Monday, May 2, 2011

And Justice For All


  1. May each of Usama's 72 virgins awaiting him each give him a different STD with only Creton to spread on his body as he burns in hell for all eternity.

    God bless the United States of America and our military!

  2. May he roast in pieces....

  3. Sorry, my answer had to be short up there, I had something in my eye. It was the title that did it.

    Let all Americans, and indeed, all good people the world over, celebrate. One of the greatest villains we have ever faced is dead. I know this isn't the end, and the side-effects here are worth reconsidering but not NOW. Now is a time for happiness.

  4. Queen said it best:

    "and another one gone, another one gone. And another one bites the dust."

  5. Not only have we finally killed the mastermind of 9/11 but Barak Obama FINALLY took responsibility for something. He's not responsible for the economy, unemployment, spiraling debt, skyrocketing gas and food prices or anything else he can possibly blame on Bush; so I think to be fair we should also give the credit to our last President for one of the only good things to happen while this moron is pretending to be president.

  6. Angry Hoosier DadMay 2, 2011 at 5:16 AM

    I believe that for the past 9+ years he's awakened each day wondering if that would be his last. He finally got his answer. I hope he had time to see it coming. Rot in hell, OBL.

  7. Ding Dong the witch is dead!!!

    Now....about that mosque at Ground Zero.......

  8. Ricko -Tyler, TexasMay 2, 2011 at 6:14 AM

    Pardon me, appears a little Old Testament Justice has been handed out. Now, bury the SOB with a large Virginia Ham, 10 lbs of Texas BBQ'd Pulled pork and a side order of Baby Back Ribs...that should just about do. May God Bless the men who carried this out as well as our men and women in the field. It ain't over.

  9. No Obama bashing (today at leat) from me since he authorized the attack that killed Bin Laden. But I just read his speech in the news paper announcing the death and it sure reads as if it was written by a Bush speechwriter. Nice to see some crowds gathered at Bush's house in Dallas to share the joy with him.

  10. Hot damn! Osama killed and Obama actually accomplished something. If that isn't worth celebrating, what is?

  11. I'll tell ya one thing for sure, the SEAL that got him isn't going to have to buy a beer for the rest of his life.

  12. @Bobo:

    May I suggest that each of Osama's 72 virgins have PMS for all eternity...

    As a Navy veteran, all I can say is GO NAVY!!!

  13. Obama said Bush was wrong for having not pulled out troops. I wish Bush could have direct credit for this kill.

    I commend the Navy Seals for a job WELL DONE!!!! And I hope Obama is happy that something Bush started and Obama and the military followed through on is going to be a huge good thing for his campaign resume as well as pull up his falling polls.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad he's gone....maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed...but I can't stand it that Obama just earned the credit for the kill that Bush tried for years to get done and took a lot of flack for at times.

    I do suggest the world forgive some US debt in thanks for the favor we just did them all....the world always expects things from us with nothing in return....

    (Yikes I am cranky today, aren't I!!!!! Great job, USA military!)

  14. PS: Great job, Stilt...I pulled up HnC before I pulled up Fox News this am....haha.

  15. i couldn't have put it better.

    congratualtions to both bush and obama.

  16. Bravo and Amen to all of the above!

    Special mention to Ricko from Tyler, Texas. Similar to him, my first thought was that we should anoint OBL with bacon, ham, and pig entrails, and then dump what's left into a Port-A-Potty at Ground Zero so we can all 'vent' on his carcass for years to come.

    Must be a Texas thing...

  17. And now my brother-in-law, a NYC Fireman last seen on the 31st Floor of the WTC on 9/11 -- and not a piece of him ever found -- can truly R.I.P. This wasn't just justice for all, which is good. But justice for my family, which is fantastic. It wasn't business for us, it was always personal.

    And so the murderer of my niece and nephew's father is dead. Hallelujah.

    (And nice that Obama finally said something nice about Bush -- and gave a speech where his own wonderfulness wasn't the topic.)

  18. @Readers- What a day, and what a mix of emotions. I couldn't possibly be prouder of our military people who pulled this off...and I relish the idea that the reported 40 minute firefight gave Osama plenty of time to know that he was about to die.

    I watched Obama's speech live, and have to admit that it was the first time he ever sounded presidential to me. And for 24 hours, I'm holding off on criticism about him... although I agree with Earl that it sounded like much of the speech might have been waiting in President Bush's desk drawer on the day Obama moved into the Oval Office.

    As Jim Hlavac reminds us, the hunt for Bin Laden was personal for every American. We didn't all lose direct family members on 9/11, as he did, but we all suffered inconceivable loss. We lost America as it had been, and would never be again.

