Monday, October 29, 2012

Yes Obama, There Is a Sandy Clause

barack obama celebrates hurricane sandy because it will distract from benghazi

Christmas has come early for Barack Hussein Obama. Not in the form of a jolly old elf bringing gifts for good boys and girls, but rather in the form of a huge, life-threatening hurricane which will take over the news cycles long enough for Americans to forget (if they've even heard) that Barack Obama quite possibly watched the murder of our Ambassador in Benghazi from the comfort and safety of the situation room ("No dress code - golf clothes fine!"), and may even have given the order for troops to "stand down" rather than answer the dying Americans' desperate pleas for help.

And why? Because a firefight in Libya would be a distraction from his political campaign, and his false narrative that the killing of Osama bin Laden was tantamount to the end of terrorism.

But does Hope n' Change really think that Barack Obama would happily embrace a superstorm which is bringing death and destruction to America's shores, just to take the focus off of his political failings and let him posture and preen for the camera?  

You bet your sweet ass that's what we think, and if the storm winds blow in a plague of ebola, he'll be glad about that too.

Right about now, Barry is probably doing backflips at the prospect of reminding people of Hurricane Katrina, and the fact that it was caused by George W. Bush granting unsafe offshore oil drilling licenses to British Petroleum and, oh yeah, setting dynamite charges under the levees protecting "Chocolate City." Don't believe us? Ask Ray Nagin, Van Jones and Kanye West.

So in the coming days, as you see Obama break out his frowny face to talk about the loss of lives and property, and how, in the days to come (insert community name here) will rebuild and be stronger - know that inside he's grinning like the smug, self-centered jackass he is - and wishing that more orphanages had been carried out to sea.

barack obama was happy to let americans die in benghazi because they couldn't vote in ohil


  1. Treasonous bastards. Should be tried and when found guilty, hung by the neck until dead.

    Next, we'll examine the MSM's silence on Benghazi. Don't go away...

    [sorry, got into TV mode there]

  2. Haha! I see today's cartoons carry an NSFW rating.

  3. Bingo! You drove this one outa the ball park!
    Do you think there is anyway that Sandy could blow away zero and crew without damaging any of our historic buildings and national treasures? Actual though a major loss it still would be a cheap price to pay to be rid of these foul vermin.
    Never in my life have I heard such a disgusting story as what we now know about Bengazi. This without a doubt is the darkest chapter of our media and of the presidency. Hillary's blue dress belongs next to bill's also in the hall of national shame for allowing this.

  4. Piss poor timing Sandy. I can only hope that the truth will out with a different administration at the helm in 2013. Of course that leaves an awfully long time to shred and cover their tracks. At any rate, the sight of Zero's theatrical empathy for the hurricane victims and the fawning in the media will gag enough fence sitters to fill emergency wards up and down the east coast.

    On a serious note, God bless and protect all those in harms way.

  5. One advantage of being sick and lying low all weekend was the time to read the powerful book "No Easy Day" about the bin Laden raid in Abbotabad, by one of the SEALs who was there. Gripping, and a fast read. Highly recommend it.

    As for watching the progress of the attack and ignoring / denying request of military assets to be allowed to engage, well, that's just disgusting.
    Words fail.

  6. Reminds me of an old joke: Anthony Weiner was talking to Mary Landreiu and Mary told him how Katrina put her in the national spotlight. Anthony thought for a few minutes then asked "So, Mary, how do you arrange a hurricane?". Without doubt, the WH will be adding Sandy to it's list of "Oh Look! A squirrel" memes, and the lap dog MSM will fall all over themselves salivating.

    Interesting reading re: Benghazi:

    Bigger Than Watergate


    Under The Bus

    'Course, when I was in, gunpowder was considered a WMD, so I'll defer to others to relate the SpecFor's capabilities.

  7. Another thought, we know, from both expert analysis, and 3+ years of experience that 1) Obama loves being ‘The President’ but hates being President – can’t make a decision. Valarie Jarrett runs the White House and is at a level above Obama’s COS (why Emmanuel, Daley and others quit). Her personal task is to keep anything ‘disturbing’ from Obama. When the balloon goes up, CIA is requesting military intervention (forget all the European airbases, etc., we have two nuclear carrier groups in the Middle East), Jarrett makes the decision because of the above and the fact that Obama is in Campaign Mode and couldn’t be bothered. Regardless of which way the decision on military intervention goes, the Joint Chiefs balk because she is not the National Command Authority. Hillary is out as far away from Obama and the election as she can get to avoid getting an Obama taint on her 2016 chances. All this results in underlings making decisions and in the chaos that follows, as we have all seen, it’s who can throw the other under the bus the fastest and with the most sticking power.

