Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Obama Sutra - 99¢ Till Monday!

Readers: Just a gentle reminder that the 99¢ introductory price for the eVersion of "The Obama Sutra - An Illustrated Guide to 57 States of Ecstasy" will be going up on Monday.

The eBook is readable on any Kindle or on any computer or smartphone which uses the free Kindle reader app from Amazon. If you've been thinking about picking the book up for 99¢ (or gifting it to your favorite liberals) this is the weekend to do it! And of course, the print version is still an excellent choice for a "secret Santa" gift guaranteed to create chaos at any office party.

Initial sales have been terrific and I want to thank all of you. Next week, I'll be starting the hard work of promoting the book in other venues (don't worry - there won't be any interruption of cartoons and commentary here at
Hope n' Change). Your Facebook posts and tweets spreading the word continue to be much appreciated, and I'd be additionally grateful for more reviews on the Amazon page!


  1. Linked

  2. I got mine, ordered from createspace, yesterday! That's pretty fast time from order to delivery! Now, onto my discovery of ever deeper levels of ineptitude or treasonous treachery - depending on your point of view!

  3. @Reaganite Republican - Thank you, sir! Much obliged!

    @Emmentaler- That was fast! The ink was probably still wet! Hope you enjoy it - and thank you!

  4. Just updated my comment on Amazon (#3).

    Great work Stilton!

  5. got my computers running and put your book up

  6. @conservativeBC- Many thanks, I greatly appreciate it!
