Monday, June 9, 2014

Weeking Off

Our news hound is always digging for stories

Hope n' Change Cartoons is taking a week off to catch up on a few personal projects which have gotten shoved aside in recent months. Nothing exciting and, happily, nothing health-related. Nope, we just need to set aside a little time to untangle some health insurance problems, work on employment issues, do some budget balancing, train our laser-like focus on revenue enhancement, and organize priorities overall.

In other words, we'll be doing the kinds of things that Barack Obama can't do worth a tinker's damn - all of which have become harder for those of us in the peasantry since Barry took office. 

One of the more pleasant things taking up a lot of our time lately is Penny, the official news hound of Hope n' Change. As you can see in the video, she's grown a bunch - and is an absolute dynamo. At 8 months old, she's entering the "teenage" developmental stage in which she doesn't like taking orders, wants to run around at all hours, and likes to experiment with "forbidden" substances (by eating furniture, for instance). We love her dearly, and will do so even more when she calms the heck down.

Truthfully, taking a week off will also help recharge our personal battery; the day-in day-out scandals and idiocy in the news take a genuine emotional toll. And the "Gitmo Five" travesty has done so even more than usual. So for the next seven days, Hope n' Change plans to let Life and Liberty take care of themselves while we put a little more emphasis on The Pursuit of Happiness.

Feel free to leave remarks in the comments section - there will no doubt be plenty of things to talk about!    -Stilton

 As a matter of fact, Harry, they did.


  1. Totally cute video! Thanks for sharing.

  2. @Stilt,
    Well, I was going to say, “Enjoy your time off,” then remembered that it’s pretty obvious this week is not going to be an enjoyable one for you. I hope you get accomplished what you set out to accomplish, and that your “coffee” consumption is at the end of the day to relax, rather than during the day to dull the pain. Not a good thing to be snockered when working on your budget and healthcare stuff.

    I was thinking about John the Econ’s theory from last week; he was speculating that the current endless string of cluster-f**ks coming out of the White House may be by design to help Billary win in 2016. Could be, could be… but would King Narcissus really go along with such a plan? I think he loves himself way too much to participate in anything that would tarnish the godlike image he tries to keep. There are still millions of scrotum lickers out there (like ol’ Ted Brist et al) that adore HRH Barry, and O’Liar thrives on that adulation. I honestly think O’Liar wouldn’t piss on Billary if she was on fire.

    So…. If John’s theory is true (and it may well be), the constant string of CF’s are being done or exposed without Barry’s assistance, and even behind his royal back. Does anybody else derive extreme pleasure at the thought of Turdboy being constantly barraged with scandal by his own “friends?”

    Of course, if this is true, it means the Clinton machine will stop at NOTHING (which we already knew I guess).

  3. A week off? That means there will be at least 7 new scandals we will have to live through without your rapier wit to help ease the pain. Hurry back!

  4. On the tragic shooting in Las Vegas, details are still sketchy but RT is reporting that the 3rd person killed after the shooters took the dead cops guns and ammo and entered Walmart was an armed citizen that confronted them. Naturally the anti-gun crowd will concentrate on the shooters having guns in the first place, but as they proclaimed the revolution was starting, took the cops guns, and went into Walmart, I bet they were planning on setting up a base of operations in the Sporting Goods section where they would find plenty more guns and ammo. Perhaps the citizen with the CCW altered their resolve and they then just killed themselves instead of possibly scores of others.

  5. There is NO WAY in hell that a narcissist like Obama would do anything to tarnish his reputation for the success of another. NO WAY. The man's ego is much too large for that - he can do no wrong in his mind. And those of the Brists of the world.

    No, the endless CF's are the natural outcome of progressive politics. Things get progressively worse.

    Sorry @Colby. Just saying. Besides, I think this "John the Econ" character is actually a bot. Just a paranoia of mine.

  6. What a ruse -- claiming you're taking the week off. I know what you're doing -- going deep underground in the bowels of the government to expose the scandals we haven't even seen yet. What a brilliant device to use a teen-dog that bolts into the headquarters of various federal agencies and you just have to go in to find her, and then, while there, take pictures of incriminating documents, and place a few listening devices. Then you'll hide the evidence under a small backyard kiddy pool, the very type they buried Jimmy Hoffa under, and then you'll leak out the scandals week by week. Brilliant, I tell you! (I just hope I haven't blown your cover.)

  7. @Hlavac

    You fool!

