Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Still Missing

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, funny, barack obama, malaysia, ukraine, russia, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, tea party

In response to Crimea's fixed and illegal "election" (in which there were more pro-Russian votes than actual voters) and Vladimir Putin's subsequent declaration that Crimea is now an independent state, a furious Barack Obama unleashed "the most comprehensive set of sanctions since the Cold War" against Russia.

And Russia is laughing its ass off.

Obama's sanctions single out only a handful of individuals, several of whom took to Twitter to openly mock Mr. Obama as an ineffectual jackass. The president's actions were, in the always succinct and wonderful words of Charles Krauthammer, "preposterous" and "a humiliating response."

But this is nothing new, as Mitt "Why The Hell Didn't We Elect Him?" Romney points out in a scathing Wall Street Journal article, noting that Barry's inaction and inattention to world matters has devastatingly screwed things up in North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and Russia. Although, on the plus side, our relations with Mexico will remain good as long as we leave our borders open and keep giving guns to their drug cartels.

Sadly, for international friends and foes, real presidential leadership from the United States has simply disappeared from the world's radar.


  1. Ă˜bama's actions, or lack there of, as President are either the most moronic and impotent in US history or are an extremely diabolical plot to completely destroy what is left of our once great nation and turn it over to the globalists that helped him get elected. Personally, I do not believe the man is a moron.

  2. Ditto, @Geoff King.

  3. I wish someone at the next presser would ask J Carney if the President has any comments on his disarmament trip to Ukraine in 2004 with Senator Lugar (R-INO).
    I'm sure Ukraine is having a "what were we thinking" moment right about now......

  4. I believe that The Won is actually both adept and moronic. Adept at the Alinsky mode of political destruction of a once great and prosperous country. At the same time too moronic to realize the reality of mankind's foibles and the danger of the real world. To him the socialist utopia of beer and skittles is just around the corner. The world laughs and hard working, honest freedom lovers weep.

  5. Don't have a lot of time today for researching for more links, but I think this issue needs to be put at the top of the agenda:

    America's Internet Surrender-
    By unilaterally retreating from online oversight, the White House pleased regimes that want to control the Web.

    This is not some ginned-up wing-nut conspiracy theory. Information is freedom - imagine a future where governments hostile to the US have the capacity to throttle our internet usage and mandate no anonymity.

    1. Seeing as how our own government appears to be hostile to the US and has several times attempted their own brand of internet censorship, having some other entity take charge may not make that much of a difference.

  6. Oh, but let's all just "coexist," OK? You'll see; just give peace a chance. If we quit being the world's bullies, all problems will go away, and there will finally be peace and harmony worldwide. Why does the U.S. have to go running in with guns every time there's a little scuffle somewhere else in the world? We should be running in with hugs.

    Now, where'd I put that bong and my bongos....

  7. " trace of presidential leadership from barack obama regarding Ukraine."

    The "regarding Ukraine" is superfluous.

  8. This may be one h*** of an effective campaign medium...

    Cruz Against The Machine

    Interesting that he objected to the cigarette in the Beverly Hilton poster by 'Sabo', not the tattoos. May not always agree with his stance on some (very few) things, but I respect the h*** out of him for going to D.C. and doing what the voters of Texas elected him to do.

  9. In general, I'm a Libertarian. But one of the larger breaking points I have with the Libertarian mainstream (if there is such a thing) is with their view of where America should be standing in the "International Community". The hard-core sticks with the Jeffersonian view that America should remain an isolated island and barely be involved at all. That may have been viable and wise in 1810 when America literally was an isolated world barely connected with the rest of the civilized world. But that's hardly the case in today's world where barely no single citizen is physically isolated from another by more than 24-hours travel time, and almost anybody can instantly communicate with almost anybody else instantly.