  8. Sandy is a cow hurricane. How do I know? Because she is going to get milked over and over right up to November 6. And, I'll bet my next paycheck the White House staff will be working overtime for a while. Not to find ways to offer aid to the victims of this storm, but to find ways to use Sandy to postpone the election. It's a bummer for po widdle Ba-wak that the storm came calling so dang early! I guess he should have used his "ocean level dropping powers" to dely the storm until NEXT Monday.

  9. @Velcro: This bunch, IMHO, justifies bringing back the crow's cage. I could see it now--dangling from lampposts along Pennsylvania Ave., anguished cries for water...ah, music to my ears..and after what they allowed to happen in Libya, mild punishment at that.

    I can only imagine what was going through our people's minds as they realized they had been abandoned to die.

    A pox on this crowd.

  10. Interesting choice of words, Stilton, given the reports that that's precisely what the terrorists *did* do to the Ambassador...

  11. A hurricane is an act of nature over which humans have no control. The attack in Benghazi was an act of vile, stinking jihadist muzzies who profess a faith in a false god and pedophile prophet. The appalling failure of our "leaders" to act appropriately was the result of base, political needs and calculations made without American's safety in mind. God had absolutely nothing to do with this. I would consider this the polar opposite of godly.

  12. Stilton - all of your readers have indicated the same level of indignation re: Benghazi & O's lack of response. I, too, believe that this Admin. is relieved to have Mother Nature provide an Oct. surprise in the form of the most intense storm ever in our lifetimes! This will give O an opportunity to seem to be presidential & take something away from Romney's momentum. I hope & pray that people will be careful & safe despite O's hidden joy at this gift. God bless all of us in Sandy's path.

  13. Oh, how wrong you are @Angry Hoosier Dad; Hurricanes are now the result of "climate change", which red-state Republicans are solely responsible for.

    Seeing how Sandy is aiming to wipe mostly blue-state voters, expect the conspiracy theorists to be out in force later this week as the storm clears.

  14. @Stilton -- One has to ask why Obama decides to fly down to FL, then take AF1 back to DC. Photo-op, anyone?

  15. @Velcro- This blog has a strick nonviolence policy, but we're downright enthusiastic about the judicial process and appropriate punishment.

    @Coon Tasty- While I personally speak like a Tourette's sufferer in my personal life, I generally try to avoid such (ahem) directness on this page. But there simply wasn't a way to express my anger - and my genuine belief about Obama's sentiments regarding those in Benghazi - without dropping the f-bomb. My apologies to those who, until now, thought that the only word which began with "f" and ends "uck" was "firetruck."

    @REM1875- I'd love to think of Sandy as being a scouring storm which would only clean up Washington DC instead of potentially allowing the dirt of this administration to accrue for another four years.

    @TrickyRicky- Please know that I'm taking Hurricane Sandy very seriously, and my thoughts and concerns are with those in harm's way. But that being said, I genuinely believe that Barry wants as many tear-jerking disasters as possible to help him look "too busy for political questions" until election day.

    @Pete(Detroit)- Sorry you were ill and hope you're feeling better. "No Easy Day" is on my reading list, though frankly I'm not reading anything other than news until after election day.

    The Benghazi story is an obscenity, and the MSM's handling of it a crime.

    @SeaDog52- There are pointy-headed conspiratorial types who believe that the U.S. can create weather via their DARPA installation way up north. Personally, I don't believe this for a moment - but if I'm wrong, this is exactly when Barry would tell them to put things in motion. Who'd expect the "October Surprise" to be a superstorm?

    And your analysis of what may have happened with Jarrett and Benghazi rings true. There's no question that Barry never left campaign mode during the unfolding attacks and their sad aftermath. As you may recall, the day after the murders, Obama spoke to his campaign workers in Las Vegas and compared them to the dead in Benghazi because both groups were trying to make the world a better place. The rat bastard.

  16. Wish there were a way to edit previous comments [hint, hint], I would have liked inserting this interesting piece on October Surprises. Rest assured, this Admin is going to try to pull a rally-round-the-flag type of spectacle. They'll do something awkward and exaggerated [read: desperate] inre: Benghazi. Can't think of any other reason the lamestream media would be ignoring it.

