Thursday, March 1, 2012

Andrew Breitbart

Hope n' Change is devastated to learn that Andrew Breitbart, only 43 years old, has passed away from natural causes. And just when we needed him most.

In a truly unprecedented way, Breitbart turned journalism on its head in order to break through the suffocating Left-wing bias of the mainstream media. Indeed, he introduced the use of "asymmetrical warfare" to fight Liberals...they had the media and the money, he had the brains and balls.

And importantly, he had a sense of humor almost as expansive as his sense of patriotism.

Hopefully, Breitbart's special brand of journalism will live on in his many creations (, BigHollywood, BigGoverment, BigJournalism, and BigPeace), and his courage to speak out in defense of our country and our Constitution will continue to be expressed by the millions of people he reached on a daily basis.

He was one of a kind, and he will be terribly missed.


UPDATE: In trying to find some way (any way) to cope with my feelings and the new reality of a world without Breitbart, this clip from the end of the great film "Mister Roberts" kept coming to mind.

It's very easy to imagine that the brave and outspoken Mister Roberts was Andrew Breitbart; the ship's obnoxious and dictatorial captain is Barack Obama (and his entire corrupt team of politicians and media syncophants).

And Ensign Pulver...? Well,we're all Ensign Pulver now.



  1. SJ,
    Your job and mine just got a little bit harder and a lot more important. God bless Andrew Breitbart. He was no less a fighter than the brave men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in defense of freedom.

    Now I'm really pissed.


  2. Well, if this were long ago, I'd suspect poison. But man, what a way to wreck one's day, to find out one of the good leaders of the cause against big government is no more.

  3. mlester101- I'm blown out of my shoes by this loss...still in a daze. All I want to do today is mourn, but Breitbart won't let me: somehow, I'm going to have to produce a cartoon and commentary for tomorrow and be angry, sad, truthful, and funny at the same time. Damn, he set the bar high.

    As you say, Breitbart's death makes it more important for ALL of us to speak out, speak up, and stop taking crap and lies from the Left. Not just cartoonists and journalists, but everyone.

    Find your voice. Use it. And don't be afraid to call "bullshit!" when you're being lied to.

  4. @drjim- Although I've concentrated on Breitbart's importance as a conservative and journalist, the loss is even more devastating to his family. They are very much in my heart today.

    @Jim Hlavac- I'm not going to jump on any conspiracy theories, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that my mind hasn't gone there a time or two. He was so young and so hated by those who are so powerful. Right now, for my own peace of mind, I've got to assume that he truly died of natural causes. But I'm also hoping he has the most thorough autopsy in history.

  5. RIP my Brother.

    The world is already a little less bright.

  6. I'm devastated and shocked and beside myself with grief. I pray for his family and that his work will live on so that his dream of burying the lame-stream media can be fulfilled. Without a free press, we have no freedom, and right now, the major media outlets are nothing more than propaganda spreaders for the loony-left.

  7. This saddens me greatly, but also makes me angry to imagine how many lefties were doing a little fist pump when they heard the news. They are probably already breaking out the champagne at Acorn.

    The first thoughts to go through my brain were along the lines of Jim's, but for his family's sake, I hope Andrew can be laid to rest peacefully without the horrors of an autopsy.

  8. Apparently he had a history of serious cardiac problems. He showed us the way.

  9. @WMD- The world is less bright today (in several senses). But Breitbart was a provocateur in the best way, and his work can continue if we all try to carry part of the load.

    @Chuck- Many days I feel like the collapse of journalism in this country is the single greatest danger. Bad politicians will always try to ram through what they can, but with an increasingly ignorant voting public, we can never effect change. Breitbart was instrumental in creating the "new media" which is now the only real "news media" we have left.

    @Colby- Undoubtedly, there is a lot of joy on the Left today. For the truly demented in that camp (and their name is Legion), Breitbart's blood is probably as sweet as that of aborted children. (And yeah, I am in a bad frickin' mood, in case no one has noticed).

    @TheOldMan- Breitbart showed us that a man with a bad heart can still succeed when fighting those with no hearts at all.

  10. Such sad news.

    My condolences to his family and friends.

    He will be greatly missed.

  11. First of all, thoughts and prayers to his family.

    Stilt, re: your reply to Chuck: "Many days I feel like the collapse of journalism in this country is the single greatest danger."

    Spot on. Going forward without Andrew, it might be appropriate to keep in mind an old Jewish proverb:

    “I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.”

    Keep the faith...

  12. I too was shocked when I saw this piece this morning...and am grateful for how he spoke up and so proud of a real American Patriot! Just like all you guys and gals on here!

    Thanks, Andrew

  13. The first thing I heard from a friend this morning was "I wonder what he was about to expose."

    We may never know the truth.

    Stilt, you have summed up our feelings completely with the Mr. Roberts analogy. Thank you.

    Godspeed, Andrew. Heaven just welcomed another warrior for truth.

  14. He was Conservatism's truth-seeking missile. The baton has been passed. To the rest of us. I hung what I think is a fitting tribute to the happy warrior on my humble little blog. Feel free to go check it out.

  15. @ Gary Stone - I heard an audio clip today of Andrew telling CPAC just a very short time ago, that he had some video of Obama from his college days and that he (Obama) was finally about to get vetted. Makes me wonder...

  16. Belated condolences to his family. I have to believe that someone will step up and continue the fight, in their own way, against the tyranny of the left. There may never be another Breitbart, but the end of his human existence doesn't mean the end of truth. It just reminds us of our own responsibility to seek out and disseminate the truth, wherever we are and in any way we can. And yes, I'd be looking for traces of Brucine (assuming it's traceable).

  17. WHAT?! Crimony! This is terrible. With Andrew Breitbart, a beacon of truth has been extinguished. RIP.

  18. I definitely hope the autopsy is done right, and the results are released in full.

    Obama is acquainted with TOO many people who have "known things" and they have ended up dead.

    Not accusing, and no conspiracy...but just sayin'.

  19. @CenTexTim- "Broader shoulders." That's great, and I thank you for sharing.

    @Gary Stone- Theoretically, Breitbart was going to show video of Obama in the company of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn during his college years, making his political beliefs unambiguously clear. I just hope that video still comes out.

    @Jim- I liked your tribute and tried to post a small comment, but the "captcha" feature ("fill in these two unintelligible LSD-warped words!") tripped me up. So I either failed to post a message, or posted it about 11 times. I increasingly feel like an Old Dog with No Tricks.

    @Angry Hoosier Dad- I hope that Andrew Breitbart died of natural causes, and I hope Heaven and Earth will be moved to look for any evidence of foul play. A lot of bad, powerful people had reason to want him gone. Maybe they just got lucky, or maybe they decided to make their own luck.

  20. @Suzy- At some point, one has to wonder if it's too coincidental that someone is attached to so many other coincidences.

  21. RIP, Breitbart! Now, where's that stinkin' palm tree??

  22. I think that is a great analogy. We're all Ensign Pulver now.

    Rest easy Mr. Breitbart. Thank you for your work, we'll do our best to carry on now that you have shown the way.


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