    Well, we're now seeing more of what happens in a world where America is no longer regarded as the dominant influence. Mostly because socialism drives a population's focus inward, Europe mostly gave up interest in this role decades ago. And now America is starting to do the same, and for the same reasons. We'd rather pretend to waste money on ourselves than on the world at large, which leaves a vacuum that the likes of Russia and China are happy to fill. It also makes it safe for North Korea, Syria and other bad actors to play out their masturbatory fantasies.

    Meanwhile, a weak economy doesn't help.

    The Economic Roots of American Retreat: Enduring a jobless recovery has discouraged many from supporting a robust U.S. foreign policy:

    Citizens of a strong America are more willing to stand up to global bullies. A weak economy makes America weak. One almost has to wonder if that is, in fact, part of Obama's ultimate personal agenda for his "fundamental transformation" of America.

    Oh, BTW, have you heard that we are also literally giving the Internet away?

    There is absolutely no up-side for the US to do this. So why? The only reason I can see is another feeble attempt to try to buy a little more love from "the international community". Of course, such attempts are a complete waste; they "international community" is going to hate us as no matter what we do as long as we remain the most powerful supposedly-free country on the planet. After all, wasn't electing Barack Obama, America's first Marxist President in the first place supposed to make them love us?

    This is worse than Jimmy Carter giving away the Panama Canal. What is it with the liberal Democrats deep-seeded desire to give hard-won American assets things away?

  10. Since the "dic" actually stated, to the Russians, that he'd have more flexibility after he's re-elected in 2012, I have no doubt that they understood this to be a green light to proceed with their reinstating the soviet union agenda.

  11. I don't know what you're talking about - "no leadership". Hey they sent Joltin' Joe over there - he's telling an important and good ally, Poland, that they need not fear the renewed Russian aggression - they need only follow the same advice he gives his wife - grab a shotgun and fire it once or twice in the air and the bad guy will run away.

    Sounds like a plan to me... if you're a unicorn.

    CenTexTim is correct. Just saying.

  12. This leading from behind is just a cover for no proactive thinking on an international scale. His O'liness thought his apology tour would lead to everyone playing nice so he could concentrate on his destructive domestic agenda. Now, the inmates are running the international asylum, doing WTF they wanna do!

  13. So...has anyone else read the last Tom Clancy novel??? The events described therein are eerily close to what has happened over the last few weeks.

    Also, as I have seen others write, the last time a Russian beat a Black guy this badly, Apollo Creed died!

  14. Oooh, just heard Joe Biden "warn" the Russians. I'll tell ya, if I was a Russian, the only thing that would scare me less than a warning from "Red Line" Obama is a warning from Biden.

    This must strictly be only for domestic consumption by the last 40% or so boobs who still believe in the holiness of Obama. Who else could possibly take this crowd seriously?

  15. It's so pathetic...when the prez or vp speak, anyone with a whit of discernment can tell it is not from the heart...just like the rest of his term, their vascillation knows no limits, their untruth is boundless, their transparency is totally opaque and the courage of progressives is non-existent.
    Oh, I could say lots of great things about our liberal friends, but what's the point? The folks that pay attention are aware of it all, and a few from their followers are beginning to notice all is not well in utopialand!
    But, I would repeat...people get the kind of leadership they deserve and I submit that the country that I love has made a wrong turn back down the road, and is suffering that decision right now in spades. BO is what this country deserves...

    "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
    Benjamin Franklin

    "The order of nature [is] that individual happiness shall be inseparable from the practice of virtue."
    Thomas Jefferson

    "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
    John Adams

  16. @Coon Tasty: I'm in the process of reading it now - surprising how Mr. Clancy could sort through all the crap and literally forecast almost to the letter Putin's grand plan - then, perhaps Comrade Vlad may have read the book????

  17. Obama's leadership got ate by a black hole an you all a bunch of racists!

  18. Off-topic, but I figured many of you would find this story to be of interest.

    It appears that if Ă˜bamacare had a theme song, it would probably be "Hotel California." Because you can "never, ever leave."


  19. President "zero" awarded medals yesterday.
    Today, I'd like to pin two on him - AWOL and MIA (missing inaction)!


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