Friday, July 12, 2013

Sanford and Sons

obama, obama jokes, black panthers, zimmerman, trayvon martin, sanford, hope n' change, race riots, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, tea party, conservative, look like Trayvon, trial

The verdict in the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman trial will soon be in...and just to make sure that the community is properly "organized" to take appropriate action, the New Black Panthers have come to Sanford, Florida in force - ready to show their extreme displeasure if the verdict doesn't meet their racial preferences.

Put another way, they're spoiling for a race riot - and perhaps the first such riot actually encouraged by the president of the United States, the Department of Justice, and the mainstream media.

Having learned nothing after declaring White cops to be "stupid" with a history of racism prior to his infamous beer summit, Barack Hussein Obama upped racial tensions by saying "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." Certainly, it seems that Trayvon also shared his surrogate "dad's" dope-smoking habit.

Then the media re-edited 9-1-1 tapes to make Zimmerman look like a racist, the DOJ spent taxpayer funds to organize demonstrations against Zimmerman, and a nice racial bonfire was stoked - because it's exactly what this president and his administration want.

Let's be clear: this case should never have been about race. It's about two men on a dark and rainy night, neither of whom knew the intent of the other, who got into an intense fight which ended badly. None of us really knows what happened - but the evidence presented strongly supports George Zimmerman's contention that he was attacked and beaten before firing his gun. If we were jurors, we'd acquit Zimmerman - sadly, solemnly, and based solely on the evidence.

That may happen (despite the wild anti-defendant shenanigans of the presiding judge, who has virtually assured grounds for appeal if Zimmerman is convicted of anything). But if Zimmerman is acquitted, there have been explicit threats of anti-White violence to come. And virtually no "official" voices from Washington which discourage it. And why would they? What could be more conveniently distracting from the failures of Obamacare, Benghazi, Egypt, the IRS, Fast & Furious, and unemployment than roaring flames and blood in the streets?

Oddly, the Left's enthusiasm for the idea that black Americans will riot is an extreme case of racial stereotyping which assumes that certain people are likely to commit violent criminal acts based solely on their ethnicity.

The same assumption that they've accused George Zimmerman of making.

obama, obama jokes, black panthers, zimmerman, trayvon martin, sanford, hope n' change, race riots, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, tea party, conservative, look like Trayvon, trial, Fred Sanford, Sanford and Son


  1. Yep, couldn't have said it better m'self. You left out the part where Spike Lee tweeted what he thought was Zimmerman's parents' home address, which apparently wasn't a big deal to anyone at all except the poor scared couple.
    Few seem willing to judge a person by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin...

  2. @Velcro- Yes, there have been plenty of celebrities calling for Zimmerman's death. The list would have been too long to include. But all of them want race riots because stoking racism and creating racial discord is the engine that powers much of the Democrat party.

  3. It seems that this episode is merely a redo of Twanna Brawley, Crown Heights, Rodney King, and on and on ... any good excuse for a race riot, even a sports team win or lose. What they hope to achieve is not clear, actually. Certainly they never get too big, and it's more youths out for frolic than overthrow the Republic stuff. The police presence picks up in the locales, not elsewhere. This won't be the first race riot that was fomented - nor will it be the last. I think the gentlemen who do the work figure they can earn a good living from it, and I suppose they do. And we know just who they are, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and a few others, maybe even a celebrity hip hop artist for good measure.

    Though you know what's fascinating? The last weekend of June saw millions of citizens marching in the streets in cities from Portland Oregon to Portland Maine, Seattle to Miami, Los Angeles to NYC -- and nary a violent incident was had; and the news media barely said a word. And these marches have been going on for 40 years. Worldwide now, too. Amazing.

    Maybe Al Sharpton should learn from us instead of calling us "homo." Get a real job too, like a florist or something.

  4. am just kidding, now, but maybe all the "crackers" could go on a rampage and raid the homes of the "rioters". I mean, they will be out wilding no matter what the outcome. celebratory rioting if the verdict goes their way. angry rioting if it goes in favor of Zimmerman. seems only fitting for them to come home to find THEY have been 'rioted'! bear in mind, I do not condone this. I just see it as 'poetic justice'.
    and. Jim H., I like your comment about 'Rev. Al' getting a job as a florist!

