Friday, July 5, 2013

Last Day for Free Patriotic Porn!

Okay, "OBAMA SUTRA - An Illustrated Guide to 57 States of Ecstasy" isn't really porn. But it is the best PG-13 (or maybe R) rated political satire of a sex manual. And today is the last day you can download it for free!

Just take a look here for all of the links and information...and then go get your own copy of "OBAMA SUTRA" to come to a fuller understanding of just how screwed we are!


  1. Great book, downloaded it, then READ IT. Thanks Doc.

  2. I hope all of my conservative American allies have had a great Independence Day!
    Best wishes from the Antipodes,
    Coon Tasty.

  3. Bought multiple copies of the book when it first came out, many were Christmas presents, and everyone who received a copy loved it. Of course, I didn't waste any on the few lib friends that I have left. Mrs. Tricky and I have actually tried a few of the positions, but best not go into detail about that.

  4. So, when I heard on the news that the Los Angeles, California School system is using almost 1 million dollars (that 'We the People' unwillingly gave to the Ospendit Collective), to teach students to 'Promote Obama's Health Care Initiative'; I exclaimed: "Are you kucking fidding me?!"...Using the children to promote a Gubment political agenda that nobody really wants; will enslave it's people; ruin a good system already in place; and bring a nation into financial ruin? I've never heard of such a thing. Oh, wait, yes I have: The Hitler Youth. Sorry, my bad.

  5. are so right about the Hitler youth thing. When a crazed would-be tyrant starts his insane campaign to the suppose top, down through history, their techniques and timetables are eerily similar. Our black tyrant is no exception. Lies, deception and distraction must be the order of each and every day.

  6. Nice of you to give it away free, but I waited and bought it!
    At .99 cents, it's still a steal!

  7. @REM1875- The book is pretty funny if I say so myself. Then again, I've never looked at it while cold sober.

    @Coon Tasty- Thank you for the holiday wishes! And wasn't Antipodes a Greek philosopher? (kidding!)

    @David in SoCal- Maybe the gummint wouldn't have to be spending our tax money on SELLING Obamacare through our kids if the American people (and most politicians) had been allowed to "see what was in it" before it was made into law.

    The Obamacare train wreck is happening - and the administration's response is to work on generating positive PR through paid programs or coercion.

    @PRY- Mobilizing youth to sell this entirely ideological program to control the population is an obscenity. And yes, it does have familiar historical echoes.

    @MOTUS- Yay! I made 70¢ profit! Seriously, I know I'll never get rich selling political parody sex manuals, so my main goal is just to get it into peoples' hands. That being said, I'm glad you found it a bargain at 99¢ - it's not a throwaway work, it's a real book and I'm proud of it.