    Now you've done it. Dr. J, penny, everyone is going to be whisked away by men in dark suits and glasses, Texas will be razed, this web site will be shut down, and the government will deny any of it ever existed.

    How could you do this?!

    Of course, you could just blame the Koch Brothers .... I suppose that will work.

  8. @Colby
    I swear,your "scrotum licker" could be added to George Carlin's list. Permission to claim as my own,or at least use it?

  9. @Readers- By the way, I haven't dropped off the world or anything. I'm still checking in here regularly when taking breaks from my "catch up" chores (as opposed to "ketchup chores," which is what John Kerry does with his rich wife, the Heinz heiress.)

    A couple of quick points: I agree that Barry wouldn't deliberately make himself look like a numbnuts just to make Hillary look better. Not on purpose, anyway.

    Regarding the tragic Las Vegas shooting, I assume that Eric Holder will be doing backflips of joy. He just reinstituted a domestic terror program saying that we face a grave threat from anti-government types and rabid racists. The timing of this incident couldn't be worse (or, in Holder's eyes, better).

  10. So @Stilton is off "budget balancing, train our laser-like focus on revenue enhancement, and organize priorities overall." Sounds like a normal day at the Econ office. Good luck with that.

    The other day, I thought I actually heard Harry Reid say "The safe return of an American solider should not be used for political points."

    For once I agree with him. Trading 5 of the most dangerous people in the world away for a deadbeat deserter just to get the VA scandal off the front page was indeed a cynical move.

    Oh, wait. Harry wasn't agreeing with us; he was raging on Republicans for pointing out the obvious. Never mind.

    I'm still on the fence regarding the "sheer incompetence" versus "making Hillary look good" debate. Some are still trying to stick to the narrative that Bergdahl deserved this "rescue" regardless of his background. But it does appear either way that if you read the New York Times plus any paper that does not rely upon the New York Times for its narrative, you are now certifiably better briefed than the Commander in Chief.

    One upside I've noted over the last few weeks: The social media postings of my most liberal friends have practically gone silent. The take away? Even the zealots realize they have a big problem.

    Oh, the other big news from the last several weeks that has been completely buried by the VA & Bergdahl scandals? The US economy actually shrank by 1% last quarter

    "It's no big deal" they say. "It was the weather. What will they say in a few months if they find that we didn't get that 1% back in Q2, and it's officially Obama's 2nd recession?

    The Democrats will blame "climate change". I suspect the voters will blame someone else come November.

  11. Better to grow a bunch, than have a hunch!
    / Marty Feldman...

    Yeah, it's Monday, and I got nothing...

  12. @anonymous 2,
    You are most likely 100% correct, but it's fun to speculate.

    I just calls 'em likes I sees 'em. Scrotum lickers is not under any copyright law that I know of. But in retrospect, there probably ain't much there to lick, if you know what I mean.

    @John the Econ,
    An idea. If the economy magically improves while O'Liar is still in office, let's see if the LSM gives credit to the weather. I'm gonna run out and bet my entire life savings on that! Wait... I have no life savings left! Spent it on groceries, gasoline and a couple of doctor visits to get my BP checked.

  13. @Pete,
    Just hearing the name "Marty Feldman" brightened my day. Thanks, and "what hump?"

  14. Sterling's Magic JohnsonJune 9, 2014 at 1:18 PM

    It was racist.

    Igor: No, it's pronounced "eye-gor."
    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: But they told me it was "ee-gor."
    Igor: Well, they were wrong then, weren't they?

    Yes, Pete, thanks for mentioning Marty Feldman.

  15. I seriously doubt that king hussein would do anything to make hitlery look good on purpose. My impression is they hate each other. And the Sec of State job was just a pay-off or else! kind of thing. Remember the rapist said to the murderer, "A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee."

    No love lost between these two sociopaths. But make no mistake four or eight years of hitlery would be just an extension of king husseins' tyranny.

    Because in '08 it was supposed to be hitlery's turn. And this clean, articulate negro (these are the words of either clueless joe or harry greed, I don't remember) came along and charmed all the libs out of their panties.

  16. Sheesh Stilt - get Penny on some ADHD drugs or something. Either that or get her off that Starbucks regimen she's on. Dang ... she's acting like a damn Democrat for pete's sake.

    Or ... Or ... is that her imitation of Ted Brist? Kinda reminiscent of his thinking, kinda. Maybe Penny is on it.

