Saturday, February 5, 2011

Padding the Bill

They say that when you need to find something you've lost, you should look where you last remember having it. Which is why Chris Matthews' search for his missing leg tingles has led him back to Bill Clinton.

On February 21st (mark your calendars!), MSNBC presents a very, very, very special "Hardball documentary" called "President of the World," which argues the case that after leaving the presidency, Bill Clinton has become the planet's greatest international peacemaker and (in the words of Chris Matthews) a "one man Peace Corps."

Of course, this makes things a little confusing. Just who should get the credit for all of the wonderful peace we're currently experiencing throughout the world? Bill "Blue Dress" Clinton, Barack "Crackerjack Nobel Peace Prize" Obama, or maybe even Secretary of State Hillary "What Am I - Chopped Liver" Clinton?

Perhaps we'll learn the answer when we tune in Chris Matthews' big special. Unless, of course, there's anything else on television.




  1. Ricko - Tyler, TexasFebruary 5, 2011 at 6:45 AM

    Pardon me if I watch Pawn Shop reruns or something else more exciting. Chris Matthews reminds me of a calf we had one year...the sucker would follow anyone who'd scratch it behind the ear. That's how we got him to the butcher, too. Steaks were great.

  2. I'm sorry, but Obama makes me long for the Clinton years. Yeah, they were scandal plagued, but at least you could laugh at most of it.

  3. And, John, after he got his ass handed to him in the first mid-terms, he DID move to the center, quit w/ the health care and bulking up government, let the adults more or less run things and life was GOOD.

    Other, than, you know, not wakking OBL when he had the chance...

  4. Sometimes Chris Matthews ramblings come off as induced by syphilitic dementia. May he himself have been a member of Clinton's "piece corps"? Oops, never mind, I see that the word is "peace", not "piece".

  5. Does Jimmy Carter know that he's being replaced as the "one man peace corps" and "president of the world" by a man who "lusted" a little more than in his heart?

  6. February 21st? picking lint out of my navel the whole day penciled in. Wish I could reschedule, but you know how it is. Besides, since I never watch MSNBC, I doubt I could find it fast enough to overcome my boredom before I settle on a program with some southern guy casting crank bait from a bass boat.

  7. Readers- What? No one is planning to watch the show? How will we find out where this alleged "peace" has suddenly broken out?

    On the other hand, belly button lint buildup is something you don't want to get out of hand.

  8. I'll watch ... I relly liked "My Mother the Car" and haven't seen it in reruns, ever! It only ran for one season (I'm not even sure if it ran for a whole season). Jerry Van Dyke just never managed to carry a series as the star... great in supporting roles though.

  9. relly = really
    What could have caused the missing "a" in the post above. Could it have been either Global Warming or George Bush? Nope. Just me!

  10. Stilt……if we pay you the really big bucks – will take another bullet for us; watch it & let us know how it was? Oh, never mind…(we don’t have the really big bucks anyway - we work in the private sector)…how could it possibly be anything but lame & pitiful.

  11. So when will the LSM start proclaiming that Barack Hussein will eliminate typos in internet posts?

  12. BTW, does the President of the World have an office? Where is it and are the "designated Monica's" paid or all volunteers?

  13. Chuck - You must have been channeling Katherine Hepburn.

  14. SC- Sorry, but I'm ducking this particular bullet. Chris Matthews humping Clinton's leg for an hour? Even I have my limits...

    JustaJeepGuy- Obama will not eliminate Internet typos...he will tax them. And our debt will vanish overnight.

    Angry Hoosier Dad- Last I heard, the "President of the World" opened an office in Harlem, celebrating the fact that he was our first Black president. (Note: I'm not kidding)

  15. Who is Chris Matthews? And why should I care?

  16. I hear PBS has a special on at the same time entitled "The wonders of watching paint dry" so I'll be watching that instead.

  17. PBS is more likely to have a special on "The Wonders Of Barack Hussein Watching Paint Dry". I'm SO glad I don't own a TV!

    You're right, Stilt, I should have seen the obvious tax opportunity!

  18. Hey, it rhymes!

    "The wonders of watching paint dry."
    "The wonders of watching the news media die."


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