  17. @Colby- "Cow hurricane" is a great description, and I'm sure you're right. And I'm sure there will be post-storm problems suitable to fill the president's every waking moment and laser-like focus until election day.

    @Grumpy Old Squid- The crow's cage would be cruel and unusual punishment unless it got used on a LOT of folks, at which point it would be "cruel and usual" and therefore constitutional. And I'm a huge fan of the Constitution.

    @Stan da Man- Very few news sources (domestically, anyway) are reporting that Ambassador Stevens was sodomized, although Rush Limbaugh mentions it regularly. I find it easy to believe, but still haven't seen the definitive story yet (FOX did a great special on Benghazi and did not mention the sodomy aspect, so I'm guessing they haven't been able to confirm it yet.)

    @Angry Hoosier Dad- My thoughts exactly, though I like the way you express them.

    @Irene Peduto- "Never let a serious crisis go to waste" was Rahm Emmanuel's distasteful strategy, and I'm sure it's still practiced in the Whitehouse. And again, my main thoughts are with the many people in harm's way. Be safe, everyone.

    @John the Econ- You're right, if only we'd been using green energy sources, this hurricane would never have happened. I'm surprised that Obama didn't pull strings with NOAA to have it christened "Hurricane Mitt."

    @Gang of One- Maybe he'd left his golf clubs in Florida.

  18. @Gang of One- Excellent links; thanks for sharing!

  19. I have several blogs that I check regularly, as I suspect do most of the folks who read this one. I have to say this one blows them all away, for both quality of the original content and quality of the subsequent comments.

    But everyone has outdone themselves today. "Well Done" to Stilton and the Stiltettes!

  20. MUCH better, yes, thanks - a weekend bed rest, and garlic soup worked it's usual wonders.

    Full agreed on the obscenity / crime aspect.

    I'm also curious as to the sourcing of the sodomy reports, and if people are not reporting if as it's 'unconfirmed' or just that it's over the top, and piling on..

    See also persistent rumors that the Ambassador was gay (not that there's anything wrong w/ that) and the prez hung him out to dry for that reason - like all the other dead gay men in his trail...
    Personally, that seems a little far fetched to me - as you stated a few days ago, no need to blame evil for what can adequately be explained by incompetence / stupidity.

    God, will I be GLAD next wed when all this is OVER.

    As for the storm - it is truly a FLUKE that a storm names Sandy is set to totally screw over SO many so fast (and leave them furious?)

    As for the president's words - were you intentionally quoting Markos' comments about the dead contractors hung from the bridge in Fellugia? Just wondering...

  21. 75MPH wind gusts are the WORST in 100 YEARS?!?!

    Yup, the Media found their "cover story", and just in freakin' time, too!

  22. "LIVE FROM BENGHAZI" tells me your temperature on this 'movie review gone bad'. Couldn't agree more.

    Here's an equally incensed naturalized American:

  23. @CenTexTim- Thank you, sir. I'll freely admit that I work harder on the content here than anyone sane should, but what I'm really proud of is the fact that so many genuinely intelligent people share their thoughts and comments here. There's a knowledge and experience base that far transcends what I could bring to the party myself. So thank you right back to the usual suspects around here. You're an amazing bunch.

    @Pete D- Not only is garlic soup powerful, it keeps other infectious people a good distance away.

    Regarding the sodomizing of our Ambassador (or his corpse), I just don't know. I'm inclined to believe it but it doesn't really affect the big picture. I also believe reports that Ambassador Stevens was Gay, which makes him all the more courageous for being somewhere that treats Gays so badly (and so permanently). Personally, I think Obama didn't want to escalate the violence because it would distract from his campaign, and so he simply hoped that the terrorists would get tired and go home after using all their ammunition. Which they did - but at what a cost.

    And yes, it IS a "Fluke" that Sandy is blowing in just now, laying waste to lives, laying waste to property, and just frankly laying anything in sight.

    @The Doktor- I'm imagining news reporters hanging their heads out car windows at 75 mph trying to get dramatic shots of their usually perfect hair being blown.

    @Regan Lester- Great link to Mark Steyn. Here's a clickable version.

