Monday, November 25, 2013

Presidential Pronouncement

obama, obama jokes, humor, cartoon, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, tea party, iran, israel, nuclear, nukes

Following an exhausting, no-nonsense series of negotiations in Geneva, the Obama administration announced this weekend that it has successfully struck a deal in which Iran promises to maybe, possibly, slightly slow down building nuclear plants and enriching uranium to weapons-grade quality, in return for which Iran will send computer experts to the United States to repair the website by installing something called "Stuxnet."

The fact that Iran routinely and universally breaks such promises was pointed out (to put it mildly) by highly agitated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is beginning to suspect that Barack Hussein Obama was less than truthful when he promised "if you want to keep Israel on the map, you can. Period. Case closed."


  1. Stilton, I don't believe I've mentioned lately that you, sir, are a creative gene-e-ous :-)

  2. I may be wrong,but in all my life I've always thought that Republican Presidents talked and acted publicly a lot more pro-Israel than any Democrat did,including lamont who is currently presiding in the office that he was picked for. I don't understand why American Jews have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats since FDR. Add to that the loyal Democratic base plus the majority of white women who vote for the Dem. I'm at a loss to understand why.

  3. Peace in our time.

  4. Obama and the rest of the stooge diplomats from Europe seem to be playing a game called "community organizer" ...
    and the Iranians are playing a version of that new game "Knockout!" ...
    And the Israelis probably don't think it's a game at all.
    So, in this three player game, I'm betting on Israel.

  5. Love the new 'toon, Dr. J!

    Iran only needs to start worrying if President O'Icanpronouncenuclearbetterthanbush says, "If you like your nukes, you can keep your nukes.... period." And yes, Isaral finds themselves right back where they already knew they were, and that is "on their own." I completely agree with oldredleg; why, oh why do Jews vote for Democraps?! The last Democrap that truly supported Israel was Truman, 65 years ago.

  6. Once more, 'ol Barry fulfills the prophecies of Ezekiel and the basis of Joel Rosenburg's The Ezekiel Option (a good series to read - scary how even when Rosenburg wrote the books, how they forecast the future), where Israel stands alone in the world, abandoned by a weak US President and brings forth the battle of Gog and Magog.

  7. Anyone else think the "weenie in charge" also gave Iran a little (read BILLIONS)under-the-table cash to help them genocide the Jews?

    @ Jim - I'm with you as to whom will outlast the other when push comes to shove.

  8. My head just keeps exploding day after day as the asinine things just keep coming out of this administration. Unless people wake up and demand (via voting?) that the insanity stop, we could be doomed. I know that's a very pessimistic view, but right now I'm struggling with my usual optimism. I just continue to pray for the best.

  9. Stilton: I see on the news it is now time for us Hoosiers to worry about you folks in the West and South who are in the path of a major storm.
    Hope all is well with you and yours.
    Mrs. Gouda and I weathered our bout with no real damage. The power was out for three days and it got a bit uncomfortable(damn cold!) and frustrating as the houses on the other side of the street had power.

  10. So; what's a pretend President to do after an(add 'other') 'Historic Mistake'? Well, fly off to San Demfrancisco to 'splain to the illegals how bitchin' he was in attempting to negotiate with his fellow terrorists, and to renew the distraction of 'Immigration Reform'. Amazing how many billions of tax payer dollars this Narcissist spends on trying to get cheers/applause/adulation, when most Americans are calling him out on his many lies and deceptions. At the(yet another) campaign rally today, he even touted the presence of California's latest socialist leader; the new president of the 'University of California' system; may I present to you; the ever androgynous Johnet[sic] Napolitano!...YAY!(applause) She(?) said Nov.1 that we taxpayers of Demofornia should be giving College Scholarships totaling 5 million(bet that increases 10 fold) dollars to ILLEGAL ALIENS!...Are you kucking fidding me?! This (whatever it is) was 'Secretary of Homeland Security' and it still doesn't know what 'ILLEGAL' means?! Oh, all this from the same ,uh, woman, or, whatever, that stopped the construction of the Border Fence (as mandated), in order to allow more millions of future Democrat votes into the country. No,no,no, America; look here! Don't you dare look at the Oboondoggle that is 'Obama Care' (An 'Oboondoggle' is a project that is considered a useless waste of both time and money, yet is often continued due to extraneous policy motivations, brought forth by the Obama Regime.)
    @Colby: Nice 'O-Ability'. Even the Russian Judge gave you a 9.9

  11. @grumpy c...

    I have read all of Joel Rosenberg's books, and he truly is a jewish guy who knows what he is talking about!
    The last thing I would do is piss off Israel! Even if one does not identify with the loving grace of God, history proves His word to be true, and Rosenberg knows the word and he knows history.
    Further, I KNOW that all the prophecies in the bible have come to pass, so we can put our complete trust in what little is left to come about. Stand by and behold the power of God!

  12. Quality all around today. I have little new to contribute.

    @oldredleg, for decades now I've wondered out loud why any sentient Jew would support the Democrats. Most of the Jews I've asked are unable to provide a coherent answer. Perhaps it's the popular narrative of the last several generations that it's the GOP that is full of Nazis. And yet, it's the left that openly supports and defends antisemitism, especially (and surprisingly) within academia itself.

    @Jim Hlavac, sharp as usual. When this "breaking news" hit Saturday night, I sat scratching my head what the big deal was all about. (The reporter on-site kept stammering, and found it impossible to coherently explain [spin] the deal in any way that made it look sane) Is it that Obama and the rest of the coalition of the unwilling just codified what's going to happen anyway? Iran is going to go ahead and do what they're going to do anyway, and we're going to fold. It's like Neville Chamberlain's "Peace in our time", except that Germany would have been allowed to freely roam about Europe; just on a slower schedule. I can't imagine what the Israelis were thinking, but I doubt it was surprise.

