Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Let's Fake A Deal

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, political, taliban, bergdahl, gitmo five, terror, guantanamo, rice, taliban

Rather than have anyone waste time by playing "Where's Dildo?" in the cartoon above, we'll let you know that the answer is, of course, Barack Hussein Obama.

The full story is changing and developing too quickly for Hope n' Change to really analyze here. Seriously, just look at these headlines from The Drudge Report...

Meanwhile, Susan "I'll Say Anything" Rice has made the rounds of news shows claiming that Sgt. Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction" which doesn't seem to quite square with the impression given by every other soldier who served with him. Then again, perhaps Ms. Rice has simply been misinformed by a Youtube video.

But although James Clapper, then director of National Intelligence, said in 2012 that the "Gitmo Five" shown above were unquestionably too dangerous to release, they pose no risk whatsoever to American military or civilians today. Or do they?

"Absolutely," according to B. Hussein, but "we have confidence that we will be in a position to go after them if in fact they are engaging in activities that threaten our defenses." Which would be a lot more believable if he wasn't busily hauling our troops out of the region as quickly as possible.

Overall, it now seems clear that this deal was never really about how to make sure that no American in uniform is "left behind,"  but rather about how Barack Obama could politically cover his own behind when releasing five top terrorists...on his way to emptying out Guantanamo Bay entirely.


  1. What is the FIRST word you see in this? I see TREASON. #Resist44

    ● Qatar allowing released Taliban men to move freely in country...
    ● Reintegration: Military hides Bergdahl from public view...
    ● FLASHBACK: 'Converted to Islam And Taught Captors Bomb Making Skills'...
    ● NYT: Left note explaining desertion before going AWOL...
    ● REPORT: Wanted to Renounce Citizenship...
    ● Team Leader: 'A lot more to story than soldier walking away'...
    ● Death sentence 'in the realm of possibilities'...
    ● Pentagon knew whereabouts but didn't risk rescue...
    ● 14 SOLDIERS WERE LOST Searching for Bergdahl...
    ● Never Officially Listed as POW...
    ● FATHER: 'I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners'...
    ● White House apologizes for 'oversight' in notification failure...
    ● Former fed prosecutor: Release of Gitmo terrorists impeachable offense...
    ● PREZ: 'Absolutely' Possible They Will Return to Terror...
    ● Freed Taliban leaders given hero's welcome...
    ● Toobin: Obama 'Clearly Broke Law'...
    ● Three years since consulting Congress...
    ● MAG: White House Overrode Internal Objections To Terrorist Release...
    ● 'Suck it up and salute'...
    ● Anger explodes...

    h/t DRUDGE REPORT 2014®

    PS- I imagine that one could make a compilation of Drudge headlines for each and every Obama scandal and see the word TREASON. #ObamaLies #ObamaScandals #InspectorGeneral #Solyndra #IRS #NSA #VA #Benghazi #Extortion17 #FastAndFurious #FortHood #Obamanomics #Obamacare #IllegalsReleased #Gitmo5


    Shared your blop post here: [], [], and other places ;)

  2. Should be "blog" post -- sorry. I need glasses and it's been a long day.

  3. July 1, 2009: PFC Bergdahl is declared Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown (DUSTWUN) on July 1, 2009 and his status was changed to "Missing-Captured" on July 3, 2009.
    June 12, 2010: Bergdahl is promoted to specialist by the United States Army.
    June 12, 2011: Bergdahl is promoted to sergeant by the United States Army.
    An now they want to promote him to Staff sergeant.
    Someone please explain when our Army started promoting people that are NOT present AND performing their duty AND being a great soldier. Can you make specialist without demonstrating your skills and knowledge in your occupation?
    Can you make sergeant without demonstrating leadership skills?

    Call me one very confused Army Vet. This didn’t happen in my Army! This makes me MAD AS HELL!

  4. Just insane. What else can one say to this? Even many Democrats have been bitch-slapped into reality on this one. The MSM isn't ignoring it. Everything from the notion of serving "with honor and distinction", to the terrorists luxury vacation in Qatar is absurd.

    A "Taliban luxury compound"? Really? Even rank-and-file Taliban should be offended by this.

    But perhaps the Bergdahl nonsense was intended to distract us from this yesterday:

    Obama Seeks to Bolster European Security

    President Obama, in Poland on the first stop of his European trip, proposed a $1 billion fund to bolster European security, in an effort to reassure allies anxious over Russia's moves in the Ukraine crisis.

