revolution...taxpayer funded, of course.

  12. At this news it seems appropriate to remind you all that even a little revolution is a very ugly thing. And it's just about time that we HAD one!

  13. The Bible says, 'when the King is good, the people rejoice, but when the King is evil, the people mourn". Yeh, we need a revolution! It started election day last month!

  14. Pyro - and 2nd verse in two years, and so on, and so on..
    Until 'we' forget, and elect another social-tard, and it takes 10 years to correct...


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