Wednesday, June 20, 2012

School of Hard Knock-Knocks

Oh my hammers and sickles! Those Russkies sure know how to tell a great joke, don't they?! Perhaps that's why they're so naturally adept at recognizing it when America's president becomes a great joke whom they don't have to worry about as they dramatically step up aggression in the world.

But Russia isn't alone in realizing that America has no president between now and November - just a fundraising, purely-political candidate who has every interest in gathering campaign funds...and no interest in rocking the boat by standing up to actual tough guys in the world.

Which is why Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, and Syria are among those who are running wild right now, secure in the knowledge that Barack Obama - America's commander-in-chief - has hung a "vacancy" sign on the Oval Office door while he's out popping champagne corks with his $38,500 per plate celebrity pals.

And of course, having an absentee president affects more than foreign policy: the nation's unemployment numbers and gloom felt by business owners are a clear reflection that everyone understands that Obama is uninterested in the Bulls & Bears of the economy because he's preoccupied with the fundraising dog & pony shows.

If only we had a president who could do campaign fundraising AND accomplish all of the really important business of the American people. Like that fellow back in 2008...what was his name? Oh yeah, presidential candidate Barack F. Obama.

When the financial feces hit the fan, causing a crisis which the president now describes as the worst since the Big Bang, presidential candidate John McCain told his rival - Senator Barack Obama - that they needed to mutually postpone campaign activities and head to Washington to try to help save the country - and maybe the world.

But Barry sneeringly passed on the whole crisis - waving it away and saying that he, at least, "could deal with more than one thing at once." Except he didn't. He chose to attend fundraising events and make campaign speeches, taking advantage of McCain's more honorable insistence that country comes before politics.

And as we've all seen in the past several years, it turns out that Barry can't do more than one thing at once. In fact, he can't do anything at all except campaign for president: because he's a passionate and charismatic candidate...but has no substance as a leader whatsoever.

Which is bad news for America, but the best news in generations for the enemies of America, who no longer even try to hide their contempt for the vacuous poppinjay whose claim that he can "walk and chew gum at the same time" is all the more tragic for having been proved a lie.



  1. November can't come soon enough, and hopefully the damage won't be irreversible by then.

  2. Knock, Knock.
    Who's there?
    America's Enemies.
    "America's Enemies" who?
    Exactly. Keep on fundraising, nothing to see here, you're doing fine.

  3. Never forget to save a big, heaping scoop of contempt for the media that enables him to ignore the state of the world while he's on his campaign jaunts. They are every bit as guilty of failure to do their jobs. I know I beat this issue like a dead horse, but it matters. Besides being a media creation, Obama wouldn't get away with ten percent of what he does without their complicity. We may have to tolerate them for sake of the Constitution, but we don't have to listen to them. More and more, fewer are.

  4. From now to November? I offer that we haven't had a president since January 2009, and will hopefully get one in January 2013...

  5. @Angry Hossier Dead: it's either an immortal horse, or one of the undead - it keeps running that same race again and again, no matter the number of beatings. Somebody needs to beat the jockey, but Soros, the financier of the majority of that horse is, unfortunately, immune to public disdain...

  6. Angry Hoosier Dad, you're partially right. The media definitely deserves some of the blame -- but so does the willfully ignorant (or stupid, if they really do know better and just don't care) public that elected and continues to support Obama.

    When Obama spoke about how the Supreme Court would be wrong to declare the ACA unconstitutional, where was the outcry? We got some, but not nearly the amount we should have. Where is the outcry over the idea of allowing 800,000 illegal aliens to be granted citizenship?

    Either people simply don't understand the issues, due to ignorance and lack of education, or they DO understand them, and don't care.

    Now, to those who have been blogging, posting, and voting all along, you are not to blame, but a decent number of people in the public ARE to blame.

    Hell, why isn't Obama being confronted with his own words from his initial Presidential campaign? Those words about how people attack when they have nothing substantial to offer. Why aren't more people throwing his own words from 2011 (about not being ABLE to do what he just did?) in his face about his recent proclamation that he wouldn't deport certain illegal aliens (I know, that's not the PC term, but it is the correct one)?

    Sure, the media isn't pointing it out, but apparently a lot of people aren't bothering to look, either.

    Maybe, as a country, if not as individuals, we get what we deserve for electing these people.