  5. The prosecution’s case has been embarrassingly inadequate, demonstrating what we’ve known all along; that the charges filed against Zimmerman were not based upon any objective evidence, but because of political pressure from the race baiting industrial complex. Al Sharpton and company wanted a show trial, and this is what we got; a certain loser.

    Now they’re just working for the final inevitable act; to get their thugs all primed up to distract them from what is the real oppressor of blacks in America, the reality of “Recovery Summer 4”; the continuing dismal economy and the continued lack of opportunity.

    Even the whiny liberals on the network shows this morning are critical of the prosecuting of this case.

    I was amused by something I heard on TV last night; someone argued that Zimmerman had “profiled” Martin. Well, duh! Of course he did! After dark, a neighborhood watch coordinator in a neighborhood with an established crime problem sees a kid who looks like a thug walking around. Yeah, that fits a profile.

    I do have to give credit to President Obama for his slip of accidental honesty when he stated that if he had a son, he’d look like Martin; a dope-smoking thug with nothing better to do at night. I am at least grateful that Michelle holds his daughters up to higher aspirations. (It’s a shame that Travon’s legacy is as nothing more than another prop for the hate industry, and that he didn’t have the kind of mentors that Obama benefitted from)

    Fortunately, I doubt we’ll see the kind of rioting that we all too frequently see in Europe these days. You can thank the 2nd Amendment for that.

  6. I waiting for Anon from Stilton's last post to jump in here any minute now and start blasting us all for being so racist.

    It sickens me, and even angers me that ass pimples like Sharpton, Jackson, and yes even Barry are so effing anxious to stoke the fires of racism. I grew up being taught that racism was bad and we should all work together to eliminate it. And yes, I'm WHITE, and it was my WHITE parents that pounded this into my head. I am but one voice, but my message to Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and their ilk. Racism will only become a thing of the past when YOU stop dredging up the past for personal and political gain. How about words that heal instead of wild accusations that you conjure up in your twisted imaginations? How about pouring water on the smoldering coals instead of gasoline?

    I'm betting the Zimmerman trial will end in a hung jury as Mark Furman is predicting. I'm betting there will be one or two jururs that feel Zimmerman deserves punishment, but will not be willing to go with 2nd degree murder OR manslaughter. But Stilt is spot on. No matter how it ends, the race baiters will find reasons to riot.

  7. All one could hope for is that, up until now, law-abiding United States citizens will be prepared for the certainty of regime stoked race riots.

    If Mister Zimmerman is found guilty we know, that as was written a few days ago, there will be riots of "celebration" where black on Caucasian crime will skyrocket with no consequences to the crminals. If Mister Zimmerman is found not guilty there will be riots of "anger" where black on Caucasian crime will skyrocket, without consequences to the criminals.

    The only way Caucasians lives or property will be protected is if they are ready, willing, and able to defend thmeselves. IMO

  8. I don't understand the fuss about profiling. Everyone profiles everyday. One draws conclusions about people based on visual cues. Do they exercise good hygiene? Are they nicely/neatly (or at least cleanly), dressed? What attitude/emotion is their facial expression showing? What amount of safety can you expect from the look of the area you are in?
    The answers to questions like these are how we base our reactions and guage our own personal safety. Safety educators call it "Situational awareness". A person who is forced to walk through a "bad" neighborhood and does not profile the area and those around him/her is someone else's lunch waiting to be eaten.
    As for the expected riot reaction to the Zimmerman verdict, I wil be traveling for work this weekend and will be very safety/protection oriented and profiling everyone I see. The house is completly locked and alarmed, guns hidden and locked away (most of them, the ones I don't have with me)
    and police notified that the house is empty.
    Gee, I hope the police don't use the expected riots as an excuse to break in and confiscate my guns.