    Without a doubt, Iran has learned from how we've been dealing with North Korea for the last 20 years. They make promises, break them, and get what they want anyway. Except, in this case it doesn't appear that Iran had to make very much of a promise of any meaning.

  13. Don't forget Jimmuh Carter said Newk Ya Luhr, but he also brought a lasting peace in the Middle East (the Camp David farce). We will know when Iran has a nuke when we see Tel Aviv under a mushroom cloud. I hope the rocket mis-fires!

  14. @Readers- As always, fine and enjoyable comments above. I haven't been able to respond properly because I've got a nasty cough/cold, and am valiantly fighting it with cough drops and whiskey (don't laugh - it's better than what we'll get from Obamacare).

    On the topic of the day, I have no doubt that Obama is perfectly happy with Iran getting (and perhaps even using) nuclear weapons. I think he considers himself a "big picture" guy, and his "big picture" is that peace will come to the Middle East only when everyone is equally subjugated. Of course, that's also his big picture for the United States.

    As John the Econ said, Iran has learned plenty from watching our stupid foreign policy regarding North Korea. And now that Iran has shown how readily the current administration can be pushed around, you can bet that North Korea will very soon get up to new shenanigans, too.

    This is truly a golden age for America's enemies.

  15. Stilton,
    lamont isn't just a GENIUS, he's a genius with a capital "J". All G W Bush could do is fly a million dollar jet, but lamont is so brilliant he can't be bothered to do something as mundane as fold an umbrella to go through a gate! (THAT'S what he's got MARINES for!)

  16. @Stilton, here's the big difference. In a previous age, when America said something, it was taken seriously. This was the left's biggest problem with Reagan; They knew he meant what he said.

    Does anyone remember when Reagan stood in Berlin, and said: "We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"?

    When Reagan said it, the world knew he meant it. America was speaking from a position of power and respect. (...that didn't exist a mere 6 years earlier, btw)

    Today, we whine, issue meaningless ultimatums, and hold "sanctions" over people, and even then we fold when we're offered practically nothing! Other than a temporary dip in the price of oil, we get absolutely nothing of substance out of this deal. Iran is going to get their nuke sooner or later.

    These are the "victories" we get when we "lead from behind".

  17. @John the Econ said...

    "These are the "victories" we get when we "lead from behind"."
    John... considering where lamont's HEAD is, how can he do ANYTHING but "lead from behind"?

  18. Liberals celebrate ending sanctions on a nation that lynches gays, stones women & wants to exterminate Jews, But they boycott Chick-fil-A.—

  19. The last deal I have ever heard of this great was when the japanese delegations sign paperwork on the deck of the MISSOURI. Before Ø and kerry we never had the opportunity to look at it from the japanese side. Thanks berry and kerry. This is not even pyrrhic victory. There is no victory at all here for us no matter how they spin it.Form

  20. To adapt Churchill : Never in the field of global diplomacy has so much been given away by so many for so little.

    @Gang of One, that's why liberalism relies upon anti-intellectualism. Any actual critical thinking causes the whole paradigm to implode. They'll boycott and picket Chick-fil-a over, but then welcome radical Islam into their communities? They'll condemn Boeing for building a new factory in a right-to-work state, but then embrace Apple products? They think the planet has a soul, and yet embryos are just blobs of parasitic cancerous cells? Michlelle Obama spends hundreds-of-millions of taxpayer dollars on vacations, and yet Ann Romney spent $1000 of her own money on a blouse and it's a scandal? Providing an ID to vote is unconstitutional because it's too expensive or hard, but signing up for ObamaCare is mandatory? Grown women are too emotionally fragile to handle off-color jokes, but teenage girls are mature enough to make their own decisions about sexuality?

    The list is nearly endless. They'd just prefer you not ask such hard questions.

  21. @JohntheEcon, do you recall the Reagan microphone 'slip' prior to his election? Regarding let the missiles fly? I always posited that that was the reason Iran immediately released the hostages.
    @Stilton Jarlsberg, feel better. Recipe to follow.
    @Oldredleg, the Jewish culture is rife with communal stories. Socialism, identifying with the underdog has looooonnnnnggg been part of being 'jewish'. Voting Democrat is cultural, sociological and finally sheer intelectual laziness.
    Anon@6:03, not only did Carter say that word in strong Southern vernacular, even he now is piling on.....I hope all saw the article where ol' Jimmuh speaks of 'never knowing an Iranian leader I trusted, and see none now(to paraphrase)?
    Man, what kind of a lousy liberal do you have to be to have Mr. Malaise bust on you?

    The recipe:
    One cloved lemon slice. Shove the cloves in thickly.
    2 tablespoons LOCAL honey.
    4 oz. Irish(or your choice, IMHO Irish works best)
    hot water
    Glass in that order, drink with steam hitting nose as much as possible.
    Dream sweet dreams and feel better.

  22. @Stilton Jarlsberg - Hey, if you hear anything before I do, let me know when I need to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST! I don't particularly want to start glowing in the dark... it makes it hard to sleep at night.

  23. @Queso Grande, a good connection regarding the long-standing Jewish connection with "communal" living, although since the end of the '60s I've never been able to accept that as the sole reason for their blind deferral to the Democrats.

    "Kibbutzim" was all the rage in the '60s, and even many non-Jewish hippies from the US tired of supposed capitalist oppression and exploitation traveled to Israel to live in communes. Not surprisingly, not many lasted very long when the reality of "communal living" sunk in. And the reality is that poverty sucks, especially when you've already lived the alternative.
