Thursday, June 28, 2012

Courting Disaster

And this just in: it's also okay to drink whiskey for breakfast if we call it coffee. Bottoms up!

Readers: just for fun, I'm posting some graphics that I've been sharing over on Facebook today (and these may continue to flow; it's therapy). Special thanks to reader Kencor04 for the Mayan calendar idea!



  1. I'm lousy at predicting things, but...I see a Tea Party uprising the likes of which will make 2010 look like a gathering around a lemonade stand. I think I hear the sound of rallies being planned right now.

  2. Im off for some coffee.

  3. It is offical. The Constitution is dead.

    Next up:
    - You will buy a Chevy Volt … or pay a special tax.
    - You will have a specific, healthy, body-mass index … or pay a special tax.
    - You will have a cholesterol level below 190 … or pay a special tax.
    - You will vote democrat … or pay a special tax.
    - You will renounce your religious beliefs and worship the government … or pay a special tax.
    - You will work at the job we give you for the salary we dictate … or pay a special tax.

    Okay, maybe some of it is extreme, but I can sure see some of it actually happening, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. No, the government can force us to do anything they want us to do … or pay a special tax.

  4. Yep. Sad day for this nation! Our only hope now is the uprising of the right on election day, so this can all be thrown out! Is that possible? And, say bye bye to a lot of our tax refunds! Wow. sucks.

  5. Now's not the time to panic. Now's the time to organize. Let us show them the power of a fully functioning Tea Party.

  6. @ Chuck
    Your comment is NOT extreme. It is a hard look into the future slavery of a formerly free people. Our dictator, Barak Obama (cursed be his name) will enact whatever his little, marxist heart desires now that SCOTUS has sold us all into slavery

  7. I'm still in shock. I've already posted to my representatives Facebook, but even there I see comments from the clueless praising the decision!?! I'm beginning to suspect that, as a country, we can no longer handle freedom and that the majority need a nanny-state ...

    Time for another "Coffee".

  8. Obama SUCKS and so do the gimmegots who vote for him.

  9. To reflect, I think all should consider the court does not rule on sentiment, but rather law, thus while the Dred Scott decision was horrible, it was at the time, based on interpretation of law. Thus while many, including myself, hoped Obamacare would be assigned to the dustbin of history....

    Also I don't see Obamacare as out of the woods as yet. There is for example the question of the birth control mandate violating religious freedom.

    And there are the elections coming up and with this decision now history, all the more impetus to vote all the bastards responsible for this out of office and repeal this monstrosity.

  10. Chuck (Regarding) your first post: that's not extreme, it's Barry's nightly wet dream!

    But why stop there: How about a tax on too many kids? Your house is too big. You get twenty days vacation a year? That's too much! I could go on and on over the whole universe of things the Bamster can't wait to tax now....

    AHD-I agree, this may be a huge blessing in disguise, but only if Romney has the 'nads to get on board (and stay on board).

    "Anybody can catch a tiger by the balls, it takes a real hero to keep squeezing".

  11. Imagine, if you will, a nation enjoying a level of freedom never experienced before in the history of civilization. At the height of their prosperity they have begun to resent that freedom and lose the ability to care for themselves. In their panic they elect a leader promising hope and change, but where he's really leading them is directly into... the Twilight Zone.

  12. You will have X number of children and no more... or pay a special tax. (It's the logical extension of the HHS mandate.)

  13. Everyone remain calm! While ObamaCare stands, unfortunately, the courts did not allow the government to mandate a service. That is a win. The Obama administration said it was not a tax when it was being passed but then argued it was in front of the SCOTUS. That should gavanize the opposition. I wondered at the time if the Medicare Tax and SS tax idea would play in the decision; apparently it did. The media did not cover this aspect much, even FNC; the tax angle argument, but the Chief Justice considered it. Now it is time for Congress to change the law since it is not constitutional except as a tax.

  14. This ruling, as well as Obama being re-elected in November would suggest the Mayans were right. The world as we know it will end shortly.

