Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Great Uniter

obama, obama jokes, obama cartoons, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, tea party, bisexual visibility day, whitehouse, tours

In the face of innumerable serious crises domestically and abroad, Hope n' Change was a little stunned to find out that "Bisexual Visibility Day" had worked its way onto the Whitehouse calendar yesterday - albeit behind closed doors, making it not very freaking "visible."

Frankly, we've got no problem whatsoever with bisexuals as long as they treat their partners with dignity and respect, don't scare the livestock, and keep their damn bedroom doors closed (note that this is our same policy towards heterosexuals, homosexuals, and Miley Cyrus).

But we do have to question the president's priorities in throwing a major taxpayer-funded affair for "Bisexual Visibility Day" when ordinary citizens are no longer able to tour the Whitehouse...even those who have no preference about coming in the front door or back door. So to speak.

obama, obama jokes, obama cartoons, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, tea party, bisexual visibility day, whitehouse, tours,


  1. Ah Stilt, once again you have hit the nail on the head. (Is "nail on the head" sexist? Racist? Anythingist?) This administration, which pledged transparency, is more like an invisible organization rather than a transparent one. And, one has to wonder if the person in the White House, who is ostensible running the nicest-place-to-live on the whole planet, has his priorities straight.

  2. Maybe if he hadn't been wearing the mom pants on the bicycle, he never would have had his first "bi experience" later that night and the ol' pucker hole wouldn't be sore.....just sayin'

  3. This has to be your best cartoon yet!

    Mooch Turdboy did profess that they both had had their AIDS screenings. I know I'm out of touch, but my husband and I have never required such a medical procedure. Our country just seems to keep getting one deviant after another in the White House. And after visiting Wally World the other day [talk about your Skank City!] I fear that our "leaders" simply reflect the country en masse. [sigh]

  4. Stilt... AWESOME cortoons despite the somewhat disturbing theme! There is something just a tiny bit twisted in that big ol' mind of yours.

    That being said, I'm trying to imagine ANY other president, up to and including Bill, doing shit like this while the country is in such ruin. My God, we have a stagnant economy, the Mid-East is going to blow any minute, record joblessness, a healthcare crisis, an energy crisis, world leaders mocking us, terrorists killing our citizens on our soil... and crap weasel is haveing a strap-on party in OUR WHITE HOUSE!! And WE'RE paying for it!

    Please, people. Get your noses away from your cell phones, shut off Dancing with the Stars, throw away that stupid "news"paper, and wake the f**k UP! You are being slowly cooked.

    Rant over....

    Folks, let's all attempt calling our Senators today, and let them know where we stand on ObuttmaCare, and remind them that we have long memories and we VOTE.

  5. Last two women I dated for any length of time both self identify as "hetero-flexible," which I thought was kind of interesting. Odd to be watching porn (or porn-ish) stuff and find that you have similar tastes in women...
    Never did get a 3-way out of it, tho.

    Stilt, the inclusion of Miley Cyrus in that list was precious!

    Fred Ciampi, I think "Hammerist" is the work you're looking for.

  6. Bisexual Visibility Day... Where did they hold it, in a CLOSET? When will lamont have a "Hide The Chorizo In My Butt Day"? And why was this necessary? Are ALL the golf courses closed?

    BTW, I was in England when the "twerking" controversy hit, and saw Kilometery Cyrus was bumping and grinding in a suggestive fashion and her tongue imitating Gene Simmons.

    I think you've hit on something Stilt... lamont may jettison JayZ in favor of Jim Morrison and play "Back Door Man" in future W.H. affairs. lamont doesn't know "Rim of the World" is a place in California. And to question his priorities regarding doing this? He's lamont insane obama, his fiddle's in the shop, so he had to entertain himself in some other way. (funny that his ilk in mooselimism want him stoned for his deviancy, I mean marrying a Wookiee and all.)

    Oh, and I just figured out why lamont sent the bust of Churchill back... he had to make room for the bust of Elton John that NAMBLA sent him.