    Don't get me wrong, I want this man out of office. I'd like to see him impeached for his numerous pwer grabs, failures to fulfill his Oath of Office, etc -- but at this point, I just want him to lose the election and hopefully fall into obscurity.

    Thanks for posting.

  7. @Velcro- I think the GOP should craft a bill which throws August and September out this year, just so we can get to November sooner.

    @RandyS- In Obama's mind, America has no enemies (well, other than those domestic bastards who earn significant money)...America only has potential friends who need to get to know how great Barack Hussein Obama is.

    The problem is, most countries now know exactly how great he isn't, which is why they're treating the United States as if it didn't exist.

    @Angry Hoosier Dad- It's absolutely fair (and important) to regularly return to the subject of the media's complicity because it's a huge, ongoing problem. As you say, the media largely created and defended candidate Obama...and haven't uttered a truthful syllable about him since.

    @Gang of One- Putin is like a cat playing with a trapped mouse who it will devour when the mouse ceases to be entertaining. Some reports of the recent meeting between Obama and Putin say that the Russian leader essentially lectured Obama - which is why Mr. Mussolini Chin finished the meeting with a bad case of the pouts.

    And regarding your link to Obama using prisoners to assemble solar panels - it about blew the top of my head off. The prisoners are paid as little as 23¢ an hour, and the federal government is required by law to buy all of the solar panels.

    @Emmentaler- I'd agree that we haven't had a pro-American president since January 2009, but unfortunately Obama has flexed presidential power often enough to do a lot of damage. I'm actually relieved and appalled that Obama is taking an extended leave of absense from the Oval Office to mingle with millionaires and crisscross the nation to deliver hate speeches.

    Also it's Angry HOOSIER Dad, not Angry Hossier Dead. But hey, you nailed the "Angry" part of his name! (grin)

  8. @Earl Allison- I definitely agree. It's one thing (and a terrible thing) for the media to be telling lies. But at a certain point, it takes highly-motivated idiocy on the part of the American people to choose not to see and hear what is really going on. When you, your friends, and family members are desperately unemployed or underemployed, you know damn well that the private sector isn't doing fine. You know that the threat to our nation doesn't come from children and grandmothers trying to board aircraft, and you should know that the American flag isn't the new KKK pointed hood.

    I think it takes a lot of effort to remain purposefully clueless these days. And it's vain and greedy to do it, because these people have made the choice to feel good about themselves and their "good intentions" rather than doing anything to actually help anyone.

    And like you, I wish Obama was being confronted MUCH more - on a daily basis - and being forced to defend his own words and actions.

  9. What Earl said...

    Come the debates, I sure hope that Romney throws 2008 obama's words in 2012 obama's face. At least then the media might be forced to report it, although I have my doubts.

    re: Putin v. obama - Putin is Lucy pulling the football away from the hapless Charlie Brown, played by none other than obama.

  10. Saw this yesterday, was impressed. 1) Somewhere, Mitt has learned how to work a crowd
    2) NICE theft of meme from the 'four more years' protesters
    3) The counter chant of 'four more months' was just TOO funny...

  11. The Lame Stream Media will once again "appear" to be doing its job once a Republican is in office. As long as we have a Democrat in the Whitehouse the LSM will continue to ignore any actual news related to them. This is necessary to keep the electorate blissfully ignorant of the truth to perpetuate and expand the power of the left. This clip sums up the the idiots @Earl Allison refers to quite nicely. They are more concerned with their stupid reality shows and “Idol” drivel than the future of the United States of America. They don’t know what is going on because the only “news" they are exposed to (if they allow themselves to be exposed to any at all) are the sound bites of fear and hatred coming from the LSM.

  12. The Russkies aren't the only ones who think Barry is a joke. I wish I could laugh with them.......

  13. The Russkies has funny but the jokes on us :-(
    Good strip Stilton. I has laughing at prasident vice Joe. Will laugh more in November once door hits him in ass (God willing).

  14. @CenTexTim- Every time Obama opens his filthy yap about "returning to failed policies" in the debate, Romney needs to be right in his face with the promises made by candidate Obama - and asking why they failed. Obama should and must be made to run on his actual record.

    @Pete(Detroit)- I hadn't heard the "Four More Months" line - brilliant!

