Thursday, December 16, 2010

Omnibus Naughty List

With only days to go before the federal government runs out of money, lame-duck Democrats have finally - finally - offered up the budget bill that they chose not to show the public before last month's elections. And now we know why.

Their Omnibus Spending Bill is, yet again, an impossible-to-read 1900 page monstrosity with $1.1 trillion in expenses ($545 million
per page), and almost 7,000 earmarks funneling pork to politicians on both sides of the aisle (albeit mostly Democrats).

There is no conceivable way for the massive document to be analysed and debated before Saturday, leading Harry Reid and company to - yet again - declare that
"we have to pass it so you can see what's in it." Which is pretty much in direct opposition to the voters' declaration that "we threw you out so you wouldn't do this again."

Harry Reid is suggesting that he'll keep the Senate in session right through Christmas and continue until the moving vans (and perhaps the police) show up in early January if that's what it takes to ram through this final piece of opaque and unaffordable legislation. Happily, Republicans seem ready to call his bluff...and may even require the
entire budget bill to be read aloud, line by line, so that by Christmas Eve we'll all know exactly what kinds of taxpayer-funded sugar plums have been dancing in Democrats' heads.

So it's small wonder that this Democrat-controlled congress is on the public's "naughty list," getting the lowest approval rating (83% disapproval) ever recorded. And small wonder that Santa will be shoving coal in their stockings...or someplace even
more painful.

Holiday Video Bonus: The Democrats show their love and respect for Christmas and the American people!



  1. Loved the shows the "little people" just how the ruling elite feels about us. Ladies and Gentlemen, if this does not demonstrate the amount of contempt that the American People are held in by these self serving, pocket lining professional politicos, then you have YOUR head buring in the sand or up your rear ends...Wake up and stand together...

  2. "May all your Christmases be right." I LOVED that!

  3. Dear Santa -

    If I could have one Christmas wish granted this year it would be for the Republicans to finally grow, and display with extreme prejudice, a real set of "stones"... I would love to hear every piece of "legislation" the Democrats bring to the floor read aloud and the omnibus spending bill would be a great start.

    Say hello to Mrs. Claus and Rudolph for me,


  4. Maybe we should change the order of things and have newly elected "gubment" types sworn in right after the elections so we don't have any lame duck sessions. If they didn't get their work done before the elections maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

    I'm so lucky I don't have the smell-a-vision app on my computer. I played the Holiday Video Bonus so many times my house would have been full of Democrat ass gas.

  5. Doc - Northern NevadaDecember 16, 2010 at 9:45 AM

    Harry's press conference said it all ... he is blaming it all on the nasty Republicans who are now blocking the Christmas of all the hard working Dems! Stating repeatedly the Republicans have filibustered 87 times (he repeated this at least twice). I would like to ask them why the H**ll the didn't start doing this months ago - like 24 of them!

  6. Doc - Northern NevadaDecember 16, 2010 at 9:46 AM

    My apologies - it was not a Press Conference - it was a statement broadcast that he made in the congress ...

  7. Doc - Northern Nevada- It's astounding (though unfortunately not surprising) that the Democrats are acting like it's the Republicans' fault that all of this legislation never came to the floor during 2 years of Democrat super-majorities.

    At this very moment, I'm sipping coffee from a mug which sums up the situation perfectly. It says: "Lack of planning on your part does not necessarily mean an emergency on my part."

  8. My Christmas wish is to become dictator for one year. I have a little list...

  9. I don't care if ALL of them have to stay right through the swearing-in of the newly elected Senators. No Christmas, No New Year's, no weekends, meals brought in, no potty breaks (well, OK they can leave for that, but only one at a time)...whatever it takes to NOT pass yet another giant spending bill that we just cannot afford. Can I please just say this...WTF???

  10. I love when they keep reminding everyone why they got fired. GOP: Get some nads and block this nonsense.

  11. According to my senator's Facebook status about an hour ago (David Vitter, R-LA) the charge to read the bill aloud is moving forward. He'll be on the Senate floor from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. tomorrow.

  12. King Barry was NOT a constitutional law professor -- he was a lecturer. Big, big difference.

  13. Readers- Like many of you, I'd also like to see the GOP take a major stand... right here, right now. Keep everything in session right through Christmas and New Year's, and then throw the Democrat rascals out. Government shut down? Fine with me.

    The Dems have chosen to play "chicken" by waiting until the last moment to unleash this insanity, and I'd like for them to be rewarded with oncoming traffic coming right through their windshield.

    Anonymous (immediately above)- When we referred to B. Hussein Soetoro as a "constitutional law professor," we were doing so tongue-in-cheek...because he's claimed it on his resume, but was in fact - as you point out - simply a lecturer.


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