Thursday, February 3, 2011

We're Off To See The Blizzard

Readers, it's no joke. Here in the editorial offices of Hope n' Change, severe winter weather is causing rolling power outages which play hob (hob, we tell you!) with computer and Internet service.

Moreover, there's no guarantee that the next rolling power outage might not last a lot longer and prevent our posting an original cartoon on schedule. And if you're reading this, that's probably what happened.

Rest assured that Hope n' Change will be back as soon as possible with more pithy political commentary and painful (but constitutionally protected) puns!


  1. Freeze Peach? Do we export them to Egypt?
    Seriously Stilt, that had me rolling - nice start to a potentially grim day.
    No blackouts here, and we 'only' got 2/3 the 18" they were warning us about, but that's plenty, I tell ya!

  2. I'm sorry, but that one went over my head. "Freeze Peach"? What is that?????

  3. Free Speech. Stilton is one for puns.

  4. Freeze Peach = Free Speech

  5. We had a 30/30 bright and sunny day in central Arizona. The temp was in the 30's and the wind was blowing strong at 30 mph, but it was "bright and sunny." I wore a T-shirt, shorts and tennies with a light windbreaker. Thought about going for a swim.

    Freeze peach lets me say "it will be chile today, hot tamale and a little nippy in Japan."

    You folks in cold country stay warm and dry.

  6. Four degrees above zero here in northern Indiana this morning, but the sun is shining and that beats the hell out of the 18-20 inches of snow I shoveled off my driveway and sidewalk yesterday.
    Someone should beat Algore over the head with a snow shovel. Whatcha think, Suzy, you up for that?

  7. Readers- I'd apologize for today's pun, but frankly I like a talking peach with an attitude. Meanwhile, electrical service seems to have stabilized around here, so I don't foresee a problem with getting back to politics tomorrow. Although frankly, it is sort of relaxing just to chat about the weather for a change...

  8. ok i just about swallowed my tongue on that one, very good!

  9. Chat about the weather - might as well, can't do anything about that, either!

    Seriously, yesterday not so bad, here - mostly everyone stayed home, worked from home, those of us who could. Snow not THAT deep, but heavy - freezing rain (and thunderstorm!) overnight probably helped w/ both. But hey, it's Feb - we didn't get buried, didn't get ice storm (had enough of that while living in TX, Thank you!)so it was all good.
    Stock up on beer and chips, have a nice snow day.
    And today, all back to normal!

  10. Thanks Earl and Chuck, I just didn't say it fast enough I guess. Appreciate the help. I stumbled upon this site a couple of months ago and now it is one of my daily required stops. But I'm watching the "follower" counter and I want to be #350!

  11. Robert, like you, I stumbled upon this site (but it was about a year and a half ago). After following it for a few days, I went back in the archive, started at the beginning, and read them all (just the comics/commentary, not the comments, but it still look several days). Since then it has been a daily must for me! The only reason I’m not an "official" follower is that I don’t have an account with any of those sites … but I most certainly am “follower” of Hope n’ Change!

    On the topic of weather: 38 degrees, 68 percent humidity and raining here. Welcome to a February day in Georgia where General Beauregard Lee did NOT see his shadow yesterday, so we are supposed to get an early spring!

  12. robert- Glad you're here! And you know, the quickest way for you to be follower 350 is to tell two of your friends about the site and have them follow too!

  13. Suzy,

    Al may be an idiot, but he is a filthy rich idiot. I wonder if he can sleep at night, though. I hope not.


    Punny!!! Now, how about some whirled peas.

  14. Colby - Whirled peas got a big laugh out of me.

  15. Colby_Muenster- So all you are saying is give peas a chance?

  16. I love you guys - I have to have my dose of HnC; comments, too.

    Brown-out’s..OMG - however will we charge up our little electric cars?

    Not an original, but, a classic...
    It’s so cold in Chgo, I saw a democrat with his hands in his own pockets

  17. Chuck- Glad you took the time to look in the archives. There are over 700 cartoons in there, and the number is growing daily.

    Let me also remind everyone that in the left column, there's a little search box that says "Search Cartoons By Topic." You can enter keywords and almost instantly get a list of cartoons from the past two years that match your query. It's a quick and easy way to track the progress of various issues and personalities who have appeared here.

    SC- Glad you're a regular here! And the line about the Democrats is a classic!


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