    WTF? We're broke and we're paying to expand Europe's defense?

    For decades, I've argued that the only reason that cradle-to-grave socialized Western Europe gets to be cradle-to-grave socialized Western Europe was because after WWII, they off-loaded the responsibility for their own defense to the US, which we happily assumed the role. Supposedly this was because post-WWII Europe was decimated after the better part of a decade of war. But we never weened them off the bottle. So today, not only can't the Europeans can't mount any kind of international expedition without our help, they can't even defend themselves.

    So as Paul Krugman celebrates the economic success that is today's Europe, France can't even deploy a squad of troops a thousand miles without asking the US to provide the lift.

    So if the snooty Europeans who feign contempt at America's military presence on their continent want to feel more secure against an unpredictable and imperialist Russia that they fear is stuck in the 19th-century, perhaps they should pony up the extra billion dollars instead of having the US borrow it from China.

    But then again, why should they bother when Obama is so willing to do so? It's not like he cares where money comes from.

  5. @ Anonymous asked,
    "Can you make specialist without demonstrating your skills and knowledge in your occupation?
    Can you make sergeant without demonstrating leadership skills?"

    My answer, "Well, Øbamma somehow got to be presidunce, and commander-in-chief."

  6. As much as I miss my father (WW2; South Pacific), I'm glad he is no longer on this Earth to witness the self proclaimed king that is living in OUR White House. Yes, I hope and pray Congress finally does something about this lying, crooked bastard, but my breath is not being held.

    That being said, the only reason I can see for O'Liar to do this is to suck up to the Taliban and their ilk. If he wanted to make brownie points by arresting Bergdahl, there were plenty of ways to get the guy without turning five murderous animals loose.

    John the Econ,
    My brother emmigrated to Sweden years ago, and raised two children there. My niece LOVES O'Liar, and regularly posts on Facebook shit like, "The way we do things in Europe is so much better than the U.S." I love my family, including her, but her generation is so utterly clueless as to why they enjoy such freedom in Europe.

  7. I think the Bergdahl's should
    enjoy an Ethel & Julius Rosenberg send off should the apparent prove out. Just my honest opinion, WHY haven't impeachment proceedings begun?

  8. Since the trading of five terrorists for one traitor seemed to go so smoothly, I think we should keep the ball rolling and offer up a similar criminal exchange to any takers. I am thinking Øbama, Biden, Reid, Holder, & Clinton for one sack of manure would be a fair deal.

  9. VA scandal? What VA scandal...?

  10. Typical government: The guy deserts, and then gets two promotions while he's AWOL?

    Just goes to show that today's army is no better run than the EPA:

    EPA's fake CIA agent is tip of 'fraudulent iceberg'

    Or could it be that Robert Bergdahl has Obama's missing birth certificate, Social Security card, or college transcripts?

    Perhaps the Bergdahl scandal is intended to divert attention from the other Obama scandals:

    <a href=">Midwest VA Hospitals Also Had Secret Waiting Lists</a>

    Seems that there are "secret waiting lists" practically everywhere under government-run health care. You're a complete moron if you even considering arguing that "universal health care" will be any better than this. And yet, the majority of Democrats will.

    All of this, and on the verge of a officially entering a new recession at the beginning of "Recovery Summer IV"; If the GOP loses this fall in the midst of all of this, then it's only because they are more mediocre than the Democrats.

  11. I find myself in the strange position of being honestly confused by this latest move by the Great and Powerful Obama. Maybe that was the point?

    The Obama Administration has proven itself to be unspeakably incompetent over the course of HIM's reign, and yet they always had some sort of spin to protect their rear ends. This spin was usually paper-thin and only stood up because it was propped up by the majority of "professional" journalists, but stand it has. True believers still proudly proclaim their Dark Lord's accomplishments and applaud his illegal actions. We are told that there is no IRS Scandal, no Benghazi Scandal, no Fast & Furious Scandal, etc. Eric Holder, a man who if he was in the private sector would have been jailed already (probably...unless he worked for a major bank) continues to run our government's so-called Justice Department much like the Joker running Arkham Asylum, and we have no other choice but to accept it. The VA Scandal is at least being given time in the media, but I don't think anyone seriously believes that many heads will roll. Shinseki has already been given a wooden sword, and he has chosen "dignity" for the sake of our Glorious Leader.