    Everybody, pay attention to history. when a nation's leadership gets this corrupt and perverse, the "fat lady" is clearing her throat!

  7. It's little surprise that this was held behind closed doors. After all, our President's more-favored constituencies highly "frown upon" such proclivities, to say the least. I've always marveled at the LGBT community's ability to reconcile themselves with politicians who are more closely aligned with people and groups who only debate alternate sexualities in terms of the best way that they be tortured before being executed.

    Speaking of those constituencies, how about that mall attack in Nairobi? Clearly, the problem isn't the mis-behavior of a favored constituency, but a lack of "Coexist" bumper-stickers.

  8. If Pretty Pony Princess Obama really wants to show how ha cares for both the Gays (and Lesbians and Bisexuals etc ad nauseum) and the Muslims, let him call for tolerance from that august Religion of Peace.

    Sure, it's utterly laughable, but let's make Obama walk the walk since he's so loud at talking the talk.

    To complain about this country as PPP Obama seems to, to then have "Bisexual Visibility Day" in the United States, where we do NOT commit honor killings, female genital mutilation, stonings for adultery, and the like -- is insulting.

    Because those things ARE happening in other nations, right now. Guess which ones, and which religions?

    And isn't it funny how all the flak regarding the cancellation of the White House Tours seems to have fallen by the wayside -- and yet there is all the golf, the lavish and repeated vacations ...

    Why, it's almost like Pretty Pony Princess Obama thinks he's royalty or something ... someone should remind him how the French Revolution turned out ...

    The Left really isn't going to like this new world nearly as much as they think they will. The useful idiots rarely fare well.

  9. @Fred Ciampi- A long time ago, I did a cartoon in which Obama explained that transparent means "something you can't see" - which certainly describes most of his activities.

    @TrickyRicky- It might also have helped if there had been a bicycle seat instead of just the pole...

    @Sparky- AIDS screenings are pretty common these days, since it's at least possible to pick up HIV through a blood transfusion, dental work, or something else relatively benign. That being said, I think Barry probably had other reasons for such a screening. The results of which, I'll note, are under lock and key.

    I'm not necessarily saying I believe the many, many, many stories about Barry's Gay activities in Chicago... I'm just saying it's easy to believe that the First Lady was his first lady, if you take my drift.

    @Colby- I don't know if I've ever read a more apt phrase than "Strap-on Party at the White House" to describe the shenanigans of this administration.

    And what the hell ever happened to the Lefties saying they wanted the government out of our bedrooms? Now they're celebrating ménage à trois day...

    @Bruce Bleu- I'm not unsympathetic to those with different sexual orientations, but it just strikes me that "Bisexual Visibility Day" is pointless: if we've already got laws (and changing attitudes) in place to support heterosexuals and homosexuals, doesn't that pretty much cover all of a person's options (assuming that person only has one partner at a time)?

    And when will we have "Omnisexual Visibility Day," to celebrate those who'll screw everything?

    As opposed to screwing UP everything, which Barry does daily.

    @John the Econ- If Barry really wants to be a uniter, why not invite his Muslim friends and his bisexual buddies to the same party? It would certainly make for some stimulating conversations...

    Regarding the horrible mall attack, it yet again gives the lie to Islam being "the religion of peace."

    @Earl Allison- You make the point even better than I did (just above). Obama finds plenty of time to praise Islam to the skies - but when is he going to speak truth to power and attack the religion's record on human rights.

    Regarding the end of White House tours, the sequestration cuts were always implemented to hurt the public, not the politicians or the privileged. Such is this administration's disdain for the little people.

  10. Stilt, any chance you could repost that transparently cartoon? Thanks, Lafoote.

  11. Try here anon. I think that might be the one to which Stilton is referring.

  12. Not surprising, pretty dang perverse though....Proverbs 29:2 comes to mind...

    When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

    Hope he gets his jollies, his time is coming! God is not PC!