  9. Graylady, I fear that is *exactly* what will happen - 'they' will use riots as an excuse to initiate martial law, and start rounding up the guns "for your own protection". I've already sorted mine into two piles, the ones they know about and the ones they don't (mostly legally purchased privately owned long guns, and one heirloom pistol). If they come looking, they can have the ones on the warrant - but I'll warn all my friends, and still have a few back...
    OTHER point for making a fuss about this utter non-case - What's UP w/ the "scandals"? What the HELL is going on in Egypt? Syria? Germany? Anyone? Bueller?
    Distract, deceive, destroy.
    SO predictable
    SO tragic that the right lacks the utter gumption to DO anything about it...

  10. @Pete(Detroit) - I'm in a similar situation to you, and I've considered adding one of those high-end slingshots to my armory.

    That way, when they confiscate the guns they know about (despite the fact that those records "are not retained") I'll have an excuse for hanging on to my bullets. "Well they're not ball-bearings, but they'll work OK in a pinch officer, I think I'll hang on to those boxes of ammo."

    (lol - one of my verification words was "redublic." Reminds of America - kinda like a representative "republic," but not quite)

  11. Stilton! Great to see you at work again! Are the seas calming a bit for you?

    @Jim: not so fast - there was some rather chubby ruffian (and friends) who attacked and pummeled a street preacher over a "repent" sign at a GP parade in Seattle. Unfortunately or otherwise, you folks have your violent fringe as well.

    @John: and having read of the communist party in Russia, the fact that "show trials" are popping up all over in the US terrifies me. As they said, they would eat us from the inside until we fall into their laps like ripe fruit. Pity that they're no longer there to enjoy their ultimate victory...

    Unfortunately, this trial has had a chilling effect elsewhere: those who have concealed carry permits will hesitate - perhaps fatally so - before drawing their weapon to defend themselves and their family. This has demonstrated that they can readily trump up whatever charges they like in order to put you away. Another blow struck against the 2nd amendment.

    @Graylady: You mean as the RCMP did in High River, Ontario, CA when the recent flooding there forced the evacuation of all?

    Hope every one can have a good weekend...

  12. Y'all know what would really screw up the media right now? ...if the Zimmerman jury released a verdict today and not sometime early next week. The MSM would be forced to print juicy news on a Friday, which is the day they usually reserve for burying Liberal BS on page 6. And you know the rioters are not organized enough to start today or this weekend; they probably were aiming for a Monday start.

    Breaking.... Napolitano is quitting and moving to Mexifornia. Is she getting out because of sour grapes over NOT being made AG, or is she getting out to escape some upcoming scandal? Or maybe she's afraid congress might try to make her actually do her job?

  13. I want, no I need a 60 in flat screen plasma and there is not a handy riot anywheres even near close. Who's gonna buy me my tv? This is not FAIR!!! Where's the social justice in this?

  14. @REM1875 - The irony of "Lootin' Fo' Trayvon" would be delicious, what with him being a known burglar and all.

    To the topic at hand: I strongly suspect that if a certain group DO decide to riot and loot, the only people who'll be prosecuted will be the White home owners/businessmen who shoot them. No doubt they will be accused of "profiling" a raging mob of savages wearing Black Pussy - oops! - *Panthers* uniforms.

  15. Stilt, glad to see you back…

    I feel sorry for Zimmerman, if he were ½ black instead of ½ Hispanic noone (save friends, family and a small article in a local rag) would have ever heard of this incident or him.

    Blacks are killed almost daily in Chgo, why doesn’t Spike Lee use his influence to go after those criminals? Oh yeah, Spike Lee could care less how many blacks are murdered as long as blacks are ones doing it, that’s OK and perfectly acceptable to him & Al & Jesse, etc. It’s incredibly absurd that black on black crime is the ‘norm’ but let one ½ white guy shoot a black in self-defense & the whole country goes ballistic. Riots or no riots the sooner this whole thing is over the better.

  16. A note to those who think the police will only take your firearms they know about: if they know you have ONE firearm, they will tear your house apart to make sure there was only one. They will check you out thoroughly and they won't care about any damage they cause you. Any police willing to confiscate firearms are tools of the socialist regimes in charge of those places. To them, you have only the rights they will permit you to have. In other words, NONE!