  15. @amr- Sadly, I disagree. The SCOTUS said that the government CAN mandate a service as long as it's called a tax. There is no behavior in our lives which can not now be made compulsory by this ruling.

  16. I don't think the Constitution is working very well.
    We may have to move to the Declaration of Independence before it gets destroyed also.

  17. As I see the general theme of the comments to date, it is that:

    1 - The power to tax is now more than ever the power to destroy.

    2 - It's time to get committed to electing people who believe in the Constitution and the notion of limited government.

    3 - It's time to drink 'coffee' ... lots and lots of coffee.

  18. Dave aka David Schmoyer from FacebookJune 28, 2012 at 12:44 PM

    And there goes the last nail in the coffin of the Constitution. Freedom is dead a buried. The SCOTUS just gave away all our rights as a free nation....Say good bye to the right to bear arms....Gun shot victims cost the Healthcare industry $2.3 Billion dollars a year as of 1999. You know those number are higher but now they can take our weapons away as a way to curb healthcare costs.

    Say good bye to our Freedom of Speech as well because as soon as they take out guns they will take every other right we have. This is the end of this great nation as a bastion of freedom and peace. The first round up will be of people like us posting to public forums without the benefit of public exposure. But for one will not be silenced.....

    Get out and VOTE this dictator out of office....

  19. Does anybody remember the tax collector in the Robin Williams "Popeye" movie?

    If you do, that will be a $50 "Remembering Strange Movies" tax. Please send the $50 directly to BO and skip that pesky middleman, the IRS.

    Personally, I think I'll avoid TV for a few weeks. I'm afraid I'll accidently come across a story about Chris Matthews having an orgasm in his pants over this one.

    Yes, I believe we are going to witness a resurgence of the Tea party that will make the last look tame.

    Also, I am afraid to look at what this has done over on Wall Street. Is my small piddling 401k now completely gone?

  20. From the Declaration of Independence:

    "But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security."

    It cannot be more clear. Can we do less than in 1776?

  21. I'm thinking the SC is saying that we have the right to control ourselves by voting and that we should rely on that more so than the SC.

  22. @Readers- Great comments here! I'm afraid I'm not participating as much as I'd like because I've got to try to focus on creating tomorrow's cartoon and commentary - and it's not easy when I'm in this bad a mood. On the plus side, I'm slowly transititoning from mourning to seething anger, which is an improvement. I'll keep checking in - I may just not comment for awhile!

  23. @ JustaJeepGuy:
    If you listen to Glenn Beck, he'd have you believe that modern Americans are incapable of a 1776 style revolution. We would be destined for a French Revolution result. He believes we can only rid ourselves of tyranny through the ballot box. I'm not sure he even considered what if the ballot box were rigged or even non-existent. I hope we still have a chance to vote for freedom and that most Americans will. It's dicey right now.

  24. There is an upside: Since the "mandate" is, in fact, now a "tax", Senate Democrats will not be able to filibuster its repeal next year.

    In the meantime, you folks out there without insurance and cannot afford it, get ready for the biggest personal tax increase in history, compliments of the Democrats.

  25. Well we already knew Obama was a traitorous bastard, so it's nice to know we can add the SCOTUS to that list now.

  26. Well, it has been a few hours since this story broke, and great comments from a passionate bunch of folks...I am not sure I agree with anyone saying the American Constitution is dead...It's like saying the Holy Bible is dead...neither is dead in my is merely the ignorant, slanted misuse by a human being that makes it appear dead and useless, which neither really are! It is the age we live in now...dont be surprised by anything that will happen, but keep the faith!

  27. Well, if the POTUS can effectively rewrite laws as he sees fit (by preventing their enforcement) then I don't see any reason why the SCOTUS can't join in on the Constitutional gang-rape.

  28. As the Germans of a former age said " he freed us from the burden of making decisions " I prefer the burden.

  29. Chuck not extreme -sounds just like the taxes Muslims put on non Muslims to be aloud to live in their territory.

  30. "Godammit! Uhh, I mean Allah, Allahdammit!"


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