  13. @LaFoote- (Note, when you make a comment if you check the Name/URL button, it will let you enter a name rather than "Anonymous"). txGreg beat me to the punch with a link to the cartoon I mentioned - hope you enjoy it!

    And just as a reminder for everyone, there's a little search box in the left column of this blog; enter a keyword, and it will present you with results from 4+ years of Hope n' Change. It's interesting, and more than a little depressing, to see just how often this page has been right about impending disasters...

    @txGreg- Thanks for the link! Remind me to put a little something extra in your check this month!

    @PRY- That's a piece of scripture that I can heartily agree with.

  14. To add to Pry's Scriptural reference, my favorite, when considering the "monkey-spanker-in-chief" is Psalm 109:8-9 (NASB);
    "Let his days be few; let another take his office.
    Let his children be fatherless, and let his wife be a widow."
    That may seem harsh, but this schmuck should be charged with manslaughter for the deaths of 4 in Benghazi, so F**k Him And The Camel He Rode In On! (not that I have an attitude.)

  15. Bisexual Visibility Day...they are going to invite Bill and Hill to be the keynote speakers, yes?


  16. I have an image in my brain that I must share. I'm imagining the big White House Strap-On Party is in full "Swing," when Slim Pickens strolls in and says, "What in the wide wide world of sports is goin' on here?!" Then Dom DeLouise does the "stick out your tush" dance.

  17. Maybe Mochelle will plant an 'up-hill' garden.

  18. Since things are slow here and @Stilton is clearly preoccupied, how about this little snippet of Progressive mind control?

    Fourth graders taught about ‘pimps’ and ‘mobstaz’ in Louisiana

    Yes, that's right. There are currently over a trillion-dollars of outstanding student loan debt in America. And yet, only a handful of those debt-strangled graduates could find Syria on a map without the help of Google. But at least our 4th graders will know all about pimping hos, gangsta culture and speaking ebonics.

    On the other hand, now that I think more of it, those may be the only lucrative forms of employment available when the Progressives are done with their hatchet job on America's economy.

  19. @John the Econ,

    I sincerely hope that the people of any state (Florida and Jeb Bush come to mind as a recent example in addition to the one you give above) that pushes "Common Core" on their kids will remember to vote down anyone who talks up that crap.

    Our kids are doing bad enough already without promoting a curricula that deliberately tries to dumb them down even more. (They have hundreds of channels on the TV that can take care of doing that).

    We need to remember that local elections matter. If we keep on putting stupid people in office, they'll continue to create even more stupid ones to follow after them. (Plus, many of them move up to national politics and spread their stupidity over the entire country)

  20. @John the Econ: I have served on a committee that awards some small scholarships to those going on to college - one of the requirements is a 350 word essay (and it is up front that the essay counts 75% of the score). Just gone through 110 applications, and about 3/4 turned in essays of 2-3 pages, most containing information that is elsewhere in the application, i.e., GPA. You know the reasoning behind limiting the number of words, it's not because we don't like to read, but how well you can express yourself.

    My favorite for this year was the one, and I quote "I should get this scholarship because everybody else gets stuff and I don't, and you have to give it to me 'cause I get nothing". I'll leave the biographics to your imagination.

  21. Ah, and I can't believe I forgot to throw this in: Where are the alphabet feminist organizations on this? There was a time when this kind of topic would dominate the media for weeks. Are they okay with a grade-school curriculum that treats women as little more than chattel for serving to the most base male urges as long as they're getting free birth control and abortions?

    How low can they go?

  22. @John the Econ- Yep, I'm preoccupied today (Friday) but nothing of a serious nature. Actually, I'm spending a lot of time trying to figure out what's about to befall my family under Obamacare. And I'm trying to catch up on a million little tasks which have gotten away from me - none of which involve pimps, hos (how DOES one pluralize "ho" - and don't say "for twice the money"), or mobstaz. All I have time to add at the moment is WTF...