  24. We all know that this is the fault of Bush - someone forgot to switch off his tax-cut powered hurricane machines. And of course, we all know as well that Sandy will become the latest dog that ate the media's homework... I mean really, folks, can't we all just wait until after the election to dig into this Libyan dirt? Why muddy such pure waters with those icky, icky facts. Besides, hurricanes never happened until people discovered fire.

    Sure would be nice if she simply turned due east and wandered back over the Atlantic without fanfare. Any bets that the media would then make that the biggest story on the planet?

  25. Seadog, that has a disturbingly accurate ring to it... Thanks, I think.

  26. I was born and raised in Wyoming, where many trees only have branches on the east side. Wyomingites laugh at 75 mph "breezes." They don't get concerned until the "breeze" starts pelting their cows with chunks of buildings. Still, Wyoming isn't bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, so 11 foot walls of water coming down the streets are pretty rare.

    So,,, this storm really could be a whopper! It's sickening that Dear Leader will most likely use this storm's death and destruction as a means to distract from the death and destruction HE caused in Libya, and the astronimical death and destruction he so easily ignores in Syria.

  27. 75-mile-an-hour wind gusts? That's IT? We get those almost every winter here in Colorado Springs! What's the big deal?

  28. Back from a weekend of bow hunting. Note that I absolutely must find my way into town Friday or Saturday in order to get my Hope-n-change fix since there's no 3G coverage coverage that far north (curse you, AT&T!!!) Luckily, one of our favorite restaurants in town has free wi-fi. (That's a compliment, Stilt...)

    Pete: Garlic soup? Do tell! How about a recipe? ANYTHING garlic is good, but I never conceived of a garlic soup.

    @Mike: I'd much rather The One go to landfall and stretch his hands over the ocean to calm the storm. That way, we achieve two objectives: we prove him not to be a deity, and we get rid of him in one big swish and blow. Two birds with one big storm; smiles all around.

    There's not much time for a change, but did anyone else catch The One referring to Biteone as " current vice president? I think it waeisner a public event after the third debate. My second dad is convinced that they ran Biteone as veep simply to hold any assassins at bay. I mean: could you imagine an absolute dolt like Uncle Joe as president?! (And how is he avoiding the abuse doled out to Dan Quayle? Nothing Quayle ever said compares in the least to the work of the gaffe master.Is any more definitive proof of MSM bias than that required? I'd think they'd be having a field day on him - for comedic value alone!)

    I have much family in CT and NY. Haven't been able to get ahold of them yet. Add my voice to all others hoping and praying for the safety of all in Sandy's path.

  29. Emmentaller, the 'stupid easy' recipe is saute 1/2 med onion - sliced or diced, your call - until clear, add 2-6 cloves of garlic, for 30 sec 'until fragrant' (or until crunchy - brown, if you like that nutty flavor) and add a can of Campbell's chicken noodle (or rice, or stars, or...) follow directions on can. Instant is also fine. I like to herb it up a bit w/ thyme, dill, dry mustard, and perhaps some red pepper flakes. Obviously, you can go all old school and make the chicken (or beef) soup up from unprocessed ingredients, but the key is to get the garlic and onion sauteed before the water gets in. (a texture / flavor conceit, I know). The point being to use the soup as a transport mechanism for the garlic and it's antiviral properties (plus loosening / soothing the sinus). The reason "Jewish penicillin" works and processed 'chicken soup' not so much is the garlic...
    Now, maybe I'm just buying into a placebo, but I've had good luck w/ it, and like the flavor so sometimes I even just make it 'cause it's good...

  30. @Colby - "I was born and raised in Wyoming"

    What part of WYO? We have some good friends who have a ranch in the Bighorn Mountains outside of Sheridan. We go up there every summer to get away from the Texas heat. I go hunting there in Oct. whenever I can draw a tag and get away from work. Great place.

  31. @CenTexTim,
    I grew up in the ugliest part (southeast) in the least populated county in the least populated state. Lusk, Wyoming. The wind is constant except for spots of relief in mid-summer. I went to school in Laramie (elev. 7,200) where you learn to walk with a lean. The Big Horns are beautiful; Dad's favorite Elk hunting spot!

    I heard there are about 43 Democrats in Wyoming now; all from California.

  32. OMFG Emm, you're gonna get me FIRED all LOL like that!
    yeah, it's basically chicken soup w/ extra garlic. Was an ex named it 'garlic soup w/ chicken'... yeah, ought to be possible to go a 'roasted garlic chowder' or summat.
    Hakuna potato sounds good! I also make a split pea w/ yellow peas and a can of Rotel for a little zip (and, of course the traditional ham bone, onion, carrots, etc..)

