Monday, February 14, 2011

Healthy Relationship

It's Valentine's Day, and nothing says "romance" like our nation's own first couple, whom we sincerely hope don't have any "special plans" tonight which involve the Lincoln bedroom and a stovepipe hat.

We are, however, curious about whether or not the president will gift Michelle with a traditional box of chocolates. After all, last Easter the first lady replaced all of the candy at the Easter Egg Hunt with healthy fruit, in her continuing effort to give Americans "waistlines I can be proud of for the first time in my adult life."

So does he
give her chocolates, thereby showing a lack of respect for her "healthy foods" initiative...or does he skip any such calorie-dense show of affection, thereby declaring that he thinks there's a little too much junk in the first trunk? Either way, we'd like to imagine that the man in the stovepipe hat will be sleeping on a couch tonight.

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours
Hope n' Change Cartoons!


  1. Pfft. Whatever. He'll just give her jewelry. Goodness knows, the king of the world can afford such things...

  2. If he were to put her in charge of reducing the government's weight instead, we'd all be better off.

  3. If the First Lady is successful in her efforts to replace fruits and veggies with chocolate, and thereby wrecks the chocolate industry, how soon before her husband calls for massive subsidies to the chocolate industry to preserve those jobs?

  4. Good one! I laughed out loud at today's cartoon. Ever since the alleged first woman started on her tirade about healthy eating I thought, "Has she looked in the mirror lately". See for what I mean.

  5. Realizing, of course, that all commentary about the junk in her trunk is all her own fault - if she wore 'rational' outfits, it would not bear such a resemblance to 8lb of sausage in a 5lb casing...
    Then again, a full burka would go a long way toward 'improving her image'...
    Just sayin'

  6. "Plans involving the Lincoln Bedroom and a stove pipe hat" ? Thanks for the visual. I threw up in my mouth when I read that. And it's really hard to laugh with vomit in your mouth. Thanks Stilt!

  7. What is it with president's wives and the "causes" they latch onto? Exactly what were they elected to and how did they gain their expertise in those areas? Yes, the media gives them credibility, but for what reason- other than to suck up to them in hopes of gaining access to their husbands? At least Laura Bush was a schoolteacher, which kinda gave her credibility in her push to get kids to read. Even then, any parent worth a damn will urge their children to read and any parent that doesn't isn't worth a damn and you probably aren't going to guilt them into it. It's all for show and the show is really boring. I will admit that there is some comic relief in watching Michelle Thunder-thighs carp about healthy eating while half the photo ops of her hubby show him undermining everything she says. Now that's funny.

  8. Happy Friendship Day to everyone at Hope n' Change. Enjoy your crudites. Our school system changed the name of this day years ago (because he was a saint you know). No sugary party snacks neither, though that's a recent change thanks to the efforts of our first lady.

  9. ...In other news, a local D.C. Godiva Chocolatier store was beseiged by a woman crazed out of her mind screaming "Me need chocolate and me need it nowwwwww!!!" The woman was forcibly removed by several men wearing dark suits and sunglasses.

  10. I heard that she told her hubby she expects something more than flowers and candy. Her own little country somewhere, maybe?

  11. Anon - Eastern Buttsylvania, maybe?

  12. I hope he buys her an outfit that has long sleeves.


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