    @txGreg- "Common Core" is, as near as I can tell, about reducing all kids to the lowest common denominator. Because it's more important to be "fair" than "smart." Otherwise, kids might grow up to evilly get different sized pieces of the public pie.

    @Grumpy Curmudgeon- Did you give any points to the little whiner for honesty? Seriously, this is unsurprising but really depressing.

    @John the Econ- And not just the feminists: when kids are taught that black people can be broken into subgroups of pimps, mobstaz, and hos, shouldn't black Americans be screaming their asses off? Why not just have schools go back to describing blacks as niggers? I genuinely don't see the distinction, other than political correctness.

  23. @Stilton, another good point I missed. I should probably give up for the week.

    There was a time when the alphabets would have been outraged about this as well. But then again, we all know that outside of Bill Cosby's circle, they've long since become comfortable with this portrayal of black America.

    Perhaps it's because this story comes off of a Fox News site that literally makes it invisible to liberals. If it's on Fox News, it's literally like it never happened.

  24. @ Bruce Bleu: why, pray tell, do you have any hard feelings for that camel he rode in on? I can well understand your feelings for ol' JugEars , but why the camel?
    @ Stilton: reminds me of a scene from Blazing Saddles ..... "did you say 'niggers' ... well, to tell a family secret, my grandmother was Dutch ...."

  25. Oh, just f%#@&*^g wonderful: The Ofreebie Collective just gave Detroit(run by Liberal Dumbocrat Leeches), Michigan, 100 Million tax payer dollars. That's like giving each passenger on the HMS Titanic 'floaties'. (will not do any good, the outcome will be the same). Way to go Osocialist, your upbringing is once again dictating your actions.

  26. @David in SoCal- I hate to add to your pain, but Barry is NOT giving Detroit $100 million in taxpayer dollars. He's giving them $300 million.

  27. @George in Houtx said...
    "...why, pray tell, do you have any hard feelings for that camel he rode in on?"
    I assume that isn't a double entendre, because I didn't mean to imply I was "in to" even-toed Saharan ungulates, but rather that lamont's "camel" is Reggie Love and Eric Holder in a camel suit, and Eric is the ASS end for two understandable reasons. Chicago history informs us that when lamont "rides the camel" his method of mounting is not typical, if you get my drift.
    No camels were humped in the writing of this post.
    (These are puns... PUNS I tell you)

  28. @Stilton: Actually, I did consider it, then reality kicked in...the most enlightening (and disturbing) thing was that the Asian-American students are kicking the a** of the American students, not just in GPA's, but most are in the IB programs. Why? A work ethic that is instilled at home.

    I give extra 'points' if a student has been in an intern position somewhere close to their declared major. If a student declares an Accounting/CPA major and interns in an accounting or tax/law firm, that shows a commitment, and, OK, I know the economy sucks even more for teenagers, but even being a burger flipper shows me that at least you have matured with a work ethic.

    Interviewed too many 'candidates' recently graduated from colleges where the expected the infamous 'Bill Gates Talking Points' came to the forefront - one even telling me "You want me to work 10+ hours for that salary? I'd rather dig ditches for Brown & Root". After that, I kept a supply of business cards from the local B&R HR manager.

  29. George in Houtx:
    reminds me of a scene from Blazing Saddles ..... "did you say 'niggers' ... well, to tell a family secret, my grandmother was Dutch ...."
    I suspect you're thinking of one of my favorite scenes in "Balzing Saddles". Mel Brooks, sneaky little devil that he is, managed to sneak a couple of jokes into that one line. The chief(Brooks) is not speaking Dutch but Yiddish. For a good part of the 19th century there was some belief that the Indians were the Lost Tribes of Israel hence the Yiddish.

  30. It's No Gouda said...

    " Indians were the Lost Tribes of Israel"

    That belief is the premise of the Book of Mormon, written in 1830, so, isn't is amazing what can happen when people who don't know ALL the facts follow an ideology instead of absolute truth. Credulity can lead to some being mislead, no matter their desire to do the right thing, (much like some lamont voters).


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