  33. YEARRRRGH!!!!
    pbu >> Pete D >> Pete (Detroit)
    YEARRRGH again!

  34. @Colby -

    Never been to Lusk, but I've spent a little time in Casper and Gillette. One of our ranch buddies played football at U. of Wyo. about 25 years ago.

    "I heard there are about 43 Democrats in Wyoming now; all from California."

    Wonder if there's a drawing for a democrat tag...

  35. @SeaDog52- That is an interesting perspective on Benghazi - one of several I've been watching. But astoundingly, the MSM feels there's no story here. Wait - did I say astoundingly? I meant disgracefully.

    @Colby- As you point out, it's not so much the wind that's the problem as whatever ELSE the wind is carrying at 75 mph. It's a scary storm, for sure - but I don't see why the news can't (in the words of Obama in 2007) "do two things at once."

    @JustaJeepGuy- Well, the flood waters are a problem too...

    @Emmentaler- Wouldn't want you to go without your fix. Next time you're away from civilization, let me know ahead of time and I'll send you a couple of coupons to carry in your backpack.

    I hadn't heard Obama's reference to Joe as his "current" VP. Maybe Obama forgot that he hasn't yet staged Joe's election eve heart attack yet.

    And like you, I have friends and family in Sandy's path, and am hoping that they all come through the storm in one piece. It's a scary time.

    @Pete D- Dang, that sounds good! Will definitely try it!

    @Emmentaler- That story is just a little too bizarre to wrap my head around just now. Which may say more about my head than the story.

    @Colby- Outside of describing the Big Horns, you didn't do much of a job of encouraging Wyoming tourism (grin).

    @Pete D- Y'know, I was wondering who the heck pbu was, and why he/she was so keen on soup recipes.

  36. @CenTexTim,
    They did away with Democrat season years ago due to the overwhelming demand. My relatives that are still there are lobbying to reinstate it. It would be a huge money source for the state.

  37. @Stilton,
    Wyoming is a wonderful place if you don't mind a bit of winter and wind. And, one of my favorite people is from there; Dick Cheney! And seriously, Southeastern WY is miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles.

  38. Emmentaler Limburger and Colby - LOL!

    And EL, I love your cough cure...

  39. The situation in Libya is being politicized and the victims and there families being instrumented as a ruse to create doubt of Obama’s leadership. Public access to real facts is being whitewashed by this rhetoric while conservative hands paint the Blackface on our President. Watch them mix and apply the paints to his face in a portrait of Obama being Bamboozed by the Far Right at

  40. Thanks for the EVER so useful post, um, "Brandt". Now why don't you toddle on back to Buffey so the people who are able to discern fact from bullshit MSM propaganda can get back to real discourse, hmmm?. Shall we?

  41. There you sit in your dark cold apartment, with no electric, no phone, clutching a kitchen knife, praying your door lock will keep the well armed animals out, with the sounds of hell on earth all around you knowing your mayors top concern is if you soft drink is too large. God bless and protect those poor people. Brandt we here have no doubts about crap weasel's (love that term, it just fits so well) leadership or lack of it.

  42. Jeebus, Emmm - he was bringing the mushrooms for the soup! Now you gone and run him off...

    As for daubing paint, I like this one (Obama that I used to know) where the singers point out how what they got was NOT what they thought they were voting for - Tho as Stilt has pointed out previously, they're still whining about wanting that back, so clearly they have not 'woken up' yet...

  43. This supports a more 'aware' point of view...

  44. The garlic here in far north Texas is just starting to come up again. Garlic is good all year round. A fresh leaf now finely chopped ads color and flavor. When the stalk start, fresh cuts will dip juice and stalk slice like celery pieces. Then it's time for cloves and for the real stinking rose lovers among us chewing the seeds that dry on stalks not topped is not to be missed.

  45. Nip the stalks when they're still pigtails - OMG is that some snacking or what?!?!? Never tried the seeds, will give that a go next time 'round!

  46. @Brandt Hardin,
    WE'VE been bamboozled? Yes we have, but not in the way you have described. If you would make an effort to get past YOUR racism, you might become enlightened.

