Monday, February 7, 2011

There You Go Again

It's getting increasingly difficult to spot a difference between these odd times of Hope n' Change and The Twilight Zone. How else to explain the mainstream media's sudden flurry of news reports that Barack Obama is striving to become more like Ronald Reagan?

Of course, the alleged president doesn't actually want to go so far as embracing any of Mr. Reagan's
policies, beliefs, strengths, or virtues. But he wouldn't mind borrowing some of the popularity that his own elitist socialism just hasn't generated.

So Mr. Obama is trying to emulate Ronald Reagan in more personal, less political ways. For instance, he's coloring his hair and not admitting it. He's shooting a family-friendly film comedy called
"Bedtime for Biden." He playfully joked in a news conference that he signed legislation that "banned Israel forever" and "we begin bombing in five minutes." And he's even considering funding a barrier along the Mexican border, just so he can later say "Governor Brewer, tear down this wall!"

It may seem like a lot of work, but Mr. Obama is dedicated to proving once and for all that
he has genuine matter who he has to imitate to fake it.

"You can't go wrong with 20 Mule Team Barack's!"


  1. Even Soros can't buy him leadership qualities...
    Barak's big issue is that Reagan actually WAS president, in addition to playing one on TV

  2. Oh my. First one out of the box is mean spirited. No healing words there. In the cartoon's first panel, looks like Mr. Potato Head has a black eye. Maybe Mrs. Yam has a good left jab?

    Back on topic, I'm thinking Oblahma will start saying and acting whichever way he thinks will get him re-elected in '12. He fooled those who voted for him in '08, and now he's trying to garner votes from the other side by pretending to be someone great. If he had a stove pipe hat he'd try to look like Honest Abe if it would help.

  3. Bobo:
    I read somewhere that he considered splitting rails with an axe, but the closest he could come was splitting lines of coke with a razor blade.
    Stilton: Bedtime for Biden...loved it. Obama's attempt to imitate Reagan can only result in cheap mockery and further highlight the stark differences between them.

  4. Stilton, your link, Barack Obama is striving to become more like Ronald Reagan? has an extra http?? in it and does not work. Once it is removed, the article was great.

  5. Two great articles from American thinker that sum up what we've known from the beginning...

    Obama's Boy Wonder Act Wearing Thin -

    The last three paragraphs of this article are priceless and on point.

    The Incredible Lightness of Obama -

  6. robsan19- Thanks for calling my attention to the bad link. It's now been fixed.

    Necron99- Good links!

  7. In other news, it's been reported that the First Lady checks her Soros-scope before giving policy advice to the President.

  8. During the campaign, BO was already trying to make himself out to be the next Lincoln, and now Reagan? WTF (Why The Fakeness?). He has plenty of outstanding politicians from his own party with which to compare himself. Why not Carter, LBJ, John Edwards, FDR, McGovern, Barney Frank, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Bill Ayers, Tony Resko....?

    What is sickening? There are millions of liberals out there who hated Reagan, but will now say Reagan was the second greatest president ever. Grrrr... you can lead a stupid person to water, but you can't make them think.

  9. Wonder what Obama thinks of the over 111 million viewers getting to see George W. Bush live from Super Bowl XLV? This year's game was the most watched tv program EVER. George and Laura looked great as usual and were a sight for sore eyes.

  10. Bobo,

    Barack Hussein didn't fool ALL of the people who voted or him. Way too many people voted for him simply because of the color of his skin. Had a black conservative run against him, Baracky Fife would be nothing but a vague memory. Or a punchline for a joke--oh, wait...

  11. Oh, man, where do I go to pay my typo tax? that should be "...people who voted FOR him..."


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