  17. @Jim Hlavac- That's a sad litany of previous incidents you list there, and you're absolutely right about the race-baiters who've made their personal fortunes by spreading anger instead of inspiration. And you're additionally right that I have yet to hear about anyone taking place in a Gay Rights march tweeting "Ima kill a straight man" first.

    @George in Houtx- Even though you're kidding, I can't really back the idea of a counter riot. However, I do support the idea of "stand your ground" when it comes to defending your person or property.

    @John the Econ- The Libs have convinced themselves that "profiling" is universally a bad thing done by bad people, ignoring the fact that everyone - everyone - does it to some degree every day because it works. A neighborhood watch volunteer SHOULD look differently at a young, single male versus an older couple walking their dogs. That's not prejudice - that's sentience.

    @Colby- I, too, am one of those White folks who was raised to make sure that I knew that everyone was created equal, and racial prejudice was the worst of sins. Back in the 60's, a LOT changed for the better because the white majority demanded it. And then came the Big Government programs that turned too many members of the emerging black population into illiterates and government-dependent chattel.

    There's every reason in the world to be angry about the state of race relations in our country - but the wrong policies are in the crosshairs.

    @American Cowboy- Americans, of all races, should be prepared to defend themselves if necessary. But ironically, if even one shot is fired in self-defense, we're going to see Barry pounce on gun ownership. That's one of the reasons he so desperately wants riots and, if at all possible, deaths.

    @graylady- See, "situational awareness" is a great term for what we do by being aware of the people in our environment - and it doesn't yet have the negative connotations of "stereotyping" or "profiling." Or for that matter, simply being aware of "statistical likelihood" that someone you're sharing the sidewalk with has a relationship with the criminal justice system. Be safe and be careful.

    @Pete(Detroit)- If they come for your guns, be sure to mention the gun safe you have buried outside in the garden. Sure, they won't find anything there - but once it's all dug up you can plant veggies.

    @txGreg- I've flirted with the idea of a high powered slingshot and other less-than-lethal toys. I'm just not comfortable with guns - though I wouldn't mind raising a little hell with a baseball bat.

    @Emmentaler- Per your first question: no, not particularly, but thanks for asking.

    And speaking of "show trials," can you even IMAGINE what would be going on now if Eric Holder was holding his "off Broadway" show trial in New York for Khalid Sheik Mohammed?

    @REM1875- Try ordering your TV from Amazon, and when you get to the "payment" line, just enter "NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!" You may, however, still have to pay shipping unless you're a Prime member.

  18. @Coon Tasty- The New Black Panthers will be recognized (and perhaps authorized) as "peacemakers" in such a situation. Any "White-Hispanics," "White-Asians," or "White-Whites" who resist will be vigilantes and domestic terrorists.

    @SC- Zimmerman is exactly as much a white man as Barack Hussein Obama is. The racial aspect of this has been ginned up only to create anger and political capital. And like you, I'm looking forward to seeing this story out of the news so we can get back to paying attention to the apparently deliberate destruction of our nation by our alleged leaders.

    @JustaJeepGuy- The authorities will probably waterboard me looking for a firearm that just isn't here. Because obviously I fit the profile of a gun-owner, right? An older white man, politically conservative, constitution-loving, who lives in Texas? I imagine they'll run my entire home through a wood-chipper.

    I just hope they don't dig up my backyard garden (hint, hint...)

  19. And all the blacks threatening to riot are doing nothing but perpetuating all the negative stereotypes they spend so much time bemoaning. How about the black community trying to demonstrate that all black males (and females) aren't just a bunch of racist thugs?

  20. Stilt! not to worry! I don't support 'counter-riots' ..... I DO however think it is poetic justice. no, I am thankful (for once) that I live in a white, gun-toting area of the country. hell, even the blacks in this area are rooting for GZ!

  21. Man, it's great to be aligned with great Americans such as you guys! As I keep up with the 'news', my neck gets sore from my head shaking at virtually EVERY news story; they are almost too numerous to keep up with, the current political villains are throwing at us so quickly! Seems to me, all this treachery has GOT to come back to bite them in the butt eventually! That's just the way life works! Of course, things will no doubt get uglier as we go along. Perhaps, by the time our grandkids are grown, even though there will always be those with the mindset and intention of Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, etc, things will have turned around to a great extent, hope so.

