Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ships Happen

At long last, American warships are heading toward Libya following a strongly worded statement that, if necessary, military action would be taken to protect the Libyan people.

Of course, that statement didn't come from Barack Hussein came from UK Prime Minister David Cameron, and we assume that the U.S. is subsequently sending ships either out of embarrassment at being shown up by the British, or to position our forces to strike against the English over the whole "no invitation to the royal wedding" thing.

After all, Barack Obama has still not called out Muammar Gaddafi by name in a public forum, although his office did send out a press release claiming that he'd trash talked the Libyan dictator while having a private phone chat with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and is considering "de-friending" him on Facebook.

But surely the repositioning of American ships in the region is indicative of the alleged president's alleged resolve - right?

Maybe yes, maybe no. After all, Mr. Obama has been saying that the United States needs to follow the UN's leadership and wisdom in this matter. But the UN recently added Libya to their "Human Rights Council" and, until recently, was preparing to issue a report heaping praise on Libya for their dedication to human rights.

So will Obama end up following Cameron, or following the UN? Either way, with all of the ships in our Navy, we're still lacking the most important one. Leadership.



  1. THAT ship sailed ages ago, Stilt.
    One thing about W - you typically knew where he stood. Not to always agree w/ him, but you knew his position.

  2. Barack Obama straightens in his chair behind the Resolute Desk; a ring of white powder oulining his left nostril. With bloodshot eyes he looks up at his chief of staff and says "this presidentin thing is a stone bitch, man". A Secret Service agent stands outside the Oval Office door. Unnoticed, a single tear runs down his cheek.

  3. Stilton, Pete and Angry Hoosier Dad- You all nailed it. I have nothing to add.

  4. THIS GUY sending ships anywhere is a bad idea. A REAL BAD IDEA!

  5. Pete(Detroit) you got it partly right about George Bush. Not only did you know his position, HE knew it too and believed in it, as opposed to the mealy mouth we have in office now.

  6. Shifting fleet assets towards Libya means shifting fleet assets away from the eastern Med. Hmm.

  7. And two new players in this game of 'Battleship', the two Iranian warships that crossed the Suez and are now in the Med.

    Libyan refugees overwhelming the borders trying to escape the madness. Destabilization dominoes.

  8. Except with Obama's version of Battleship, he winds up saying, "I sunk my battleship."

    Commander in Cheese

  9. post racial socialist utopia-FAILMarch 2, 2011 at 2:04 PM

    Calypso Louie Farakhan won't like that if Obamber messes with his homeboy Moummar.

  10. You're right Jazz, shifting those ships west leaves Israel and the entire eastern Med open to those 2 Iranian ships. Do any of the morons in this administration (outside the Pentagon) remember them? Not that Obama will give a damn if Israel gets shelled. He'll probably be dancing in the Oval Office. Every night I pray "Dear God, Please let us get to November 2012 safely and as soon as possible." It is my great fear that our enemies will not waste the months until then. Why should they, when they are being aidded and abbetted by the traitor in the White House?

  11. Readers- Good comments! And you certainly touch on my great fear, too: that this president is simply not up to the task of commanding our military. Not strategically, and not ideologically.

  12. SJ--

    ... and I'd REALLY have a problem following his tactics in battle!


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