    I can not speak for the group here, but I want Barack Obama out of office not because he is black, but rather because he is hell bent on flushing our Democratic Republic down the drain to be replaced with European style socialism. I would suggest that if you really want the government dictating every minute detail of your life, you move to a country that is already that way. God knows there are plenty to choose from. Let's not add our great country to the list of failures like Greece, Spain, Italy, France, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia... Need I go on?

    We have been on and off this path since Woodrow Wilson, but President Obama has steered us back on it, and is busy erecting razor wire fences to keep us there. We have a fork in the road November 6 (provided the razor wire doesn't block it). Let's take the fork. Maybe we are not 100% certain where it leads, but we know it leads away from socialism and slavery to the government.

  47. @Colby- For some reason, this makes me think of a Warner Brothers cartoon scenario: "Duck! Wabbit! Duck! Wabbit! Democrat! *BAM!*"

    And actually I'd love to visit Wyoming some time, if even just to enjoy the night skies.

    @Brandt Hardin- Where to even begin, my trollish little friend? With the words you can't spell, or the words you misuse just enough to show that you're struggling to seem more intelligent than you are? Or shall we look at the fact that on your own website (which is where your link leads) you depict Barack Obama as being made more "black" (literally, with paint) because you believe black is a bad thing. Or maybe you believe it's a holy thing - it's hard to tell, but either way your attitude reeks of racism. Until you're willing or able to judge people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, you have no insights to share with others - and no business visiting the polls.

    In truth, I like engaging people with differing viewpoints in a friendly way - but your post doesn't educate or offer any facts, only your bizarre pronouncements. So all I can really do is comment on your website and (I say this with the best of intentions in order to help you find your way to a better and more productive life)...dude, you can't draw.

    @Emmentaler- I'm perversely flattered by Brandt's idiotic post. He created some bad art for his web page, and then clearly Googled the most influential conservative webcomic sites to go trolling.

    @REM1875- You paint a vivid picture which, as nearly as I can tell, Brandt has never done.

    @Pete(Detroit)- Love the line about the mushrooms! Gave me my first grin of the day (I'm writing on Tuesday morning at the moment). Regarding the parody videos, I enjoyed both (though the Obama supporter interviewing herself doesn't seem to work at the moment).

    @REM1875 & Pete(Detroit)- You guys are giving me insights about garlic that I never dreamed of. It's like a wonderful new world opening up...

    @Colby- Well said, sir! Frankly, I can only think of three reasons why anyone would support Obama at this point: racism, greed, or ignorance. And sadly, his supporters can (and frequently do) exhibit all three simultaneously.

  48. @Stilton: I can think of one more: Evil intent. And, perhaps, being reduced to an organism that can produce only knee-jerk, screechy reactions when the host is threatened - but that, in and of itself, seems a creation of evil intent, so lets just say it's the same thing. I think our friend "Brandt The Artist" may fit this latter profile...

  49. @Emmentaler- Not to split hairs, but I think I'd list "evil intent" under my greed category - whether it's a desire for wealth, power, or whatever. And looking at Brandt's website, I'd say his intent isn't evil so much as (how to put this delicately?) moronic. If you can bear to read his post, it's clear that he's a true believer who thinks that Obama would have the country running on windmills and solar panels by now if not for the Evil Fossil Fuel Monsters who have caused global warming and poisoned the oceans.

    So while I don't think Brandt is evil, I'll say that having a brain the size of a cue ball (to quote Joe Biden) enables evil.

  50. Stilt - Size, nominal density, and basic functional similarities, it appears...

  51. Irene Peduto: most intense storm ever in our liftimes? It was a category 1 hurricane, which disorganized into a tropical depression as soon as it made landfall. There have been 16 category 5 hurricanes since 1971. There have been 24 such hurricanes in my lifetime.
    There have been stronger than Cat 1 hurricanes hit the northeast before, probably even in your lifetime.

  52. @Stilton: He's a parasite. Can't draw, apparently only made it through about the fifth grade, and calls himself an artist. Bet if you check, he's got an endowment for making "art" that looks to be a cross between Picasso on his worst trip and the whimsical stylings of a vomiting wombat. I say that's evil. Mostly because I cannot say I've ever heard of a benign parasite.

    @Ogrrre: They weren't talking about Sandy. They were referring to the hot air coming out of Ă˜bama's campaign and the MSM. But I repeat myself.

  53. (I think I'm due for my sensitivity shock therapy. And remedial "Whimsical Stylings Of A Vomiting Wombat" appreciation classes.)