    Speaking of REVEREND Sharpton, REVEREND Jackson and others who routinely use that title to gain some sort of respectability...HELL will be hotter for them someday! There's your social justice, REVERENDS, YOU MEN OF GOD!

    Naw, I ain't bitter!

  22. NOT Guilty! - Suck on that, liberals.

  23. @Stilton: Sorry to hear that. Godspeed.

    @Coon Tasty: And, based on the trial, the judge's career should be over, and the [prosecutor's career should be over. he both, in my opinion, should be disbarred and in prison for violations of their oaths of office, and of Zimmerman's civil rights. But I'm sur it will not play out that way, and Zimmerman is not yet finished with the law and the public...

  24. HAD to watch the Obama channel (msnbc) last night! Sharpton and the other black folks (they got quite a few, did you notice?) were going OFF! So funny!!!
    Yes, even though the legal process was carried out, they are STILL trying Zimmerman over there! And probably will continue. I also enjoyed on Foxnews Judge Jeanine laying the law to Juan Williams! Great stuff!

  25. @READERS- Just to establish a timeline, I've now heard the "Not Guilty" verdict for George Zimmerman. And now, back into the fray...

    @DavidD- A sad but accurate truth: certain (and certainly not all) black Americans can't threaten Zimmerman and decry profiling, because their actions only reinforce the need and logic behind it.

    @George in Houtx- Understood. And despite what goes on at MSNBC, I think a lot of Black Americans see this incident as the tragedy it was, but won't be tempted by the media's false logic that it needs to become a racial cause célèbre.

    Personally, I'm glad the jury found the way it did, but I'm also sad for Trayvon Martin's family. It's perfectly logical and consistent to hold both opinions at once.

    @PRY- The race baiters deserve some special place in Hell. And the heat should definitely be turned up a few extra degrees on those haters who try to pass themselves off as speaking for the church.

    @Coon Tasty- While this isn't a time for celebration, I'd be lying if I didn't say that - on a purely political level - I want the liberals to suck on this good and hard.

    @Emmentaler- I agree about the judge and prosecution team. It was appropriate to investigate this incident in detail, but charges should never have been filed - let alone the concerted effort by judge, prosecutors, and media to turn Zimmerman into some kind of monster. I'm afraid that his legal woes aren't over, and that the political ripple effect won't be good.

    @PRY- I, too, went to MSNBC for a little schadenfreude...and got it. But although I temporarily enjoyed their anger and frustration, I quickly tired of hearing them misrepresent and recharacterize what we'd just seen with our own eyes. They treated the verdict like it was declaring "open season" on hunting black kids, rather than the true verdict that - race aside - it is legal to protect yourself, even using deadly force, if someone is beating the living hell out of you...even if that beating is the result of a tragic misunderstanding.

  26. @SJ - Not a time for celebration? - I don't know: some friends told me they could hear fireworks being let off after the verdict was announced.Of course, they live in Chicago so it might just have been gunplay they were hearing...

  27. @Coon Tasty- Something good that could come out of this would be media and government attention to the skyrocketing body count of shooting victims (almost always black) in Chicago. But the Left doesn't care about the victims, only the possibility of scoring points based on the race of the shooters. Black on black violence? They don't give a rat's ass.

  28. Stilton Jarlsberg said...

    I've flirted with the idea of a high powered slingshot and other less-than-lethal toys. I'm just not comfortable with guns - though I wouldn't mind raising a little hell with a baseball bat.

    If you wanna keep a baseball bat in your vehicle and don't wish to be accused by Johnny Law for possessing a weapon, just make sure to throw a mitt and a few baseballs in your vehicle as well.

    Advice from one of my redneck relatives who has yet to be hassled by "vibrant youths" on his intermittent trips into the big city. Well, more than the once that is...

  29. Is it any surprise that a guy who wears a bike helmet and mom jeans to go to the fridge at night has sperm that also have no balls?
