Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Foolishness

Readers- In the spirit of April Fool's Day (which, frankly, we think should also be the date on which elections are held, considering the poltroons and simpletons we tend to elect) Hope n' Change posted a handful of fake news stories on Facebook yesterday. None are true - but sadly, all are pretty believable. And hopefully, you'll also find them all funny!

You'll note the "Barack Obama's Dead Fly" logo - that's a conservative Facebook group with a large following, for whom we occasionally create snarky content. They're good folks - check 'em out on Facebook if you haven't already!

And now, on with the "breaking news" from April Fool's Day, 2014...

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, political, april fool's day, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, common core, biden, midterms

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, political, april fool's day, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, common core, biden, midterms

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, political, april fool's day, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, common core, biden, midterms
obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, political, april fool's day, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, common core, biden, midterms


  1. So, which is the phony one? Looks like straight reporting across the board to me.

    Need to pick up the humor here, Stilton. Don't need any more damn newspapers.

  2. The key to a successful April Fool's Day prank is in it's believability. For example, telling someone that they possess the winning lottery ticket might work and could cause them to race out and try to cash it. However, telling someone that their country has been taken over by a group of kleptocratic fascists and turned into an authoritarian police state would not work. Who could ever believe that?

  3. Biden bucks??? No-no-no - It's Biden SUCKS. And whose weenie does he suck??? Do the initials BHO ring a bell?

  4. Stilton! Are you sure these aren't true ... ??!! :)

  5. Anonymous is correct, I come to the site for humor, not reporting. But at 1:32 am????

    As a reincarnated Sisyphus, and therefore cisgender, I resent the first cartoon. I believe that is where the term "cisgender" comes from - at any rate, the first cartoon offends all cisgenders "out" there. Possibly ...

    Question: What the hell is a cisgender?

    BODF is cool. Just saying.

  6. Ah, National Politicians Day -- something to honor all the Fools on the Hill -- and we huff and puff and try to blow the White House down - and I think of kings of old when a power mad one and his head were quickly separated (Louis XVI ain't the only one.) Well, one can take the jokes on quite a trip through the halls of power.

    As for Chuck Ef and "cisgender" - I dare say -- if Obama was a girl - and became a boy - and now has a wife and kids (from whichever real man) I dare say -- that's hetero - which I say throw those "T" folks out of the "LGBT etc, etc consortium" and toss 'em back to the hetero side of the ledger ...
    but, well, I'm a radical, as is well known.

  7. Jim H. : glad to see ya here! (no, don't get too excited! Mongo's straight) are you a radical? or are you like an old boss of mine? he called himself a "bomb-throwing radical".
    at any rate, while these were funny, they bear a striking similarity to the actual truth.humor would be something like the dog peeing on POTUS' leg and Biden trying to tell him it is raining.

  8. I've heard of pancakes, biscuits and potato chips having the likeness of Jesus on them and it's considered miraculous. Well, I just want to report that the dog across the street left a turd on my front yard that bears a STRIKING similarity to lamont insane obama, although it DOES demonstrate a higher level of intelligence. So, my dilemma is, do I erect a shrine to it, or sell it on E-bay? I'm thinking about getting it freeze-dried so at least it doesn't SMELL like lamont!

  9. with regards to cartoon #4 ...... would that be "king" as in "el Rey"? or as in "Rodney"?

  10. I just don't believe you, Dr. J. You say this is all an April Fool's Day joke?! HA! No way! I know the truth when I see and read it! You ought to be ashamed of yourself -- and just for that, I'm taking EVERYTHING over to my site and exposing it for what it REALLY is... THE TRUTH!

    (And the cartoons are just TOO GOOD!)

  11. I'm glad you got a new puppy but she's too cute to have that other face superimposed on her. As for April Fool's jokes....the biggest one is "your government will take care of you".

  12. I'm glad you got a new puppy but she's too cute to have that other face superimposed on her. As for April fool's jokes, the biggest one is "your government will take care of you".


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