Sunday, March 6, 2011

HnC Vault: You Want A Peace Of Me?

October 10, 2010
- It was exactly one year ago that Barack Hussein Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize - not because of anything he'd done, but because hopes were so high that he would create peace with his promises to speak reasonably and without preconditions to any politicians in the world, including blood-drenched anti-American lunatics.

Now, Obama's "year to create peace" has passed...and not only has the
world gone to hell in a handbasket, but the president and his administration are now personally threatening politicians in our own capitol with physical violence.

Vice president Joe Biden told an audience that "if I hear one more Republican tell me about balancing the budget, I'm going to strangle them."

Not to be outdone, Barack Obama has declared that "a Republican majority in Congress would mean hand-to-hand combat for the next two years."

Of course, the Republicans aren't exactly
worried about these threats, which can only be compared to being warned of a potential ass-kicking from Pee-Wee Herman and Barney Fife.

Meanwhile, the Nobel Prize Committee is undoubtedly and justifiably embarrassed by their gullibility in believing the president's meaningless promises. Which is why
next year's peace prize should be for "No Bull."

When the going gets tough, getting tough gets hilarious.

Update 3/6/11 - In selecting cartoons for these weekend retrospectives, I try to make them relevant to recent stories. This week, one of those stories which didn't get much coverage was about a Wisconsin State Representative - a Democrat - who turned to a female Republican colleague after she voted in favor of a budget-balancing bill and said: "You're fucking dead!"

Not exactly the sort of rhetoric politicians are supposed to be using following Jared Lee Loughner's shooting spree in Tucson, and Barack Obama's suggestion that we use "words that heal rather than wound."

Of course, as the original cartoon points out, Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden were only too happy to suggest (or perhaps even instigate) physical violence for their political opponents before their recent (and not entirely believable) change of heart.




  1. And the world continues its descent.

  2. Chuck- For what it's worth, the extreme ugliness and anger on the Left might be taken as an encouraging sign. They're increasingly scared because their old tricks aren't working like they used to.

  3. I always find it interesting what does NOT make news headlines. If a Republican had said that to anyone, let alone a Democrat, it would have been front page news for three months.

    And then the left would like to point fingers at all the "angry hate-mongering religious bigots" in the "tea party".... *rolling eyes*

  4. If ever there was an example of putting the cart before the horse's ass, the Nobel Prize Committee takes, prize.
    It used to be that Nobel prizes were awarded for things that people had actually done and not for those things you hope they will do. Of course, with Nobel prizes going to murderous scum (Arafat) and opportunistic con men (Gore), the precendent for reducing the Nobel Peace Prize to meaningless fluff has already been set.

  5. Once again, we witness an example of how "civility" and "restraint" is only intended to apply to the right. Compare and contrast the media portrayal of the pro-union protesters in WI to that of the Tea Party, real or imagined.

    To my conservative friends, I again say "accept it". We are expected to live up to a higher standard. Don't complain, but revel in it. What they don't realize is that they are setting a standard that they are incapable of meeting, but that we are. And that is why they are now so frustrated; they hyperbole isn't sticking anymore. Those who might have been confused in the past are now seeing the light, and those who were living in the mud now realize they are stuck in it.

  6. Suzy - "angry hate-mongering religious bigots" sounds more like a Muslim Brotherhood rally...
    but maybe that's just me

  7. John the Econ- You're right that Conservatives are held to different and higher standards, and additionally correct that we need to embrace that. A return to higher standards is part and parcel of what we stand for.

  8. Pete, I guess I've just seen, for instance on chat boards on Fox News, liberals who think conservatives are indeed just hateful Bible thumpers who are racist and blind.....

  9. (Sorry I got distracted...I meant blind to the philosophies that Democrats love and promote)

  10. Suzy, that just demonstrates how truly ignorant most of them really are. They assume that we're all just ignorant bible-thumping Fox/Limbaugh/Hannity robots because that's what most of them really are.


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