  54. To quote John Wayne... "Life's hard. It's even harder if you're stupid."

    I would say this also applies to ignorance. To all you libs: pull your friggin' heads out of the sand, stop watching crazies like Schultz and Maddow, study some history, and yes, even study MATH. The numbers you use to justify punishing "rich" people simply do not add up. You can not rob a dollar from someone to pay a 1,000 dollar debt! The guy you just stole the dollar from can no longer afford to give you a job. And if you vote for Obama because he is black, you are a RACIST.

    Whew.... done ranting now.

  55. @Pete D- Pretty much my assessment.

    @Emmentaler- Hmm. Are parasites evil or simply ignorant and greedy? And while I'm inclined to agree with you, I have to admit that I've got a genuine degree of sympathy for people who yearn toward the artistic, but don't have the talent (or perhaps discipline) to actually carry it off. That's a sad burden, and its why penguins who dream of flying like eagles are always sulking and staring at their own feet.

    And by the way, don't go getting any sensitivity shock therapy until AFTER the election. We need all of the insensitivity we can muster until then!

    @Colby- I love that quote. It almost makes me feel sorry for stupid people. The operative word being "almost."

    The sad truth for Brandt or those like him is that - if they are the least bit honest, and have a 5th grade reading level or above, we could probably show them the error of their ways in a single day as long as they were tied to a chair and had their eyes jammed open "Clockwork Orange" style. There are facts on our side, and feeling on their side. And mostly, the good feeling they get from ignoring the facts.

  56. If Barack Hussein were all white instead of half white, he wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of re-election. Any all-white guy who had implemented the same policies in the same way would have been impeached and convicted by now. It's only racism that has kept Barack Hussein safe from the effects of his actions. I just recently read Paul Kengor's book "The Communist" about Frank Marshall Davis. My blood is still boiling!

  57. @Stilton: I lean toward parasites being evil. Especially when it comes to tape worms, leeches, dear ticks, and the career entitled.

    And I, too, have a soft spot (not in my head...) for those who yearn to be artistic, but simply don't have the talent or the ability to develop said talent (as well as for those who fail to maintain said talent due to life's interferences). But, and more to the point, those who yearn for, but do not achieve "things artistic" should not advertise their failure as was done here by our moral dilemma named "Brandt". Because doing so is destructive to the genre and just, well, evil...

  58. The theme now is that 'we need to reassess the way we look at building codes/transportation/weather, etc. - why don't you ask the people along the Gulf Coast what they've learned?

    I don't want to be critical in that there is a major disaster going on, but y'all in the NE, be thankful you're in Democratic States and it's a week before the election, otherwise, like all us in the Gulf that deal with this yearly, you'd be waiting days for FEMA to show up, too little/too late and then in the wrong places, and your Governor's would be begging The One for Major Disaster declarations for weeks afterward(sometimes to be turned down).

  59. Emmentaler,
    You should gather all of the moon-bat crazy and 'dumber than a bag of hammers' stupid stuff you can lay your hands on from the libs and compile it into a book titled "Whimsical Stylings Of A Vomiting Wombat." I'd buy a copy!

  60. Hey, I HAVE a bag of hammers, bought it the same time I bought the house. Paid $10 for like 8 hammers of various size / head design. Seemed like a deal at the time, and NOT dumb. Scattered the nominal 'framing' hammers around the house, can ALWAYS find one. Pretty sweet, actually...

    Now, as a friend of mine once said "he's a dumb as a box of rocks. No, dumber than that. Dumb as two boxes of rocks? No, - what's dumber than a box of rocks?"
    A box of rocks w/ no bottom. THAT'S *dumb*.

  61. @Pete(Detroit): I've done it! It's alive! IT'S ALIVE! I've formulated a garlic bisque of sorts, and it's exquisite. In honor of this thread, I shall call it "Whimsical Wombat Vomit Bisque".

    Handful of garlic cloves, sliced as thin as you can manage; one LARGE white onion, in 1/4" dices; two LARGE carrots, sliced into 1/8" quarter discs; about three ribs of celery, 1/4" dice; (yeah, I know. Mirepoix. But I didn't treat it classically), two large potatoes, peeled and 3/8" - 1/2" dice; pint and a half of heavy cream, 1/4 lb salted butter, about a pint of chicken stock, 1t thyme (fresh if ya got it), 2t parsley (again, fresh if ya got it), 1/4t white pepper, chicken base or bouillon, extra virgin olive oil, water.

