Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wringing In The New Year

2010 has come and gone, and here at Hope n' Change we can truthfully say to the year "don't let the screen door hit you on the way out." Seriously, the year was a complete maggot-gagger.

Which isn't to say that it wasn't without a few good moments - foremost among them being November's election returns which put Conservatives solidly back into the fight against socialism and general anti-American idiocy. And that's huge.

But for too many, the year was more of the same old, same old: no jobs, no hope, no change - while Washington went on an unprecedented spending spree. Obamacare was passed and, if fully implemented, we'll be lucky if our medical system is only crippled instead of being destroyed outright. Our nation's status in the world continued to plummet, as our enemies rushed to fill in the leadership void which was created by Barack Obama's abdication of both military might and common sense. And on, and on, and on...

Of course, none of us lives 24/7 in the world of politics...and 2010 held it's share of "real life" rough knocks for your own reasonably-humble Stilton Jarlsberg, just as it did for pretty much everyone else.


For me personally, one significant and undeniable pleasure throughout the year was the ever-growing number of readers who choose to seek out Hope n' Change Cartoons on a daily basis, and share their thoughts, insights, humor and camaraderie in the comments section (check the clickable link beneath each day's commentary).

Your presence here is a reminder that there really are a lot of us who care about the direction this country has been moving in, and that there really is a rebirth of patriotism and responsibility going on that is frightening to the mainstream media and the progressives...and a much-needed breath of fresh air for the rest of us. It's a reminder that we're a team...and, as of the most recent election, a winning team.

So Hope n' Change will be here to comment on whatever comes our way in 2011 (tongue firmly in cheek, unless stuck out at the liberals), and we hope that you'll be here too - and will invite friends to join the fun. Best wishes to you and yours in the new year!

-Stilton Jarlsberg


  1. And a very Happy New Year to you, too, and may this be the year that your elected representatives respond to your phone calls and faxes! :)

  2. God bless you and yours. The best Conservative blog/cartoon ever made. Maybe you are channeling Roy Rogers or something. Keep up the great work.

  3. Read this site EVERYDAY....keep up the good work! I've also got several friends hooked on hope n' change.

    Mr. 455

  4. Happy New Year!!!! Your comic strip is like "coffee" in the morning for me. Can't miss it!

  5. Happy New Year to you, Stilton! Your site is one I check every day...and it always gives me a smile as you make even the most unfunny situation humorous. Hope you keep poking your stick in the Left's side for a long time to come.

  6. We can always count on two things in life....the politicos will usually do the WRONG thing for the country...and HOPE N CHANGE has become a positive expression for true Americans since the inception of this page. Keep up the good work!

  7. Happy New Year to you and yours, and many, many thanks for the daily morning dose of sanity; only way I face the day!

  8. Happy New Year, Stilton. 2011 will be what we work to make it. Most likely we will never meet, but I like to consider you a friend. God bless and rock on.

  9. Happy New Years Dr. Jarlsberg!

  10. I too, read your comics every day!! They are profoundly insightful, and funny. Happy New Year, and keep up the good work!

  11. Readers- Darn it, you guys make me all misty. I've got a curmudgeonly image to protect...

  12. I'm a recently added fan. I was going to say "a big fan", but that would just remind me depressingly of the pounds that I need to lose this new year.


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