Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Happy Easter to all from Hope n' Change Cartoons!


  1. BAHAHAHA! Oh, man, that's great! This is my favourite cartoon this year.

    Also, in the hope that I may offend as many liberals as possible: "Happy Celebration of the Death and Subsequent Resurrection of Christ!"

  2. Shouldn't the premise of a humor page be that your page is funny?

    You conservatives are just expressing rage and mental disease.

  3. ^^ True. We are expressing the obvious truth that liberalism is a mental disease.

  4. @cons_r_scum, heavy criticism indeed from a person using a pseudonym such as yours.

    One of the most amusing traits of liberals is their irony-impairment.

    Happy Easter everyone.

  5. @Coon Tasty- Glad you enjoyed it!

    @cons_r_scum- While your user name suggests you aren't exactly openminded when it comes to the subtleties of political discourse, I have to question why you choose Easter morning to go trolling and expressing your hate. Then again, I'm pretty sure you don't have an early church service to get to.

    And yeah - this page actually is funny. But when it comes to expressing rage, righteous and well-earned, you ain't seen nothing yet.

    @Coon Tasty- Sadly, liberalism is a mental disease which a lobotomy can't help because it would be redundant.

    @John the Econ- If liberals still had any ability to appreciate irony, they wouldn't be liberals anymore.

  6. Hey, Scum-puppy - how's about you pick up a copy of the Obama Sutra and learn how to do to yourself what the Obama Administration has been doing to the rest of us for 3 years...

  7. @Stan da Man- I'm glad you waited until the day after Easter to share that (entirely appropriate) response.

  8. This one definitely gets printed large and posted up in the hallway of my high school. I give it one afternoon before it gets pulled down, two days until an administrator send out an e-mail decrying the racist overtones of the strip.


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