Thursday, June 14, 2012

We Get It - You're Black

In the face of declining popularity amongst African-Americans (whose net worth has dropped 53% under this president), Barack Obama just released a radio ad which combines funk, gospel, a Barry White-soundalike, and promises of free goodies mixed in with a little angry class warfare.

Because the ad is only targeted to urban radio stations, a lot of people might have missed it. So in the spirit of bipartisan helpfulness, we're running Barry's radio ad right here. And we've even included visuals at no extra charge!

No need to thank us, Mr. Obama. It's just our way of saying "We've Got Your Back!"

Note: Except for a few added sound effects (and the scream "Soylent Green is people!")
the radio ad hasn't been tampered with in any way.


  1. I like the golf swing sound effect at the front and the ball circling the cup at the end. I only wish our nation wasn't circling the porcelain fixture as we speak.

  2. Great stuff, Stilton! THIS is what should be playing across this obamanation!

  3. @Proof- Sadly, there's an entirely different sound effect which I should use to represent the end result of Obama's policies. All I can do is make this stuff, set it free, and hope it goes viral in hopes that a few people out there may actually learn something.

  4. If Turdboy is working so hard to hang on to a normally reliable voting bloc, how badly must he be doing with the rest of America? Pretty damned bad, I hope.

  5. I think it's pretty funny that Barack Hussein can't see why he's losing his "natural" constituency--and can't figure out that all he has to do to get them back is the opposite of what he's done so far. Oh, yeah--the opposite of what he's done so far would be good for the country. He can't do that, can he? That would make his (and all the rest of the socialists') head(s) explode.

  6. @Angry Hoosier Dad- The black community, especially, feels betrayed by Barack Obama because he hasn't done squat for them. He hasn't improved schools, enabled school choice, created a more jobs-friendly environment, or done anything to help create a meaningful discourse to truly defuse the frictions of race in this country. In 2007, he promised them everything...and they know they got burned. So he's lost something like 20% of their support, which would have seemed inconceivable until recently.

    I'm really hoping that Romney can make an honest appeal for some of those disaffected black votes. Conservatism has a lot to offer if the message is just presented right - AND genuinely conservative policies are then enacted and stuck to.

    @JustaJeepGuy- In one of the recent biographies of Barry which he didn't write (or hire someone to write), a white former girlfriend described him as "not having a black bone in his body" - which is unsurprising considering his upbringing. So just maybe black voters are seeing through his shuck & jive routine (which makes him no blacker than Al Jolson) and are beginning to hold him accountable for his shameless pandering and lying to them.

    Hey, maybe he'll turn out to be a great unifier after all!

  7. Loved the visuals. Despised the audio and its message...

  8. Day-yum, that's FUH-Knee, raht there!

  9. Yeah, this isn't gonna come back to bite him come election time. Between this and that "Meet Julia" clusterf*ck I'm beginning to wonder if his run for re-election is just a half-hearted (and half-witted) show, and that he has no intention of even really trying to get a second term.

    It may sound like a crackpot theory but play along for a sec. IF Obama bows out, but puts on a good enough showing without allowing another democrat to take his place when the SHTF and a republican is at the helm, he and his party can blame it all on the other side.

    "Hey, it wasn't me in charge when things got REALLY bad, see now you know to elect only democrats from now on."

  10. It is your money. It is your future. It is your country. Here is what The President is doing and has done while in office for 3-1/2 years. Do you want America to fall to socialism/Marxism?
