Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas 2012

In the words of Barack Hussein Obama (currently vacationing in sunny Hawaii) this is the time of year for all of us to ignore our critical duties, sworn responsibilities, and oft-repeated promises and instead "cool off, drink some eggnog, have some Christmas cookies, sing some Christmas carols, and enjoy the company of loved ones."

Unless your "loved ones" are, say, your Aunt Zeituni, Uncle Onyango, or step-brother George, in which case you can order your Secret Service agents to shoot them on sight.

Still, for once we're actually going to take Barry's advice and enjoy a few days off (assuming nothing too interesting happens in the world) with family, friends, and the comfortingly familiar (Mannheim Steamroller, Mantovani, Nat King Cole, and maybe a little "Miracle on 34th Street." Add two shots of Chivas Regal and serve.)

Here's hoping that over the next few days, all of you enjoy the many precious gifts which can't be contained in a wrapped box, but are contained in the Constitution - the gift that truly keeps giving.

Hope n' Change should be back here on Friday, same as usual. Because like Santa himself, we need to start our new list of who's been naughty or nice. Until then, very warm and sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah!    -Stilton


  1. I was 'sent to your site' by Common
    So enjoy your takes via your graphic cartoons...

  2. Thanks, Stilton!

    My you and yours have a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

  3. Thank you, Stilton, for creating this community! I so enjoy getting together with my "Hope n' Change" buddies every week. Even if you can't spend three weeks in Hawaii, have a blessed Christmas and New Year!

  4. The best to you and your family for a great Christmas and wonderful 2013. Thank you for the lighthearted look at a dismal year.Good health and keep these poignant comics coming. You may be helping to convert some of these non-thinking libs. We have to hope. John

  5. @SJ - of course I checked to see if you had posted anything today - wasn't disappointed.
    Love your post today - filled with good wishes & hopefulness.
    @ "The Community" - Merry Christmas / Happy Hanukkah to all.
    As for me - I'll be joining my adult children & grandchildren for the Eve & Christmas Day - don't know how much "me" time I'll have so this morning's reply may be all I'll get.
    Looking forward to Friday for your take on recent developments - whatever form they may take.....

  6. Agreed, John, we must certainly hope for change.

    God Bless all youse guys, that make this my first (and frequent) stop of the day, and special blessings for the Stilton family. HOPEfully, he can get this site to pay something, for a CHANGE, rewarding his time, effort, dedication and deliciously sticky creative juices...
    Perhaps gather the 'best' cartoons, and publish them as "View From Across The Pond" - as some have been emailed around as being from the UK...

    In any event, may you all have a loving and safe season w/ those who are important to you, and be you all prosperous next year that you get your asses taxed off!

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all! And thank you, Stilton, for this place and all your hard work! With humor, somehow we'll all get through the next four (um, ten) years.

  8. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all. Hope your holiday season is filled with good friends and cheer.

  9. Stilton, thanks for all the great commentary and hilarious artwork throughout the year. A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.

  10. I want to wish you and yours a Merry, Blessed Christmas and a Happy, SAFE New Year.

    Both my sons are home and they brought all the grandkids and even though we are wall-to-wall pallets in the living room and standing in line for the bathroom, it's probably the bestest Christmas ever.

  11. I truly hope that we all -- especially those who protect our homes and families -- experience Peace on Earth in the coming year.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and what the heck - have a festive Kwanzaa...

  12. A Happy Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!

  13. Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukkah and A Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and yours and all your readers!

    (Somewhere my High School English teacher has her head in her hands and is quietly weeping.)

    And thanks for all the Free Ice Cream this year.

  14. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah one and all! Thanks, Stilton, for all you do to make this my favorite stop on the Internet. Thanks to everyone for your sharing and insights.

    All my kids made it home for the holidays this year, and I have one of my sisters and my Father here, too ... so my wife and I are feeling truly blessed.

  15. @CenTexTim- I didn't mean to limit my good wishes, I just didn't want to look up the spelling of Kwanzaa (grin).

    And let me take this opportunity to thank all of YOU for your friendship, support, and good humor every day of the year!

  16. Merry Christmas, everyone!

    See you next year! (I never tire of that one...)

    May the good Lord continue to bless each and every one of y'all and your love ones.
    I pray that we all may feel at least for the moment those special feelings of this season and that we may know a moment of peace in our hearts.

    Oh look, is that a Finnish Nangant rifle in 7.62x 54R under the tree? Hard to tell, there is a bow on it. I hope its for me. So Santa obviously is not a democrat.

