Friday, April 1, 2011

What a Difference a Day Makes

Today is April Fool's day...a day in which average people tell flagrant lies, play cruel pranks and practical jokes, raise people's hopes and then send them crashing, and similarly spend 24 hours acting exactly like politicians.

But imagine how great it would be if we could somehow turn the tables and force Barack Obama and other politicians to comply with normal standards of truth and honesty for the other 364 days a year!

Elections would actually mean voting for someone who really represents your values and is clear about his or her agenda. America's word in the world would mean something again. And Americans of all ethnicities and economic levels might actually be united by facing real and undeniable truths and challenges together (like, "Sorry! The government spent all the money years ago!") instead of being deliberately divided with cynical and well-calculated lies coming from our alleged leaders.

It's a lovely thought, isn't it? And just for today, April Fool's Day, Hope n' Change would like to believe that someday it could actually happen.

We're foolish that way.

Another good clue that March ended yesterday.


  1. AF Czar - dude, you are TOO funny...

  2. So what does the AF Czar do the other 364 days of the year for his paycheck?

    (Oh bad...the same thing Obama does for golf and go on vacation.)

  3. We are being played for fools every day, so the AF Czar is actually quite buzy all year long. We are never actually told we've been had, as is the norm for an April Fools joke, we just know it!

  4. In case some missed it, it was also announced by the money czar that a new dollar coin is to replace the bill. It will have that Michelle picture on the obverse, and "United States Proud of Me." Obama's logo will be on the reverse. It will say "In the God of Government We Trust." There will be small chip over her shoulder at the edge of the coin and it will be worth 93 cents. Anyone with more than 20 on them will be required to give the surplus away.

  5. Jim, for the first time one of your posts made me laugh out loud. Thanks!

  6. Jim you are hilarious!!!! Although I thought it was going to just simply say "In Me I Trust".

  7. This post almost makes me think you have someone like Chris Christie on your mind ;)

  8. @Jim Hlavac- I think I read about that new dollar coin. It will cost $3 each to make them.

  9. Joseph:
    I don't know who Stilton had on his mind, but Chris Christie wan't even on my radar...and God knows he's got one helluva radar signature. I won't say who I'm rooting for that meets Stilton's standards but I pray for her safety daily and stand ready to work my considerable backside off for her the moment she announces.

  10. Jim,
    That was a real knee slapper, especially the chip on the shoulder bit. I wonder, will this coin be made from iron pyrite? It would only be fitting.

  11. Pyrite - oh HELLS yes!
    (if you don't get it, google it)

  12. The new coins will cost $3 to make, but Joe Biden will tell us that we'll save money by minting them in volume.

  13. Ya know, if you keep those coins tires inflated and give them a regular tune-up you'll get more out of them too.
    Just another tip from yer Uncle Bob.

  14. Angry Hoosier Dad, you and I are definitely on the same page. Just shows you how desperate we are for anybody to come along with a little spine against this disgusting corruption that even a RINO like Chris Christie would even be a passing consideration. Like you, I pray too and will do anything I can on her behalf. She's the anti-Obama and the only choice we can make.


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