    @WMD - Dirty Hairy. But he wasn't racist like all of us here. Nooooooo ....

  17. @Sterling's Magic Johnson,

    I sure hope that the post at your link was someone trying out for a staff position at ScrappleFace. If so, it was quite funny. But I'm afraid to read any more on that blog just in case it was serious. I don't have any duct tape handy...

  18. Ole Chuck the Bagel, from my home state of Nebraska where the Cornhusker Kickback and Ben Nelson reside and was the deciding vote for Obamacare. Alas, I knew him well..that is before they threw the RINO under the bus with all the rest of the stooges from the Obama regime. Still feeling he love under the bus Chuck? Chuck?

  19. St. John the ReconnJune 10, 2014 at 8:34 AM

    This is what Buck O'Fama is referring to, I think.

    It’s a Progressive Love Fest.

    It's everyone else's fault - Bush, Hagel, .... Unless it worked. Then Obama thought of it all! See today's Dilbert.

    Progressives are total vermin.

  20. Sterling's Magic JohnsonJune 10, 2014 at 11:12 AM


    I took it to be serious. This is how sick we have become in this country. What was once humor, is now taken to be serious political commentary. We used to self-censor morons like that - no more. They run the place. If the electorate doesn't wake up, they will soon be in indoctrination camps reciting this garbage.

    And yes, I do have a magic johnson. Just saying....

  21. (begin translation) What nonsense you people of no-colour post. Allah willing, you will whither and die.

    We, people of colour, have retaken Mosul from other people of colour. The beheadings will begin shortly - of other people of colour. Ted Brist is here - he is not a person of colour. In fact, he is very annoying now. No longer a useful idiot, just an idiot. I would like to trade Ted Brist for this women. How much please? Allah willing - though she is no virgin. Beggars can't be choosers, it is written. She is much better looking than Ted or the camel, though she has no color. Ted smells worse than a camel too.

    Innfidels need beheading like Hillary needs to understand "broke" - bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm - I keel you! Yes, week off! (end translation)

  22. Thanks Penny on Drugs, I knew it was one of those morons.

    I was reading about that guy Jon Meis who stopped the shooter up in Seattle. Sounds like a great kid. But I suspect it's only a matter of time before king hussein jumps in for a photo op and to claim credit for himself. If king hussein had a son... well...OK he probably would have been the shooter

  23. Rosie Palms-DurbinJune 10, 2014 at 12:24 PM

    Dick clears things up. Our impetuous prez - too cute.

  24. On a positive note, it's nice seeing Hillary take heat for her "we're so broke" comment when being made to answer to the rationale of being paid $200,000 for giving a single speech.

    And be patient friends. In a few years, Obama too will be hitting the lecture circuit, and will be charging at least that much.

    Personally, I don't care if an honestly free marketplace thinks that these political celebrities are worth that kind of silly money. After all, there are plenty of entertainment and sports figures that make more. But I, for one, refuse to be lectured by liberal elites about topics like "income inequality" by people who expect to be making 4 or 5 times the annual income of the average American for an hour of spewing hooey.

  25. Anonymous you twit - PI (pi?) posted that already.

    Now, THIS is good news. Exclusive capitalism - Hillary loves it - so does Vlad. Al Gore is on the phone ... We live in a magical age, no? Do svidaniya!

  26. Fun reads.

    For ages, I've argued that the real "class war" isn't the "rich" versus "poor", but the "producers" versus the "rent seekers".

    The "producers" are those who create wealth by inventing new products or processes that improve life for people.

    The "rent seekers" are people like Al Gore or the Clintons (soon to by joined by the Obamas) who make their fortunes not be producing goods and services that people willingly buy, but by inserting themselves into the process while adding little of value to it. This is why the suburbs of Washington DC have become the most affluent communities in the country over the last decade. Little of substance is produced there, and yet people are getting rich.

    The sad irony is that Marxists who scorn the "producer" class of capitalists as "exploiters of the masses", are, in fact, the true exploiter of the masses as they insert themselves into the "rent seeker" class. This recent dust-up with Hillary is certainly a great example of that.

  27. Pi and anon,
    Maybe their school mascot is a pirate. "This is Arrrgh time."

    John the Econ,
    Rent seekers = boob suckers. Most never grew up beyond the nursing stage, and are too damn ignorant to realize the milk they enjoy so much would be non-existent without the producers.

