Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hnc Vault: Obama Osama

Originally published June 7, 2009

As Obama and Osama compete for media attention in the Muslim world, you just know things like this are bound to happen.

Update 3/26/11

Early on in his alleged presidency, it seemed like everyone was confusing the names of Osama and Obama. But now, over two years later...well, people are still getting them mixed up.

Especially members of Al Qaeda who are now fighting alongside the rebels in Libya, while the United States provides air cover and clears the way for them by attacking ground targets.

Having two commanding officers with such similar names could create dangerous confusion on the battlefield, but fortunately the jihadists have found an easy way to differentiate between the two leaders.

If they refer to "He who can grow a beard," everyone knows which one they're talking about.


  1. Wow, that is so funny, and scary at the same time. Good stuff.

  2. These archive weekends are a scary reminder that even short-term history repeats itself. I wish it'd stop....

  3. I'll bet Obama could grow a beard...if Michelle told him to.

  4. It's pretty rare that anything here will be only's usually "funny and scary" or "funny and sad" or "funny and aggravating." These things just go together like, well, "hope and change."

    @Suzy- It's interesting (and as usual, a bit depressing) to go back in the archives and see that nothing has changed for the better in two years, and that the same games are being played, and same lies being told.

    @Angry Hoosier Dad- Heck, he could grow yams if she told him to!

  5. @AHD ... nah! first, he would grow the beard. then he'd get the idea to wear the "head towel". then 'mysteriously' there would be a lot more locked doors around the White House. come to think of it, that could be kinda funny

  6. The only difference between oBama and oSama is BS...

  7. Still funny neocontards?

  8. @AnonymAss- Yes, as a matter of fact it's even funnier than before! For the past several days, virtually every newsman on TV and radio has managed to get the names (and at times, the policies) of Obama and Osama confused. The one who's been hiding from America? Sorry, could be either one. The one with the hole in his head? Doesn't help unless we know if its figurative or literal. Enemy of America? Sorry, could still be either guy. Wants to please Muslims? No tiebreaker there.

    So yes, the Obama/Osama confusion continues to be a rib-tickler. Thanks for asking!


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