    This new situation seems different. You can practically FEEL it in the news reports, in the manner in which the media seems to be treating this situation. If there is any spin here, any at all, I'm not seeing it. And what does Obama gain? Members of his own party and Leftist "intellectuals" are publicly declaring his actions illegal. It is now clear that Bergdahl is not a hero or even an honest soldier, and the WH has now set the duel precedents of negotiating with terrorists and recognizing the Taliban-in-Exile. Fantastic, right? It is going to be very interesting to see how this one plays out.

  12. @Colby, the funny thing is that today's Sweden isn't the same place that my socialist dreamer friends idolized back in the '70s & '80s:

    What Sweden Can Teach Us About ObamaCare

    According to the Euro Health Consumer Index 2013, Swedish patients suffer from inordinately long wait times to get an appointment with a doctor, specialist treatment or even emergency care. Wait times are Europe's longest, and Swedes dependent on the public-health system have to wait months or even years for certain procedures, or are denied treatment... This is why Swedes over the past two decades have been rushing to purchase medical coverage through private insurance, which guarantees and delivers timely and qualitative care.

    The problem with "free" is that eventually, you get what you pay for.

    Today, Sweden is, in fact, deregulating everything. They even have "school choice". The reforms that are now underway in Sweden would be called "draconian", "extreme" and "far right" by the left here.

    It just goes to show exactly how far we've gone over the edge.

  13. Now, now, I'm sure Obama has read all about this now in the morning papers. He is of course, madder than hell, and he's going to find who in his administration didn't do anything, and what on earth have the Kock brothers done now? Don't bother the man, he's off to the golf course with the Bergdahl clan while he's cooking up next week's scandal. I can't wait to see what he's got lined up! It sort of gets exciting after a while, doesn't? I mean, which scandal is more horrendous than the others? One needs a score card. And I read yesterday that the NSA and FBI and others will begin to monitor the internet for sarcasm. So, if I disappear ...

    Other than that -- thank you all for the copious information ... it's disheartening to say the least.

  14. Sorta like a trail, this'll be everywhere I've been:

    I guess I've been living in a cave; I didn’t know that the Taliban negotiated, or more importantly, that we negotiated with islamic homicidal mohammedian narcissists.

    FIVE Taliban for one soldier that no one even wants anyway -- a soldier who allegedly went AWOL (UA in Marine terms) of his own intent while in Afghanistan -- a soldier considered by many as a traitor and a deserter -- a soldier who caused six other soldiers to lose their lives while trying to save him -- a soldier whose father looks like a bad leftover from the hippy days and tweets pro-Taliban* ... and this is considered striking a good deal with the Taliban?

    Well, yeah... it's a great deal when you're talking about Obamohammad and his rat infested outhouse 'administration' and the bought-and-paid-for news media that goes with it.


  15. <sarcasm>In defense of Susan Rice maybe she asked Secretary of State John Kerry to explain what it meant to serve "with honor and distinction" before making her talk show appearances.</sarcasm>

  16. @John the Econ,
    Yep! That is today's Sverige.

    Having been there a few times over the years (starting in 1972), I've witnessed the transition.

    They had "free" health care in the 70's thanks to their gawd awfully high taxes. Now they are still paying those gawd awfully high taxes AND health premiums AND co-pays, AND.... It's going to be a real rude awakening for anybody over there under that age of about 40. I just wish the socialist types here could look at Sweden and see our future like I do.

  17. John the Econ:
    or no better than the IRS, VA or any other gov't agency. Seems to me they all have lost the idea of gov't service if they ever had same. I'm constantly baffled by the idea of bonuses for gov't jobs. I thought the bonus was you got to keep your safe(civil service)job. Which is obviously the case since it seems Gen Shinseki was unable to fire non-performing employees. Bonuses in my mind are for revenue increasing performances in business, not gov't. In the long run this looks like this going to devolve into another of this administrations patented "Who do you believe? Me or your lying eyes?" situations. They can't even get their stories straight over this one. Can't wit to see the kid gloves come out when Hagel appears before former peers to testify.

  18. @Marine4Ever, apparently the Obama Administration has been "negotiating" with "moderate" factions of the Taliban. Which of course begs the question, why in the world would any "moderate" faction of the Taliban, if such a thing even exists, what the most violent and extreme leaders back?

    Yes, @Colby. What people don't seem to get is that most of these "single payer" systems are so bad, that in the end people end up buying their own private insurance and care anyway, just like we used to here under the old, evil paradigm. It's the people who can't afford paying twice (first through high taxes, and second through private fees and premiums) who end up screwed the worst.