    Saute the onion and garlic over medium heat until translucent and your desired amount of brown (I let mine get good and brown). Add stock a bit at a time, and reduce until there is no liquid. Onions should be unrecognizable - it will look like slices of garlic in apple sauce Transfer onion and garlic to your soup pot, and deglaze the pan with a bit of water and a wooden scraper, and add that to your pot as well. Toss in butter, carrots and celery and build up with about a gallon and a half of water. Bring to a boil, and allow butter to melt entirely. Add base or bouillon a bit at a time, tasting until the level of salt you prefer is attained. Add potatoes. Allow to boil about ten minutes, or until potatoes are soft. reduce heat to low, add thyme, parsley, white pepper. Slowly add heavy cream, stirring as it is added. Remove from heat. Let stand uncovered for ten minutes. Puree until smooth with a hand blender (if you use a jar blender, process a bit at a time, and leave the lid a bit loose - the steam pressure will pop it off and make a potentially painful mess if you don't.) Serve. Awesome. And with a name like "Whimsical Wombat Vomit Bisque", you'll have plenty to savor as leftovers.

    There will clearly be no vampires around the Limburger abode tomorrow.

    I'm going to play with this one a bit more. I see all kinds of possibilities! Yum. :o)

    (Sorry for the thread twist, Stilt.)

  62. Shoot. Sautee in the olive oil. And that was a BIG, open-palmed handful.

    OK. Back to your regularly scheduled thread...

    Soon little wombat, soon!!!!

  64. Start w/ 1/4 lb bacon, sliced small, 'should' be possible to time it so that the bacon, onion, garlic all achieve brownness together.... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, bacon, and taters....

  65. Mmmmmmm Bacon. Bacon's battle for dominance over caramelized garlic and onion. Epic. Yes. Epic...

    You, sir, are inspired.

  66. True story: just gave some to my 14 year old son to taste. "This is really good, Dad. What is it?" Why, it's Whimsical Wombat Vomit Bisque, son. "No, really. What is it." Whimsical Wombat Vomit Bisque "Uh. Um. Oh." After a brief scuffle to prevent it from going down the sink, he finished it. Wanna know what's in it? "No. I'm afraid to know."

    See? Plenty of left-overs. (My 9 year old enjoyed it. Haven't told her its moniker yet. I'm sure the 14 year old will...)

    Roasting pumpkin seeds now. Busy kitchen day...

  67. E L, also a true story: with the last calf my folks had butchered, the shop sent back the calf fries. Mom had no intention of fixing them, so she gave them to me. My ex-wife's ex-brother-in-law had been the head chef at a well-known Oklahoma City steak house, so I called him up and asked him how to fix them. He told me, and I fried them up, made mashed potatoes and gravy, fried okra, a garden salad, and tea.
    I knew that if I told the kids what it was, they'd never even try it. So, when asked, with strait face I told them, "rabbit." They all tried it, and they all liked it. They all had seconds, and the oldest girl was disappointed there wasn't a third helping available.
    About two hours after supper, I got the kids together and told them, "uh, kids, about that rabbit you had for dinner..." Oldest girl asked, "Okay, what was it?" I told them, and she started banging her head against the wall, wailing "Gross! Gross! Gross!"
    For some reason I never could figure out, they never trusted my cooking after that.

  68. Emmentaler- I've printed out your recipe and can't wait to try it!

    Ogrrre- Funny story!

  69. Ogrre: I've gotten my kids to eat many an odd food by not... quite... exposing the food's true nature - but that takes the cake. I think I'd have a difficult time keeping a straight face as they ate the testicles. On another note, tongue always tastes a bit spitty to me. I figure that's mostly because I know what I'm eating.

    Mom & middle daughter are going "ham" on the soup as we speak.

    @Stilt: Next time around, I'm going to coat a handful of cloves in EVOO, place on some parchment on a half-sheet pan, and roast in the oven at around 400'F, then add it to the pot along with the saute. This soup is great, but I want more garlic presence in the overall palate.

  70. @Chef Emmentaler- While I'm pretty good at throwing ingredients together in whimsical ways, you're showing a mastery of craft here which leaves me humbled. And hungry!

  71. Yes, Obama, there is a Sandy Clause. But is there a Sanity Clause? (Hat tip to the late Walt Kelly)

  72. @JustaJeepGuy- And I loves me some Walt Kelly. Genius.


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