Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day Off

Have no worries, folks, I just didn't have the time and/or energy for a cartoon today...although I'll feel like a darned fool if nuclear war breaks out with North Korea today without my having first made a joke about it. Of course, this administration's policies towards North Korea are already a joke, so maybe it would have been redundant anyway.

On a far more serious note (not that a threatened nuclear attack from a chubby, psychotic troll isn't fairly serious already), Hope n' Change mourns the passing of Margaret Thatcher - a great woman whose life reminds us to keep fighting the good fight, even when the odds don't appear to be with us. She never gave up or gave in...and so changed the world for the better.


  1. Heck, Stilton, our beloved loser-in-chief has taken four-going-on-five years off, what with vacations, golf outings, parties at the White House (while keeping school children out because of sequester-related security issues, don't you know), campaign appearances thinly disguised as official trips, and assorted other derelictions of duty that would get anyone else fired.

    Compared to that, your occasional days off are a mere blip on the radar screen (or is that a NORK missile?).

    Enjoy, TCB, and come back refreshed and recharged.

  2. If instead of veggies you had popcorn, a hotdog, and 7-up... I can almost hear them singing, "Come on up to the lobby..."

    maybe its just me though... :-)

  3. When is he supposed to start the glorious people democratic nuclear war? I need to know if I need to do my taxes but no sense if we are all going to die.

  4. Can't add anything to CenTex....

  5. @StiltonJarlsberg,
    My apologies for not saying so sooner-been outa town- but I hope all is going well with you. If ever you need something Jersey can provide, please reach out.
    @Velcro, around 2pm, when that song is STILL worming it's way thru my head, I shall curse the name Velcro!!

  6. Take it easy, Dr. J. You deserve it! And I wish you COULD take a few luxury outings and golf with Tiger Woods. And ain't it grand what a fine mess happens when you make an impetuous, conceited little prick with no military experience your commander in chief? North Korea did it, too!

    Now, do you really think the IRS would let a silly little nuclear war stop them from collecting?

  7. Velcro, I too am old enough to remember commercials in the theater. $.25 matinee - a cartoon or two, then the main pic, typically a Disney thing - Swiss Family Robinson, the whole Kurt Russel "Medfield" series, etc. Loved those...

    No worries Stilt, at least we've got Johnny, w/ special guest Pepe the epileptic..

  8. And there were those who celebrated her death.
    I wonder what the liberal/democrat faction of this country would do if patriotic American conservatives were to act the same way when some liberal/democrat politician died?
    After all THAT would be (theoretically) good for America.

  9. @Velcro.... ditto what queso Grande said. :)

  10. @American Cowboy: The left seem to be alien invaders, with their very different sense of acceptable public behavior, different morals, etc. Being conservative in this society is much like being in the cannibal's pot.

    @Sir Stilton of Jarlsberg: Your worthy quest does not become diminished by your well deserved respite. Rest well.

  11. Stilton: Given the level of intelligence displayed by "Dear Leader" and Democrat Congresscritters, the parade of veggies is apt. Most of 'em would have increase their IQ by 20 or 30 points to qualify as a radish.

  12. @Readers- Thanks for all the good thoughts and fun comments. All of you certainly make a guy feel good about having sporadic output (which sounds like something you should see a urologist for).

    Oddly enough, the cartoons and commentary are just as therapeutic (and necessary) for me as the time off - I just can't accurately predict which need is going to be met at any given time for awhile.

    @CenTexTim- Actually, when I compare my work ethic to that of Mr. Soetoro, I feel much better. Thanks!

    @Velcro- I love those singing refreshments! And now I want popcorn.

    @REM1875- I like your pragmatic approach to tax time, and your ability to find a silver lining in nuclear war. You are Mister Glass Half Full.

    @Queso Grande- Now that you mention it, this song does get stuck in your head...

    @Colby- As I'm not a golfer, my outing with Tiger Woods wouldn't be very satisfying. Although it would be fun for me to speed around the course driving Golf Cart One!

    @Pete(Detroit)- As just a young cheese in Indianapolis, I went to the Emerson theater on Saturdays. Cartoons, three stooges, and a film for 25¢ - and they gave you an ice cream bar on the way out of the theater.

    By the way, the new kid in Johnny Optimism didn't officially have a name, but I like Pepe for this potentially peppy character. Plus it makes the strip multicultural, which is a beautiful thing.