    @Chuck- Rest assured that if Romney becomes president, the press won't think it's racist to assault him with questions without asking permission first. But let there be no doubt: in the mainstream, there is NO difference between news and entertainment anymore, and both are driven by a liberal political agenda.

    @Flyboy- I laugh at him all the time. But it's sort of a scary sound, like a manatee with a flipper caught in a bear trap...

    @Red- Glad you enjoyed it! I'm not sure why I suddenly got the urge to write a Russian knock-knock joke in dialect, but I enjoyed it. Now I just have to get out of the habit of calling him "Prazident Hobama" in my head.

  15. @Stilton RE Angry Hossier Dead: The "dead" was Freudian, I think. I guess I had all those staunch, constant democrat voters in mind and it came out of my fingers. The "Hossier" - well, I've no clue where THAT came from, except that I almost did it again. It must be this keyboard. :o) Sorry again, AHD...

    @Pete: That was a great stump speech. I hope to the good Lord above that he keeps it up into the debates and not take the John "Judas Goat" McCain approach to the election...

    @Chuck: And hopefully when Øbama is out off the office; when the LSM suddenly thinks of themselves a "journalists" and starts "doing their job (on his replacement)", their readership will continue to plummet. Without the likes of Øbama, Reid, and Pelosi to protect them, a truly conservative government may only shed a (happy) tear at their demise. Me, too.

  16. @ Earl Allison:
    I do have scorn for the public that swallows whatever bilge the MSM feeds them, but historically it has been the job of the MSM to warn of approaching venomous snakes and the public has counted on them to perform that task faithfully. The MSM has consciously chosen to get in bed with the snakes and tell the sheeple "don't worry, they won't bite".

  17. Dudes like Putin and such are so far out of Obama's league, and the snot nosed creep has not a clue. I'll bet it's all Putin can do to keep a straight face when he's talking to "The Great Community Organizer." I don't think this crowd was all that fearful of even W, and along comes the ex-law professor with his much feared frowny face.

    And if Romney has two brain cells to rub together, he will take full advantage of the huge flip flops, mis-statements and outright lies. There is a lot of ammo there, Mitt. Please don't pull a McCain on us!

    I was pretty encouraged to hear last night that Marco Rubio is on the short VP list. Paul Ryan too!

  18. ... almost forgot!
    Your "idiot Joe" thing gets my vote for today's coffee spewed on the keyboard award!

  19. Many people do not realize, as they bemoan the many wars the US is involved in, that, on an ongoing basis, we actually are at war 24/7 with Islamic jihadists! Americans will, as on 9/11, band and stand together against a common enemy. It was so refreshing back in 2001 to witness that occurring. But, we here in Amerika have it pretty easy, technologically and every other way, even with our raped economy! Until folks realize the gravity of the big America is not respected or feared, how America is heading down the same road as Greece and other 'entitlement' governments, how American government has outlawed God in so many instances...until then, well, I'm no fortune teller, but it does not take a clairvoyant to see where this country is headed! Great legacy, obama!

    Oh yeah....GO THUNDER!!!

  20. @Emmentaler- I, too, want to see the mainstream media disappear from starvation. They have abused us and abused their privileges and responsibilities, and the industry as a whole deserves a withering death and no monument. The "New Media" isn't perfect - but it's a helluva lot better than the ugly old whore that the mainstream media has become.

    @Angry Hoosier Dad- When it comes to mainstream media, I think we'd all do well to follow the example set by the sailors traveling with Odysseus who had to pass the Sirens: plug your ears with wax and tie yourself to the mast rather than listen to the voices trying to call you onto the rocks.

    @Colby- I'd guess that the "grown up" world leaders see Obama for the jackass manchild that he is. Which is why the world is currently wobbling badly without the stabilization of a meaningful American presence on the world stage.

    @Gang of One- At this point, I don't know if Obama is covering his own ass, covering up criminal activity, or simply covering for Holder's perjury so Holder can hang onto his job long enough to oversee all the election fraud in November. But SOMEthing stinks to high heaven here. Maybe memos about using the deaths of innocents to roll back American gun ownership laws? (My personal bet)

    @PRY- When America isn't taken seriously, the world gets to be a more dangerous place. Which is why the Bamster's ass needs to be on the street in January 2013 (although sooner would be good, too).

  21. ... "vacuous poppinjay" ...

