Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Today is not about politics. It's about remembering that the freedoms we too easily take for granted came at the highest imaginable cost. We are all in the debt of the fallen - and while it is a debt which can never be repaid, it is essential that we try to prove ourselves worthy of their sacrifice every day.

On this Memorial Day, please take time in your thoughts to express gratitude to those who have died in the service of our country...and give thanks for those who served and returned to their homes and families.


  1. Ricko from GeorgiaMay 28, 2012 at 8:10 AM

    Amen, to remember those who allow us to have forums, free speech and the right to petition our government for change; is the greatest tribute that can be offered. God Bless our Troops (Past and Present) their families and remember those that gave all and those who are still giving. God Bless America.

  2. @Ricko. No need to add more words to that.

  3. to my Brothers/Sisters-in-Arms who are still living ..... Thank You for what you have done & continue to do. to my Brothers/Sisters-in-Arms who are no longer with us ..... I have no words sufficient to express my thanks.

  4. @ Ricko and gwhdad/texas -- I can't add anything more to what you've said. I am safe because of you and them.
    Thank you so much.

  5. @Readers- I'm appreciating the simple but profound sentiments here. Not that anyone needs to say anything here, as long as you say something in your heart, and hopefully say something to the veterans in your life.

    It's been a good and reflective day for me, and I hope for you.


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