  28. Well, in good news, I shall have a novel about all this that we discuss come out, probably end of June - called "Stalin Giggled; a novel of political apocalypse, as America moves forward ..." -- it'll be a kindle book -- the Prologue I just posted to my blog ... the book starts off looking at what the current cast of our characters are doing ... and goes on from there.

    For while we all discuss current events -- where exactly does all this nonsense lead? Well, a blog comment or post certainly isn't enough space. Nope, takes a big book of wonder. But everyone wants to sum it up in a few words -- keep it simple -- and thus, it's a mess. Whew. What a mess we live in.

  29. To be fair @Colby, any economy needs a certain amount of "rent seeking" in order to function efficiently. (Imagine a world without money or banks, for example)

    The problem with America today is that actual production is now actively discouraged while rent-seeking, especially at the higher levels is encouraged and highly rewarded. A simple example is how we today produce more lawyers than doctors and engineers.

    In the era of Obama, we now produce more "community organizers" as well. These are professions that consume just as much, and yet contribute nothing to the economy. The pie gets smaller, and Progressive zero-sum economic theory becomes self-fulfilling reality.

  30. Buck Ofama.....I like that name and may have to start using it.

  31. Meanwhile in the news, I see that "Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia" (as the New York Times used to call it) has taken over Mosul in Iraq. Another Obama foreign policy success story. A few more years, and it seem as though we didn't spend over a decade and over a trillion dollars, at least to the Afghans and Iraqis. Contrary to al Qaeda being on a path to defeat as Obama likes to say, it's literally like it's 2008 again, just like "Recovery Summer IV" feels remarkably like "Recovery Summer I".

    I don't expect a lot of media coverage on this. Expect Obama to unleash a new scandal any moment now.

  32. Soros the MasterfulJune 11, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    5 Guys are out.

    Cantor is out.

    Plan is working.

  33. @Readers- Man, I'm having fun reading all the comments here. I don't even need to post cartoons and commentary - I just need to put out some beer and pretzels and let all of YOU provide the entertainment!

    Just to share some of the foolishness I'm doing with my (ahem) "time off," I'm trying to get my adult daughter signed into a new Obamacare health insurance plan, albeit NOT going through the exchange. Which would be illegal, if not for another weird loophole I found out about. Unfortunately, we're temporarily stalled in the application process because we need to pick a pediatric dental plan even though there are no kids in the equation. That's right, I've got to buy dental care for my nonexistent grandkids. Too bad - I was hoping to spend that money on buying them imaginary toys.

    Quick news notes: interesting to see that Al Qaeda is, magically, not gone after all...taking over a city of 2 million people.

    I've got mixed feelings about the Eric Cantor upset, though do like the chill it must be sending up the spines of all the old guard GOP members who've been sneering that the tea party is dead and gone.

    Meanwhile, the same president who was all hugs and kisses when showing off the Bergdahls in the rose garden is suddenly saying that the whole exchange was Chuck Hagel's idea. I think the reason Barry requisitioned that huge black campaign bus is because he needs to throw so many bodies under it.

    More later!

  34. Froaderick BarbarossaJune 11, 2014 at 12:20 PM

    Good Gravy, Dr. J! You have to get pediatric dental? My god, this thing is such a mess.

    I agree about Cantor (though getting beat by a "brat"?). I hate RINOs with a passion - there is no point to a Republican party that is simply "me too". Get rid of them and get on with the United States Socialist Republic (USSR) that progressives so dearly want.

    But, the problem is that we also need to get rid of Dems. We need so desperately to return to a two-party system.

    One encouraging sign!

    Yes, Barry's problem is that the bus just isn't big enough for all of his f*ck-ups. Obama is a total MORON. Ted?

  35. So, yesterday president Yomama restated his commitment to steal our guns, saying that gun violence in America is "off the charts". Ignoring his own Justice Department's statistics which show gun violence has dropped by almost 50% over the last two decades, he went on to praise Australia's gun confiscation program. The fact that violent crime there has gone up by over 40% and rape by over 30% since the ban evidently eluded him. Well, at least he can point to his old neck of the woods - Chicago - and show how well the gun ban there has curbed crime. Oh....wait a minute.

  36. @Stilton,

    And now we have a contest to see who's the last left standing, and who ends up under the bus. In testimony before Congress today, Hagel asserts that Øbama made the final decision regarding the Bergdahl swap.