  18. Happened to notice that we have a winner: "HnC is co-winner of the 2012 Daniel Simpson Day Award for Best Graphics!", for the 2012 Fabulous 50 Blog Awards. The good doctor is far too modest to toot his own horn. Congratulations Stilton! Richly well deserved! (Aside: a la Joe Biden, this is a Big Effing Deal!)

  19. @Grafton Cheddar. Yeah! Nice for Stilton to get some recognition. Did they have a category for wittiest? He should have co-won if not out and out swept that category. (IMHO.) So Stilton, what wonderful prizes will you get?

  20. Have a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
    Of course Obama's staff and SS protection will not gave a Merry Christmas since they are in Hawaii and their families are in the DC area. I doubt that Obama cares.
    That evil Bush and his father, when President, celebrated Christmas every year at Camp David so staff and SS agents were close to home.

  21. That sound you hear is Conga Rats' Ululations for Stilton!! Bravo! on the Best Graphics Co-Win (on Bark Obama days is that Beast Graphics?)!
    Happy Hanukkah/Merry Christmas Stilton and all, and thanks for this internet oasis that has attracted such a commumity as this. To everyone here: have a memorable Holiday and Best Wishes for making a prosperous path through the next little orbit 'round the sun!

  22. From Mrs. Colby, our two offspring and our gifts from God, our six grandsons, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A REALLY NEW, NEW YEAR!!!

  23. @Grafton Cheddar- I immodestly posted a gold "badge of honor" in the lefthand column to signify the fact that I won "a major award!" (as Dad says in "A Christmas Story"). But the "Fabulous 50 Blog Awards" are more than a little tongue in cheek. That being said, the awards really are given out in recognition of achievements in conservative blogging, and I'm honored to be in really good company. You can check out the winners at that link I just snuck in there.

    @Earl- Frankly, I'm surprised they found any category to squeeze this blog into: it can be funny or horrifying, often on the same day. As for prizes, there are none other than the honor of being acclaimed by your peers - which will give us something to talk about when we're in Guantanamo Bay together.

    By the way, I got the "Daniel Day Simpson Award" for graphics. Daniel Day Simpson, nicknamed "D-Day," was the motorcycle-riding hellraiser in National Lampoon's Animal House. So yeah, the shoe fits.

    @amr- I suppose there are worse assignments for the Secret Service than going to Hawaii and protecting B. Hussein from brain-freeze headaches while scarfing shave-ice. But it's a shame they couldn't be with their families for Christmas. Or at least spending the holiday with someone who celebrates Christmas.

    @A Nonny Mouse- Thank you!

    @Colby- You've very efficiently painted a nice Norman Rockwell portrait for us. And I have to say that wishes for a really new "new year" sound great. 2012 and I are no longer on speaking terms.

  24. @Stilton J & the rest of the Hn'C posters, Merry Xmas and a job well done on receiving the "Major Award.

    Keep your powder dry, boys & girls, cause as far as protecting the 2nd Amendment goes; "The future holds nothing else but confrontation."

  25. Hanukkah 2012 ended on Dec 16, so I suppose the wishes are for 2013, right?

    Let me reciprocate by wishing you Happy Thanksgiving.

  26. Let me add a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all, too! Even (albeit grudgingly) to Barack Hussein, who obviously couldn't care less about the lack of home lives of those who protect the worthless POS.

  27. @Anonymous- Thank you for your Thanksgiving wishes (embarrassed blush). I'll admit that there's been some craziness going on for me lately, and so I offered the Hanukkah wishes without actually checking the dates. My apologies for offering belated - but sincere - holiday wishes. (Or, as Homer Simpson would say, "D'oh!!!")

  28. Whew! It's 12-26! The time spent with my family is always special but Christmas makes it just a bit better - still happy to be home having time to pursue - well, HnC for one.
    I finally was able to look at Stilton's award & the incredible list of winners - some of whom I know & others I will soon know.
    Congratulations to a man (we here on this blog know & appreciate). His talent and his varied cartoons represent the worst this regime has to offer - in a light-hearted way yet conveying the seriousness of the issues he confronts.
    I'm actually feeling proud of you, SJ! Kinda' like "I know the guy"! Way to go!!!

  29. @Irene Peduto- Trust me, you and many others here do know me - better than most people who know me (or think they do) in flesh and blood.

    And even though my family had a wonderful Christmas, I'm ready to return to the routine of non-holiday matters (like, for starters, taking the last-minute gift wrapping supplies off my desk).