    Of course, true progressives find this notion offensive, and it's obviously "not fair" to the "poor", who have to put up with rationed care and wait-till-you-die queues because they can't afford the better private care that "the rich" can.

    It's interesting to note at this point that when formulating her plan two decades ago, Hillary Clinton's HillaryCare addressed this unfairness by literally outlawing private care altogether in this country. Any doctor found providing care outside of "the system" would have faced charges more severe than drug dealers.

    True Progressives want you to suffer. Even the soft-progressives of the better thought of European social democracies know better that to try that, lest there be a revolution. They get to feel smug about how they're taking care of "the poor" via high taxes, without necessarily having to do a decent job of it.

    @pfdr, I totally agree. Theoretically, "bonuses" are awarded from the surpluses earned by successful organizations for employee performances that exceed expectations, and made the profits possible.

    Of course, government operations don't have "profits". And it's hard to find many that even have performances that "exceed expectations", unless, of course, those expectations are to abuse and torture the taxpayers.

  19. @pfdr -- To avoid confusion, in the unlikelyhood that there may be several other Chuck Hagels out there, I refer to him as "I've Been Drunk Since 1969" Hagel.

  20. Good one, Marine4Ever. And Semper Fi.

  21. @ Joe Kidd: Yes, TREASON was the first word that came to my mind also. This is absolutely disgusting but no surprise when you consider the source.

  22. A comment on what @John the Econ said: "
    It's interesting to note at this point that when formulating her plan two decades ago, Hillary Clinton's HillaryCare addressed this unfairness by literally outlawing private care altogether in this country. Any doctor found providing care outside of "the system" would have faced charges more severe than drug dealers."

    The thing is, "the rich" will simply hire doctors as employees and thereby have all the health care they want. They will not have "health insurance" and won't need it and will liklely pay the tax (fine? fee?) as a show of going along with the plan. And since "the rich" are mostly Demo_Rats now anyway, no Demo_Rat (including Hillary!) will ever complain about "the rich" doing this.

  23. Thank you HopeNChange & respondents. Would be stepping off a high rise ledge, if I didn't have this retreat for the next 2.5 yrs...........

  24. @John The Econ: The proper definition of a Moderate Taliban is they only cut your head half off.

    If I remember correctly, back during the Vietnam era there was a rule that if you were a prisoner, you would advance in rank by 'time in grade' during captivity, and a 'meritorious promotion' one pay grade when you returned. Knowing bureaucracies love rules, and God forbid don't confuse them with logic, it is conceivable that Bergdahl was a beneficiary of this. This can (and should) be corrected by general or summary court martial.

    Now to throw some more interesting thoughts - Sen. Graham invokes the 'I' word if he tries this again (and of course, according to Drudge, they are planning to release another Gitmo prisoner). Obama's plan is to secure the Democratic majority in the Senate by 'tricking' the Repub's into the 'I' process prior to the 2014 elections. Obama (or more correctly Jarrett) sees a great opportunity to cause either 1) Democrat outrage at the racist impeachment, or 2) Martial Law to contain the civil unrest resulting from this 'racist action'. I don't put anything past these people. I wonder which of Alinsky's rules covers this?

  25. Marco Rubio brought up a point about O'Liar's latest mess that I had not even considered before, even though it's fairly obvious. If the Tally-man can get five of their top guys back for one POS deserter, imagine what they could get if they kidnapped some of O'Liar's best buddies, or even your average John Q. Public citizen.

    O'Shitforbrains has endangered every law abiding US citizen, especially those travelling overseas, and has wiped out 225 years of "We don't negotiate with terrorists." TREASON to the Nth power.

  26. Grumpy,
    You bring up a great point. The Republicans should bide their time until we see what happens in November. Should they actually gain a majority, THEN impeach the bastard when Prince Harry can't stop it. If thye don't get a majority, we're screwed anyway, and will witness the first three term president since FDR.

  27. Kudos to Uncle Jimbo and Deebow at Blackfive.

    Describing the Bergdahl: To paraphrase Churchill it is a catastrophe wrapped in a debacle in the middle of a goat rodeo.


    Describing the Baghdad Barbara twins at the State Department: Oxygen thievery of this nature and order of magnitude is usually followed by felony probation, not a job as the head underling for the is just sad to think that there are human beings that are this stupid who are allowed to breed and vote.

  28. Willie Nelson's Ball Sack ... LOL!!!

  29. Hey Woodsterman,
    lamont's "ball sack" looks like magilla obama's PURSE! (I mean if he actually HAS a pair.)