    @American Cowboy- I saw pictures of Lefties celebrating Lady Thatcher's death, and carrying signs saying things like "You're Next, Cheney." It as at times like that I tend to think that, while the pen is mightier than the sword, the sword can be way more satisfying to use.

    @Emmentaler- The Lefties are from Mars as nearly as I can tell, and like the invaders in HG Wells' "War of the Worlds," they mean us only harm.

    @It's No Gouda- I think one of the reasons I like the truck-stepping vegetables is that they do make me think of the simplicity and idiocy of those on the left.

  13. Lose the guilt Stilton; YHWH hisself could only handle straight 6 days of creativity without taking a break.

    I'm sure H&C is a full-time process, no matter what else you're doing.

    We'll just talk among ourselves.

  14. Sporadic output - I can see a future in selling mysterious herbs to cure it on late night tv infomercials- you might be on to something there Doc.

  15. @rickn8or- I don't actually have guilt, I just don't want people thinking that I've fallen off the face of the Earth or anything.

    @REM1875- I see Bob Dole walking along the beach, talking about the problem of "sporadic output" and the miracle drug which will cure it: Stiltonin. Not covered by Obamacare.

  16. @Stilt,

    The only way we'd expect you to fall is if you were pushed out of a black helicopter...

  17. It's a darn shame we don't have a real leader dealing with N. Korea, such as the illustrious John Kerry. He had such a wonderful handle on the correct way to deal with them all throughout the Bush years. What's that you say? Lurch is the one dealing with them? Oh. Gosh. Umm... racist!

  18. First off...Stop insulting Vegetables...How would you like it if someone compared you to a Liberal!!

    Second we all need a break n and again, so no worries there....Just take care of what you need to take care of.

    Third I don't worry about the Black Helicopters any more....drones are much smaller and don't have to deal with as many people to carry out a mission, wonder when lots of conservatives will start having gas explosions at their houses.

  19. To all cheese folowers: As a southerner, I remember the words being "Let's all go to the lobby." Prehaps they had regional specific recordings.

    On another note, Obama the arrogant narcissist, is comparing Medal of Honor Father Abel James Kapan to his atheist, communist grandparents. Prehaps it's just me, but I am ashamed that this award comes so late and that it is awarded by so shameless a President for his own political reasons.

    On a similar note, I hear that Hanoi Jane is telling former North Vietnamese POW's to "get a life" over their righteous anger of her movie portrayal of Nancy Reagan. Prehaps she would like to say the same to the wives, children and grandchildren of the men who were beaten/tortured to death because of her treasonous, traitorous actions while touring POW camps during the war. Maybe she has "forgotten" but we have not.

  20. Oh bear with me, I found this dialogue amusing since yesterday's vegetable montage. It's from a Father Brown short story by G.K. Chesterton written around 1911. (I think Chesterton was a socialist.) Anyway, there's a young woman named Ruby who doesn't like what has become of a young man she used to like:

    "You've only talked like that since you became a horrid what's-his-name. You know what I mean. What do you call a man who wants to embrace the chimney-sweep?"

    "A saint," said Father Brown.

    "I think," said Sir Leopold, with a supercilious smile, "that Ruby means a Socialist."

    "A radical does not mean a man who lives on radishes," remarked Crook, with some impatience; "and a Conservative does not mean a man who preserves jam. Neither, I assure you, does a Socialist mean a man who desires a social evening with the chimney-sweep. A Socialist means a man who wants all the chimneys swept and all the chimney-sweeps paid for it."

    "But who won't allow you," put in the priest in a low voice, "to own your own soot."

    Then the story veered off into Santa Claus and stolen jewelry.

  21. I want to thank y'all for helping me keep what little sanity I have left cause I looked at the cartoon and suddley started thinking drive-ins. (for those who don't know what that is bing it- this could be a more important part of your life than you can ever concieve.)
    Suddley I have an urge to watch the second feature that I was usually to busy to watch. What was the name of that one where the Confederate town reappeared and held a party for happless northern teens once every hundred years?

  22. It's Friday morning. Missing you Big Cheese.

  23. @REM1875,

    HAHAHAHA! " you can conceive." Good one!

    We have to wonder how many folks "started out" in the back seat at a drive-in. Also, what movies were playing at the time.

  24. Boy, lit the fuse on that one, I guess! I'm so glad you all haven't forgotten!!!


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