    I'm a bit ambivalent in regards to Cantor. If Brat ends up being more conservative, that can only be a good thing. However, there are some other GOP "stalwarts" that I'd like to see gone more than EC. Unfortunately, it looks like many of them are coming back (like a bad rash).

  37. @Readers- Just sharing a random thought per my comment above: how effed up is it that an unborn child has no right to life, but the never-conceived child has the right to dental insurance?

    Per TxGreg's comment above, I'm enjoying the fingerpointing with Hagel saying that Obama made the decision to release the Gitmo Five, while the White House is claiming that Obama was (as usual) just some sort of derpy bystander.

  38. Eduardo de los FlacidosJune 11, 2014 at 2:34 PM

    Dr. J - Pithy point. BTW - Someone slipped in there, me thinks.

    And Mr. King - It is well known that where citizens are armed, violent crime goes down. I truly fail to understand how disarming the law-abiding serves any purpose - other than allow Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to take over.


    Happy days, Pedro - El norte está lleno de demócratas idiotas!

  39. Eduardo de los FlacidosJune 11, 2014 at 2:35 PM

    Oh my, Dr. J - you are much faster than me at typing. The intruder is gone.

    Bueno, Señor!

  40. (begin translation) Hello, infidels! Just a quick update in between slaughtering people of colour here in Mosul. I love this guy! You know, I live for this stuff. I dreamed about it often in, how you say, Gitmo, yes. These are my, Allah willing, wet dreams.

    OK, destiny awaits. Uh, that song, obscene, eighties, .... Oh yes! Let The Good Heads Roll, Allah Willing! The Cars - crazy infidels. Yes, Ted, that one .... (end translation)

  41. @Stilton, isn't it obvious? The dental care for the non-existent grandchild is much more affordable for the government than an actual born child. It's all about getting the books to balance.

    Personally, I love the news about Cantor getting the boot. Every time the MSM declares the Tea Party dead, something like this happens. So there's hope.

  42. The fact that Cantor spent 5.5 million to Brat's 200k on the primary speaks volumes about the level of distrust voters have for incumbants and may be a foreshadow of what is to come in November. The fact that even Dems are bemoaning the loss of an establishment RINO like Cantor speaks volumes about the two sides of one coin political travesty in the District of Criminals.

  43. Geoff King

    You are correct. Stinkin' RINOs. And as a posting earlier had it, Cantor thought that he had a 34 point lead in his polls. Mission Fail.

    And now for something completely different. This is so cool - I had to share it.

    Warning - NOT 420 friendly.


  44. We love your President, er, Hussein I think?

    We Love him!

    First Benghazi, then the Gitmo 5, now we take over and slaughter Iraqis. All because of your President! Note I capitalize president. Respect.

    He cuts and runs. He abandons Israel. He makes love to Iran. And he, of course, lies to you because that is what truly great leaders do!

    Yes, his weakness and ingenuousness coupled with severe duplicity is our STRENGTH! Like an episode at Star Trek, eh? Yes, I spent some time in States - learned some fancy words, no? Watched much decadent TV. I miss Farrah Fawcett .... a lot.

    Yes, he talks gun control (why did Farrah make me think of that?). We are showing him what gun control truly is. Ha! You know, this Bloomberg fellow is kind of cute, no? He could fill in for my camel any day!

    Hey, we love your Hussein! (See? Capitalized!)

  45. @Omar al Tikriti- Your analysis is (sadly) flawless. But in the spirit of international good will, I think the United States (capitalized!) should make a gift of president hussein to your country. Just let us know when he can beheading your way.

  46. Good Doctor -

    Ha! You are a man of great intelligence, dignity, and, yes, humor.

    I will get back to you ....

  47. I am sure that Stilton's omission of the space in "beheading" was purely accidental, otherwise his post could cause many to have a visual that they could really get into lerant of ( I had to put the missing space somewhere).

  48. @Geoff King- See, this is what happens when Sigmund Freud just tosses his banana peels on the floor.

  49. @Omar al Tikriti, when the inevitable happens, will my jizyah be less than my current and consistently rising federal, state, and local tax burden?

    I mean, most of the more rabid leftists I converse with already consider me a racist, sexist, homophobic zealot. So I might as well accept it and look for the up-sides.

  50. Hey that Omar "guy" should identify with this:

  51. It must suck to be Hillary

    I can't imagine how hard it would be to live off of $200,000-a-night speaking fees either.