    I've been watching the news reports with the cheering crowds, celebrations and fist-pumps, and I resonate with the joy of the revelers but my own feelings are quieter.

    I feel the weight and sadness of 9/11 all over again...but I also feel closure, a satisfying sense of pure vengeance, and a renewed hope that the execution of Osama bin Laden, and the casting of his bullet-ridden corpse into the sea, will help heal a decade-deep wound in our national spirit.

  19. Stilton. I just heard on the radio that Obama's death photos show a large hole above his left eye with blood and brains oozing out. Your placement of the "twin towers" wounds in today's cartoons was profound. And dead accurate.

  20. But there have been more than one Osama impersonator in his various video messages. Also, after we attacked Tora Bora, there were no messages for a while, and then only audio messages (probably from an Arab Rich Little).

    The REAL, ORIGINAL Osama is under several million tons of rock in what used to be Tora Bora.

    Whoever they did kill should have had his mouth stuffed with LARD and his stinking corpse buried in a grave full of PIG ENTRAILS.

  21. Ok on to the next one on the list!

  22. Personally, I hope the navy coated him with about an inch thick coating of lard before they threw him overboard. Now...... lets get that little prick in Yemen.

  23. Feed him to pigs, let the pigs star in a bbq
    for the troops - MmmmmMMMm!
    Good eatin'

  24. Military should have done THIS as to keep future asshats from getting ideas & DETERRING them doing it again:

    Fire his naked ass backwards, out of a cannon barrel just slathered with bacon grease, straight into a spiked wall of flaming pig shit.

  25. Burial at sea? Why?
    How did those choppers travel the 800+ mile to the USS Vinson to deliver OBL's body??
    Choppers just flew into Pakistani air-space? Really? It's Pakistan not Guatemala.
    Flew in from where? It sure as hell wasn't a ship 800 + miles away.
    I believe he's dead and I'm glad, but the story-line doesn't add-up.

  26. Doc, I think it was a good speech written by a speechwriter of course, and he will probably get a good bump in the pools (argh!)...remember the bump in Tuscon, but it didnt last, this one won't either.

    On to the next one is right! When America takes care of business it comes out right! We are the greatest nation in the world with the greatest warriors and this time we acted like it!!!


    and we really didnt need Obama's puss on that late at night on a weekend!

  27. While feeling great satisfaction that one monster has been removed from influencing the world, it reminds me that Bin Laden's attack on the World Trade Center failed to bring down American Economic Life; it took the morphing of the majority of both houses -both parties- of the United States of America's own legislative branch, into progressives and "useful idiots", to accomplish the destruction that Al-Quaeda did not. I also notice two presidencies that asked the public, rather than go on a 'war footing', to just do whatever the nice people placed in authority tell you to do. Follow instructions: it's for your own good (Hi, I'm from the Government. I'm here to help").
    There are so many assaults on common sense going on at once, and piling on daily, that impeachment and purging of appointees, nefarious agendas, etc. seems more urgent each week. I'm hoping something big will break somewhere. Maybe I don't have a good feel for it, but it seems the defense of the Nation is creepingly slow and only REactive. Some weeks, it seems reduced to merely arguing with trolls on the conservative blogs. So much so that I fear an awakening at some point that the 'ship has sailed'.

  28. Hallelujah. American troops: world's finest. Well done. God bless you all.

    During their successful war against jihadists in the 19th Century, the British Army let it be known they were burying enemy Muslim dead with, yes, pork. This was credited with demoralizing the enemy and accelerating British success against a "savage and backwardly superstitious people".

  29. Late in weighing in due to work responsibilities and WAY TOO MUCH LIKKER in celebration. (Whiskey is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy!)




    OOHRAH AIR FORCE who no doubt told the Paki authorities in that town that they could either stay inside or open their door as the last act of their miserable lives!


    I will now take another shot in honor of all those who have gived the last full measure of devotion. Press on, friends.

  30. I'm sorry. Forgive me friends. HOW HOT IS IT DOWN THERE TONIGHT, USAMA!? WHOOP!

  31. @Doktor Paulie- There's never a need to apologize for having style. Cheers!

  32. @Joaquin:

    Ever notice those long sticks poking out of the front of the choppers? Those are called REFUELING PROBES. With probe-and-drogue refueling choppers can refuel other choppers.

    800 miles is just a hop around the block...

