Saturday, September 1, 2012

Weekend Mischief

Readers- Here are some random bits that I've posted over on the Hope n' Change page at Facebook in the last day or two.

This first one not only represents Obama's "no show" showdown with Clint, but his strategy for putting off deficit reduction...

In response to Clint's funny monologue with an empty chair which represented Obama, the testy president tweeted a picture of himself sitting in a leather chair with a shiny little golden plaque proclaiming him to be "The President." Which was a gift to all conservatives who own Photoshop...

And finally, here's a Zen question that anyone who watches MSNBC should be asking themselves about now...

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend (and yes, I'll be here on Monday!) -Stilton


  1. Wow, check it out – was just hooking up from home for the first time and there you were. We need to get a life, man.
    And no, the complex overlapping waveforms that comprise the sound of a tree falling in the forest must first pass (through) the piss test… the Chris Mathews Kaleidoscope of Horrors ™ racism rectifier.

  2. @Mike- It's pretty rare for me to do a Saturday post, but I'd put these quickies together for Facebook and thought I should present them over here too. Although Facebook is one of those "social media" things that people are supposed to do to get the message out, this blog is definitely the home of Hope n' Change cartoons, and a fun place for us to gather here in the comments section.

    Although I am looking forward to getting more of a life when Barry Soetoro moves out of the Whitehouse.

  3. Get a life? Where can I download one of those?

    (Stole that from my nephew)

    See you Monday!

  4. (Not sure where the nephew stole it from)

  5. Dave David Schmoyer on FacebookSeptember 1, 2012 at 3:12 PM

    @Sarah - Is tht where you get one of those? Maybe that's why I don't have one, I haven't been looking online for a life :)

    Racism? Of course it's racist unless the tree first clears falling over with Sharpton and Jackson and Mathews! Besides I think the new definition of racism by Matthews is breathing if you are a conservative!

  6. Shouldn't that be "Mis-Chief" ?

  7. Personally, I think the empty chair was brilliant, as this administration has been MIA for the past 3-1/2 years! Clint was awesome!

    SJ--I love it when you bring the Facebook posts to the blog.

  8. Did Clint say "Four years ago, you assumed the presidency. When are you going to assume the responsibility?" Or was that someone else? Whoever asked it, it's an excellent question!

  9. Matthews - Face made for radio, a voice made for newspaper and ideas made for the illiterate...

  10. It's racism if it's a white oak, white ash, white anything tree. A black walnut can do no wrong. Not sure about honey locusts. Red oaks and most fruit trees are trickier to judge. It all depends....

  11. Whatever you do Clint don't turn your back on him. (And watch out for seal team six or a drone -so far during the last 3years their work is the only thing he has claimed credit for) And don't whatever you do let him count -from golf to the economy his math skills don't add up. He's proved he can add trillions faster than you can slap leather!

  12. The get a life app cost too much for my Droid, I'll just stick with the free 3d version of super dynamite fishing - its kinda close.

  13. Those are all just great, especially the showdown one. Just put it up at Obama Cartoons
