Monday, April 28, 2014

Cannonization Fodder

Okay, just to stick our toe back in the water (and up you-know-who's buttcrack) here's a little something to enjoy until we do a full post on Wednesday!

The reference is to Joe Biden's recent assertion that Barry should be given sainthood for the "suffering" he's endured while bringing Obamacare to a suffering humanity.


  1. Butt Boy has been treating us like cannon fodder. I think it's time we light this candle!
    PS: Please change or get rid of the the text to make sure I'm not a robot? I can't read it most of the time. Thanks Stilton. :)

  2. Hey Doc,

    Thanks - I feel so much better. The shaking is slowing a bit

    But this cartoon, if it were to come to pass, would be the first and only good idea Biden has ever had. Keeping his mouth shut would have been it but compared to the cartoon, that would be too much to ask for. And for HnC fans, not healthy.

    I'd support this sort of "sainthood". What do the terrorist say before they do their version of "carnal knowledge"?

  3. @Sparky- I'll try killing the text check (or whatever they call it) for awhile. I put it in place to fight if the spam comes back, I'll have to turn the "Captcha" back on. Sorry for the inconvenience - I hate it too.

    @Chuck Ef- As you'll recall, Biden actually said that Barry deserves to be made a saint because of the suffering he went through to give us the give of Obamacare. I'd love for Joe to take it a step farther and, per his advice about home intruders, roll that canon out onto the balcony and fire it into the air.

  4. Real saints don't die of old age.

  5. As a person must be deceased to be canonized into sainthood, I agree with Biden (for the first time ever) that Ă˜bama should be made a saint. The Patron Saint of Thieves and Liars strikes me as appropriate.

  6. Yeah, Doc, like you reminded us in your commentary, Biden just has a knack. That certain je ne said quoi. Really - I don't know what and would rather not know.

    But hey, if he did roll this out on the porch and shot Barry in the butt, then we too would have two dopes made a saint in one day. And his wife would feel a whole lot safer, as would we all.

    Yeah, the text versions of the bot check I skip - I hit the recycle button until I get numbers. Those I can do.

  7. Remember, that one of the requirements for sainthood is that one must have worked a miracle, and it will be a miracle if Obamacare ever works ('course, according to Dirty Harry, it never was supposed to work).

    "On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter what it does. There ought to be one day-- just one-- when there is open season on senators." - Will Rodgers

  8. Really,the amazing chicago prezzy is staring to remind me of the Billy Mumy character on twilight zone.Threatening people with a menacing,'You better keep thinking about me.',and waving his arms around and clapping while saying,'That's all the healthcare there is.'From chester arthur.

  9. As someone said to me over the weekend, "Pete, You're Fired! Out of a cannon! Into the SUN!!!"
    Yeah, I'd PAY to see that, here...
    Maybe a new NASA focus, in addition to Muslim Outreach, and Global Climate Change...

  10. Back when I was a youngster, another word for "thug" was "hood." So I guess O'Liar is our saint"hood" eh?

    It is my dream now that Conservatives get super-majorities in both the House and Senate come November, so we can spend the next two years watching O'Dickweed get every bill he ever signed repealed, and then some. Of course, then the economy would improve and people would start getting jobs again, and Old O'Turdeyes would get credit, but I'll take it.

  11. "Suffering", eh?

    As much golf he plays and the vacations that him and his family gosh, I wouldn't mind suffering like that, ya know?


  12. I thought Sainthood was who ghetto Catholics prayed to.
    Poysonally, I think lamont should be fired... into a cinder-block wall, or a black hole, (no... I am NOT trying to make a double-entendre here... I mean the astronomical kind). I just want him FIRED!!! Unemployment line, out of a cannon, in a kiln... FIRED!!!!

  13. @Chuck Ef,
    That clock must be defective. Just look at how slowly it is running.

  14. @Colby

    It's Einstein's postulated time dilation - Obama's diarrhea of pitiful ideas is coming at us at such a high speed, nearing the speed of light, that it just SEEMS slow.

    It all stinks but stay calm, we will all get through this ... I hope.

    Anyway, the Doc has some whiskey he will share with us. Right, Doc? Doc? Uh oh ...

  15. @idahobob,
    OK - looks like I can't embed an image in the comments, but if you click here you can be even further depressed by our Dear Leader's "Suffering."

    (image by way of Twitchy discussion.)

  16. Can we drop his wife in with him?

    Michelle Obama: 'splurging is the key to life'

    Yeah, she's supposedly talking about her diet, but we all know she extends this philosophy to spending our money as well.

  17. @John The Econ ~ Excellent idea! We could use Moochelle as the patch to hold Turd Boy in place. The ram rod could be Kerry (hubby calls him Lurch as in Aadams Family). :)

  18. @John the Econ and @Sparky

    The blast would create a year's supply of Fruit Loops!

    Does that cereal still exist? Am I showing my age? Good grief.