  33. @ Stilt @ Dok - and some have more class in their style than others.
    Self definitely included.
    >tips hat<

    Having listened to 'saner' talking heads on the radio today, it makes sense that the well deserved corpse was treated w/ some dignity and the trappings of respect. We're going to catch enough crap for this as it is. Why piss off the entire Muslim community when it's only a fraction (2%? 10? 20?) that are really, literally, up in arms to kill us. I mean, hell, at 1.5B of 'em, even 2% is 30M, and that's already a cubi-metric buttload of folks that would prefer us to stop breathing. 20% would be 300M, and that's roughly the entire population of the USA - don't let's get 'em all torqued up at once, eh?

  34. @Pete: There's something behind that, though. I rarely like anything written on IotW, but they said something today that rung true in regards to the muslim problem. Everyone is trying to tell us that Bin Laden was not an islamic leader. So if that's true, who would we offend by just tossing him in a ditch? Surely the "good muslims" don't WANT their religion identified with such a monster of a man - why would they care? They should be offended that we DID bury him the way we did!

    The sad truth is, Bin Laden is popular. The average middle eastern muslim - the "everymuslim", I mean - is not a mass-murder, he doesn't like killing civilians, he thinks that that is wrong. But if you asked him about Al Qaeda, or Bin Laden, his comments would veer towards the positive regardless. Religious theocracy, opression, and great PR has caused him to become their Robin Hood. The ones that openly denounce him and his practices are great, but they are in a minority, partly because of the things I mentioned and partly because, well, what do you think happens to middle easterns muslims who openly denounce Al Qaeda?

    Until THAT problem is fixed, we'll never have a true ending to this fight. But this death was a great start, and I truly believe we are witnessing the beginning of the end. A couple of decades from now, Al Qaeda will be a joke - only they will take themselves seriously. That is the way I feel about it tonight.

    (And FTR, Obama...did...good. He gave the order, it got done, and he gave a damn fine speech about it later on. First thing I've approved of his whole presidency. If he keeps going in this direction of actually getting shit done...but let's not wish for miracles here).

  35. @Pete(Detroit)- As much as it rubs me the wrong way to hear that Osama's corpse was treated with respect (or at least feigned respect) it makes sense for the very reasons you're talking about. There would be nothing gained, and much lost, if the world was given images showing the same kind of savagery we decry in Al Qaeda.

    All that being said, I think it's imperative that we all see the photo or photos of OBL after his skull had been OBLiterated.

    @James- Well said, and hopefully this IS a good start. And while you're not going to be finding much effusive praise for Barack Obama on this site, I have to join you in saying that it appears he "did good" here. He okayed the mission, and if it had gone south there could have been political hell to pay. And I actually thought his speech was pretty good, even though it was riddled with references to "I," "me," and "my." Since Osama's body was freshly bullet-riddled, I was willing to overlook the president's self-aggrandizement.

  36. In Re "the first time he(Obama) has DONE anything" - I think it's actually the 2nd. He also ordered the execution of the Somali Pirates. Hmmm, also using Seals, if I recall correctly?
    Just sayin'...

  37. "Ever notice those long sticks poking out of the front of the choppers? Those are called REFUELING PROBES. With probe-and-drogue refueling choppers can refuel other choppers.

    800 miles is just a hop around the block..."

    And this all took place over Pakistani air space? Oh ok............

  38. We cannot gain justice in the face of a atrocity of this size. If we could capture and kill every person involved in the attacks it would not be justice. Those thousands of our citizens would still be dead, the families that lost their relatives would still be mourning, we would still be dealing with the aftermath.

    There could be no justice in this life for what he did. If we could resurrect him over and over and make him die burning, jumping, screaming like his victims, it still would not be justice. It is beyond our reach. If there is justice, it will be meted out by a higher power than us. We're done with him.

    There is still a war to fight, against whatever name you'd like to call the threat. It won't be just either, it will only be war, and we will win or lose.

  39. @Pete(Detroit)- I believe that the order to shoot the Somali pirates was the first and, until Monday, ONLY time I've found anything good to say about Obama. And if I recall correctly, it later turned out that Obama was furious about the shooting of the Somali pirates, and took some revenge on the Navy Seals later when two were accused of punching a guy in the nose. So the FIRST time I said something nice about Obama...I was wrong. We'll see in the coming days and weeks whether the president was really behind the mission to exterminate bin Laden...or if he simply had no other options.

    @ASM826- I couldn't agree with you more. When I titled this cartoon "And Justice For All," I certainly wasn't implying that the death of Osama made everything all nice and even. Far, far from it. But the bastard's execution was a stepping stone on the path of justice, and that's at least a starting point.

  40. I've read that Obama tried to vote "present" again in regard to offing Osama. Every time he tried to give the okay, Valerie Jarrett told him not to, and so eventually, Leon Panetta made the attack happen and Obama just went along for the ride. Real presidential there, Barry...


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