Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Double Header

Pole Watchers

The world's smartest man made one of the world's most jaw-dropping mistakes this week when he referred to "Polish death camps," causing outrage to millions of Polish people.

For those, like Mr. Obama, who are a little sketchy on items of historical trivia like the Holocaust, Auschwitz and Treblinka were Nazi death camps which were built in German-occupied Poland... and millions of Polish people were brutally murdered by the Nazis. Which, apparently, they're still sensitive about.

Astonishingly, despite requests from the government of Poland, Barack Obama has refused to apologize for his doubt because he cares far more about polls than Poles.

Hey Jew, Don't Make It Bad

In a meeting this week with Jewish leaders, Barack "Hussein is Yiddish for Hebrew" Obama insisted that he's a terrific ally of Israel (despite all evidence to the contrary) and, in fact, knows more about Judaism than any other president ever has because...because...he's read about it.

Seriously, that's what the man said - capturing perfectly the classic idiocy of the Ivory Tower liberal who believes that books and theory are superior to reality and experience. And frankly, we're skeptical that Obama has read up on Judaism, and suspect that he's actually remembering being stoned out of his gourd in college and giggling during some movie called "Torah, Torah, Torah."

But Rabbi Obama wasn't done lecturing his assembled guests, and told them that he was demonstrably in Israel's corner because "all of my friends in Chicago are Jewish" and at the beginning of his career, he was accused of being their puppet.

Yikes. So suggesting that he was not part of a Zionist puppetmaster conspiracy in Chicago is Obama's idea of impressing his Jewish guests?



Readers- I'd also like to call your attention to the new conservative humor website "It's Big Fur Hat" which showcases words, cartoons, interviews, and rib-tickling (or rib-cracking, if you're a liberal) graphics from Big Fur Hat himself- the creator of the delightful comic "The Obamas" and one of the most popular contributors to the also excellent website "I Own The World."

Check 'em out...the more we laugh, the more nervous the liberals get!


  1. By mid-September (around the Jewish holidays) he'll slap on a yarmulke and tell everyone he's taking classes at a yeshiva.

  2. I am willing to wager that this schmuck has read only The Protocols of the Elder of Zion, and he believes every word of it -- the schmendrick is a gift that just keeps on giving.

  3. @Anonymous- I'm sure you're right. Obama is, above all, a chameleon.

    @Gang of One- Schmendrick is a word we don't hear often enough, and I think it deserves a resurgence. For the rest of the day, whenever Obama annoys me, I'm going to sigh deeply and say "Oy! I could plotz, such a schmendrick this man is."

  4. Hopefully, a schmendrick come January - but, trust me: he's far from ineffectual in his current role, as evidenced by the damage he's already inflicted on the country...

  5. If Bush would have said that in Poland...they'd have probably impeached him, the hate would be so strong.

    But Obama gets a pass, as usual. "Oh its a mistake anyone could make..."

    To understand Jews, all you have to do is read a Bible. And we all know how much Obama loves to read a Bible.... *eyebrow raised*

  6. @Emmentaler- He has done a lot of damage, but he recently told a group of donors that one of the reasons he needs a second term is that he might need to "fix" Obamacare if the Supreme Court shoots it down. If they do shoot it down, this schmuck has nothing to run on.

    @Suzy- In fairness, if Bush had said this I'd shrug it off as no big deal (because it isn't). What is, to me, a bigger deal is Obama's refusal to apologize to the people of Poland. Bush would warmly and sincerely apologize immediately, but Obama is using this as another occasion to show his arrogance and disdain for others.

  7. His wookie wife is quite the mensch though.

  8. Don't worry. Obama will call Polish Prime Minister Tusk and tell him that after his re-election, he'll have more flexibility to apologize.

    And he has Jewish friends in Chicago? Does his spiritual adviser the good anti-Semite Reverend Wright know about Obama associating with "them Jews"? I'm sure they've shared the same reading list over the last 20 years.

  9. @Corona- But she thinks she's an Übermensch.

    @John the Econ- Funny! And regarding Obama's Jewish "friends" in Chicago, I think he meant "donors."

  10. "Hopefully, a schmendrick come January..."

    Hopefully, an unemployed schmendrick come January..."

  11. Obama: more chutzpah than narishkeit, and we are the schlimazels who must suffer because all those gornichts elected him.

  12. President schlemiel raked in a big chunk of the Jewish vote in 2008. Will they still vote for him this time around? Sadly, they likely will, but I pray for an awakening.

    And, meanwhile, Senator Chuck You Schumer is FINALLY pushing leglislation against those dreaded killer grill brushes! I feel so much better now that SOMEBODY in Washington finally "gets it."

    Great posts as always, Stilton!

  13. Big Fur Hat was right, this is a great site! Added you to my favorites Hope n' Change!


  14. Obama: a schmendrick.
    Menderman: not a schmendrick. Welcome to the club!

  15. @Readers- I'm enjoying all the Yiddish here today. Such a pleasure, this kibbitzing!

    @Colby- I'm shaking my head over the killer grill brushes too. Granted, I recently read a story about a guy who nearly died from swallowing a metal wire from such a brush, but I think rather than a law we should just tell people KNOCK THE FREAKIN' WIRES OFF YOUR GRILL BEFORE COOKING. Sheesh.

    @Menderman- Welcome! We have a lot of fun over here and I think you'll find the politics and humor very similar to what you enjoy from Big Fur Hat.

    @JustaJeepGuy- "Not a Schmendrick." What man could ask for a better epitaph?

  16. Stilton, many sources suggest he does, in fact, have quite an affection for poles...

  17. @Cheesy- Well, when you put it that way...


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