Friday, November 23, 2012

The Weak in Review

Well, this has been a weird week for Hope n' Change Cartoons. We tried to go to the "Friday only" schedule, but then had to post on Wednesday or suffer from exploding head syndrome.  Then we also posted Thursday because it was Thanksgiving. And now, Friday has arrived with original material rather than Facebook leftovers (we've all got enough leftovers today, right?).

barack obama pardons thanksgiving turkey but didn't save ambassador stevens, obama jokes,hope and change, stilton jarlsberg

Is it just our imagination, or is the whole Benghazi conversation shifting only to which functionary changed the wording of Susan Rice's "election friendly" and untrue talking points...and shifting away from the big questions like: Why were Stevens's repeated requests for more security denied? Were troops told to stand down rather than come to the aid of the Ambassador? If Obama gave an order to assist Stevens, where is it and why wasn't it carried out? And finally, knowing that the murder of 4 Americans was a terrorist attack, why did Barack Hussein Obama go to the United Nations and say that a videotape was to blame, and the real cause of the violence was "those who slander the prophet of Islam?"

This story must not be allowed to die - even though the Obama Administration is working harder to kill it than they ever worked to kill Osama bin Laden.

Fur More Years
bark obama, mutt romney, hairy reid, dogs, obama jokes, stilton jarlsberg, hope and change

Bark Obama is too much fun to let go, and frankly we see no reason to believe that his inspiration will be less of a lying dog over the next four years.  So it seemed like a good idea to update the storyline and set the stage for more keester-sniffing, testicle-licking, flea-infested fun. Which, by the way, is pretty much the same promise Obama made to win re-election.

Leftovers (Facebook Funnies of the Week)
obama jokes, muslim brotherhood, stilton jarlsberg, hope and change, knock knock jokes

obama jokes, michelle obama, twinkies, situation room, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg


  1. I absolutely agree that the blatant irresponsibility of BO with respect to the hard Benghazi questions cannot be swept aside, as it seemingly has been done with Fast and Furious.

  2. @Stilton: Hope you and everybody here had a good Thanksgiving, mine was spent setting up an Apple Mini-Mac after my laptop went into the permanent blue screen of death, and I refused to get sucked into Microsoft's 'Win8' BS. The manufacturers were dumping the Win7 machines dirt cheap until the beta of Win8 came out; now, try and find a Win7 machine and prepare to pay a premium price. If I'm going to be forced to learn a new system, it will be Mountain Lion. Good thing was I had my backups on a flash drive, bad thing was the flash drive developed a bad sector and wouldn't read. Two heart attacks later and finding a really good data recovery program on CNET, I have the basics up and hope to get back to doing some discussion on Grumpy Curmudgeon later today.

  3. Velcro, let us just say that the Benghazi question should NOT be swept aside by the current administration, but IT PROBABLY WILL BE! Just as Fast & Furious is now in process of that! Name one area that those one-world
    progressives in DC have even been slowed down or called out! And I thought Bill Clinton was the teflon president, I hadn't seen anything yet! The feeling of helplessness since the election is overpowering!Great toons btw, thanks.

  4. @SJ - Many thanks for taking time to provide us with more thought-provoking cartoons/commentary.
    @Velcro - SJ correctly understands that Benghazi has deteriorated into talking points about who told whom - not the real, most significant issues like who allowed our Ambassador to die & why - gun running as in the Fast & Furious Operation (which was not open for investigation as per Presidential intervention). Wow!
    @Pry - Teflon was a term I used for an educational union (rather a big mucky-muck) because nothing ever stuck to him. Obama is beyond Teflon - he is, according to the MSM, incapable of deception because of his ability to walk on water.
    @SJ - The Muslim Brotherhood scares me as much as Soros & Ayers. They are without conscience yet fully invested in a methodology to destroy America. They also have money, power, & influence.
    Thanksgiving allowed me to realize I am grateful for the people I love who are a special part of my life. Despite all of the NJ storm consequences, we were all able to celebrate in our usual fashion.
    Hopefully all of you were also able to glean something special for which to be grateful.

  5. Stilt, your comment presumes that the Oministration did squaddilly DOO to 'work' to get Obama. Pretty much dropped in their lap, Val-J-J said 'no' twice, they mistakenly gave the trigger to someone they figured would never have the balls to pull it, and were wrong.
    Just how it looks from where *I* sit...

  6. Perhaps I missed something along the way? I thought obama was the champion of the new regime in Egypt, and now they are rioting against that government because their "president" declared his rules above the laws of the land. Is that what is in store with the regime in Washington?

  7. Saw an article in the local liberal rag this morning stating that the confusion about Benghazi is all being cause by republicans, not the administration. The propaganda arm of the democrats is still in the tank and on message: move along, nothing to see here.

    It's an updated version of a tree falling in the forest. If something happens but it doesn't get reported, is it news? If nobody knows about it, does it even matter that it happened?

  8. PRY beat me to it - again. I've got to get up earlier...

    I get that the media will do their best to cover up liberal scandals. Abdicating their watchdog function is bad enough during 'routine' scandals (Jesse Jackson, Jesse Jackson Jr., Bill Clinton, John Edwards, etc.). But the most galling thing about the unholy alliance between obama and the press is that people are dying due to his political machinations, and no one in the media cares. That's inexcusable.

    Hopefully when obama takes his place in Hell right next to Satan the press will have a front-row seat.

  9. @Velcro- Between Fast & Furious and Benghazi, it seems like there's getting to be a lot of blood on Obama's hands. Meanwhile, the media is there trying to wash those hands and - as long as they're kneeling - annoint them with precious oils.