    I like that one a lot, Stilt. Wish I'da thought of it. Since I didn't, I'll do the next best thing, & link back to your post from my site.

  22. “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.”

    If B.O. had inadvertently done some good, perhaps it is that now the enemy has become more bold and open. When enemies stand up and declare themselves, it will be all the harder for the talking to spin them off as friends.

    Sure they are bold now, and willingly walk out of the woodwork into light because they think America weak and foolish, but that shall pass, and when strength, wisdom and honor return there will be nowhere for them to hide. For in his hubris the devil will have willingly shown his face. Knowing there is an enemy is a necessary first step defending against it.

  23. @Bob Mack- I think it's a shame that terms like "vacuous poppinjay" are so sadly underused these days. Sure, four-letter words are fun (and sometimes essential), but there is a certain sweet mellifluous quality and specificity about these little-used words. Plus, I get to type them while raising my pinky!

    @Anonymous- In general, I believe there is an inherent weakness in evil. But that weakness only shows itself when it is challenged by the righteous...and under Obama, America doesn't rise to the necessary threshold. But I do believe that will change soon...

  24. Hey, Stilt- You need to grab ahold of today's news, Obama blocked the contempt charge on Holder. What the heck is he hiding? It must be something HUGE to do such a blatant move this close to an election. My guess is, the blame for Fast and Furious lands right on Obama's desk.

  25. @bacon- Trust me, I'm all over the "Executive Privilege" nonsense with Holder (and actually posted a cartoon from the vault on the subject over on Facebook). I would normally expect that this would be my topic for Friday's cartoon, but the Supreme Court MAY announce their Obamacare ruling on Thursday - which would be huge, however it goes. One way or another, I won't be lacking material for Friday!

  26. "Oh yeah, presidential candidate Barack F. Obama."

    Saw this and my first thought was, "There's no F in Obama."

    My second thought was that come January that would become, "There's no effing Obama."

  27. In my feeble mind, there HAS to be something very damnimg to Barry-O in those unseen documents for two reasons. Why else would BO NOT have already fired Holder, and why have both gone to such hazardous extremes to withold the docs? I just can't believe BO is sticking his neck out this far just to protect that pathetic weasel Holder. BO loves himself too much to risk much for anybody else but himself.

    Camparing this to Watergate... The excrement didn't hit the air moving device until AFTER Nixon's re-election. If that happens here, BO will resign after he gets re-elected, then BIDEN will pardon him!!!! GAAAAA! Imagine 3-1/2 years of President Biden!

  28. Colby, I'm sure that there's a "make it so" memo from Barry, effectively making him an accomplice to murder.
    THAT certainly SHOULD be impeachable. Oh, but there I go, thinking again...

  29. The media's complicitness is coming back to bite them on the ass.

  30. Re: Putin vs Øbama: Putin is an Alpha-Male; Øbama is ... not.

  31. @Chuck -- Obama makes TV talkingheads' legs tingle; Putin does not.

  32. @badlarry- You have correctly ascertained what the "F" stands for.

    @Gang of One- I go after the whole "executive privilege" thing tomorrow, but you're absolutely right that it isn't to be invoked to hide wrongdoing. Which is why it's time to double down on digging into this. Whatever Obama's trying to hide, it stinks on ice.

    @Colby- Hopefully the damage to Obama will come BEFORE election day. Although frankly, I can't help but think that even 3 1/2 years of a Biden presidency would be superior to letting Barry complete a second term.

    @Pete(Detroit)- Whatever is being hidden would hurt Obama badly. He'd throw anyone, including Holder, under the bus for his own political gain. So he's clearly protecting his own butt here.

    @Gang of One- Great (albeit depressing) link. ABC did a story on Obama invoking executive privilege but had to tell its viewers what "Fast & Furious" was because it had never been previously mentioned on ABC. And that's why liberals know nothing.

    @Chuck- Putin is an Alpha male; Obama is a bowl of Alphabits cereal with marshmallow surprises.

  33. The families of the victims of the F&F debacle are not letting this go.

    Wonder how long before the usual asshats in the lamestream media try to dig up dirt on the families as they did with Joe the Plumber.

  34. Gang of One - is comparing someone to Nixon a new version of Godwin's Law?

  35. The video that the Barack Obama told Fox News to pull because they "don't like It"!


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