    @SeaDog52- My family is doing the big Thanksgiving meal today (Friday), but we had a pleasant day on Thursday. Sorry about your computer woes. I'm a dedicated Mac guy, so suggest you run away from Windows in any iteration.

    @PRY- Isn't it funny what a reasonable, honorable, and wise president Bill Clinton now seems to be when compared to B. Hussein? (Answer:'s not really funny at all.)

    @Irene Peduto- You've grasped my point about Benghazi exactly: what little talk there still is relates to the memo - not the deaths and scandalous followup.

    And yes, there are still things to be thankful for - even if we need to put in a bit more effort to spot them.

    @Pete(Detroit)- We're in agreement. Personally, I think Obama's only involvement with the death of Osama bin Laden was preventing it as long as he could. Not because he loved Osama, but because he didn't care and didn't want the political risk.

    @Anonymous- Putting the current regime into power in Egypt was one of Barry's big foreign policy successes (to hear the MSM tell it prior to the election). In reality? Not so much...

    @Chuck- If a tree falls in the forest and all the witnesses are killed, did it make a sound? Answer: it doesn't matter, because soon people will be afraid to even ask the question.

  10. Dang. I miss Mutt Romney. I was so looking forward to seeing him at this site for plus eight years. On a different note, I read what seemed to be a fairly straight forward account of the Petraus affair in this week's Newsweek. (We get it free to force THEM to pay postage.) It actually seemed like ok reporting except for the fact that Benghazi got a one or two line throw away mention at the end. It's their whole, "look there's a rabbit" parsing of stories that infuritates me. My exercise/walking buddy gets tired of my rants. And that scares me even more. I was actually asked to be thankful for a cease fire in Gaza. I'm more along the lines of Kissinger who said about Vietnam, "The guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win."

  11. Morsi... and I did so want to go see the Pyramids and the Sphinx before I shuffle off this biodegradable slinky. Oh well, by the time he's done with them, we'll all only be able to remember them from books. But me fears more that Morsi's ascension to dictatorship will give the BatEarred Weenie ideas about prolonging his own tenure. Of course, we all know he can't possibly be thinking along those lines anyway, now can he?

  12. @Earl- Trust me, I miss Mutt Romney too. But for now, I need to think of how to make "Bark Obama" more offensive and get it in front of more liberals. Useful? Probably not. Cathartic? Okay, that'll have to do for now.

    Great Kissinger quote and all too true. And if I had to place a bet today, I'd say that we'll never have good answers about Benghazi and B. Hussein will never pay a political price. The MSM won't report it, most Americans won't give a flying (something which alliterates with "flying"), and those of us who DO care have already been written off as cranks, racists, and malcontents.

  13. @Grafton Cheddar- Be of good cheer: although Egypt may destroy their Sphinx and pyramids, new ones will be erected in Washington DC to honor our new God King Soetoro. These will be economy-stimulating "quarry ready projects" too - not like those imaginary shovel-ready jobs which never materialized.

  14. Well I had heard bark had been slated to be "put to sleep" a few weeks ago but was given 28 more dog years to go by a very slim majority. So it's bitter sweet that we still have him, sweet that doc has continued with the tales of the kenyan lion dog, but bitter that he is still in the neighborhood. Too bad mutt romney did not take the rat terrier and pug lousy with him to the greyhound races but then he took enough of us with him, sadly.

  15. @REM1875- For what it's worth, I don't think Bark can take any credit for Mutt's departure - but being a lying dog, he's fashioned the story to make himself look tough.

    I think Mutt actually saw an idiot wander into traffic while talking on an Obamaphone and sacrified himself in an attempt to push the nitwit to safety.

  16. I hate to admit i'm thankful that the best thing about barack's re-election is that i get four more years of these GREAT CARTOONS! I suppose i would begrudgingly give them up for good leadership,but since i no longer have to make that choice....

    ah, such is life...painful painful life.

    you gotta take the good with the awful i guess. hopefully people will regret this case of presidential herpes soon and get the correct treatment!

  17. @nielson.trevor- I can't say I'm enthusiastic about doing another 4 years of cartoons about the current officeholder...but I suppose there's always the small chance that an errant golfball could (tragically) take him out of the game, leaving us with a president Biden. Then the jokes would write themselves!

  18. @ nielson.trevor: Unfortunately herpes is the gift that keeps on giving and it looks like America forgot to take her Valtrex™ this November.

    Stilton, forgive me but I had to laugh at that first strip despite its message. You are a terrifically talented satirist.Sometimes the image and the message just "grabs me by the boo-boo".(Hat tip to Cheech and Chong)

  19. Stilt - Alliteration - you mean like a Flying Fluke?

  20. @Red- Hey, no forgiveness is necessary, I'm glad you laughed. Even if it's that tense, bitter, somewhat manic laugh that we've all developed since Election Day.

    @Pete(Detroit)- You're getting warmer... warmer...

  21. I see Morsi in Egypt has ruled that even the courts cannot overrule him...who does he think he is...obama????

  22. @Pry- We won't know for sure until Egypt's new dictator tries to crush the peoples' spirit with Morsicare.

  23. What a bonanza! A veritable overflowing cornucopia of hopenchange cartoons! And here I was steeling myself for the expected austerity.

    Irene, we had a nice twist to our Thanksgiving. Our ancient cat (he's 21), who has multiple medical issues that we manage, developed a new one last week and we were afraid it was curtains for him. But no, the vet said it's probably a passing thing, or part of his aging process, and instead of our worst fear, coming home without kitty, we have him right here with us. We are thankful.

    One day at a time!

  24. @ Pry. Can u imagine actually saying & meaning such a thing about the President of the US? What the bleep (Monica C.) us happening to America?


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