  52. Soros the MasterfulJune 12, 2014 at 7:49 PM

    Hey, she's hot, no? Aw, yeah, babe, that's my b1tch! Jönnek papi, baba!

  53. O’Liar, Joe Biteme, Billary, Jay the Weasel, Harry (I took too much LSD in the 60’s) Reid… all of them and more are either delusional, or they think we are really that stupid. Or (gasp!), BOTH! This “administration” has been an endless chain of fusterclucks, wild-assed statements, and false claims. And the scrotum lickers buy every word. We are as screwed as Omar’s camel.

  54. John, the econ...
    What REALLY amazes me is, if it were the COLD that made the economy go to shit, WHY IS NORTH DAKOTA BOOMING, and HOW do they even HAVE an economy in CANADA?
    Troubling that there are imbeciles who BUY that crap, huh?

  55. Amazing! I just learned more from penny's video than 6 long miserable years of prezzy Ø and the dee cee media corpse presentations.

  56. Hey, Colby - my camel is very happy!

    Hey, Doctor - would you throw in Al Gore? Not only does that sound arabic, but he would be much better tasting on a spit. Your Hussein might be a bit chewy - he is all skin and bones.

    Hey Bruce - That is the brilliance of your Hussein. You infidels will buy anything he tells you. A prophet! Only a prophet could have such sway. Or people are stupid. It is written - "Brilliance and stupidity are two sides of the same scimitar".

    Hey you can't make that stuff up ...

  57. Amazing! I just learned more from penny's video than 6 long miserable years of prezzy Ø and the dee cee media corpse presentations.

  58. @REM1875

    Starbucks Sumatra - fixes any problem.

  59. @Bruce Bleu, no doubt that when the economy fails to regain that 1%, they'll blame it on summer.

    Or maybe they'll blame it on the downfall of Afghanistan and Iraq, which will be Bush's fault, even though a mere 2 years ago Obama and Biden were claiming that they were their greatest successes.

    Meanwhile, the Obama Administration is remaining quite silent about the recent turn of events. I'm not terribly surprised. Afghanistan and Iraq were only of interest to Obama in that they could be used politically as examples of Bush failures. Beyond that, they were little more than inconvenient distractions from his "fundamental transformation" domestic agenda.

    For those too young to remember the fall of Saigon, you may be getting a 21st century replay soon.

  60. St. John the ReconnJune 13, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    @The other John

    This is the greatest gift of "progressive" - they make things get progressively worse, and then they cut and run.

  61. @St. John
    That was my line -

    Uh oh The CF to end all CF's is about to begin.

    Chelsea is really GOOD! Did she get this for CF's?

  62. Checking headlines this morning - Thad Cochran, the guy linked above doing indecent things with animals, apparently was unaware this morning that Cantor, the notorious RINO, had been defeated. Now is THAT the very definition of "clueless"?

    And speaking of clueless RINOs, Kevin McCarthy, who Cantor supports to replace him, is assuring the RINO constituency that "it will be business as usual" with him as Majority Leader. " Don’t worry, nothing much will change, it will be business as usual in the House of Representatives."

    How nice.

  63. This is for Anonymous 2.

    I've dealt with Iran for many years, and trust me when I say that they are NOT going to use U.S. troops to invade and ultimately take over Iraq, and kill all the Sunnis and Christians in the process. This will not happen on my watch... Period! If they think they can trick me, they have another think coming.

  64. Cheney's Magic JohnsonJune 13, 2014 at 1:01 PM

    For BO, here is "another think".

    The threat posed by Syrian instability is clear – it has engulfed Iraq. The threat posed by Iraqi instability is clear – it is now drawing in Iran. A regional war is now a very real possibility. The United States can engage in that theater on its terms now, or wait and engage in it on less favorable terms down the road. But, for the globe’s only superpower, there is no avoiding engagement.

    The president, meanwhile, must come to terms with the fact that his legacy achievement, the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, is coming apart. But he better not take long. The world is on fire.

    (ala Noah Rothman)

  65. @Cheney's Magic Johnson- All that you say is true. So how ironic (and sad, and frightening) is it that Barry announced the other day that "the world is less violent than it has ever been." Tell that to the decapitated bodies lining the streets in Iraq...

  66. Cheney's Magic JohnsonJune 13, 2014 at 3:45 PM

    Good Doctor - Just to be clear, I absconded with that material from a piece written by Noah Rothman. I did not write that. I was merely passing it along.

    Don't want Ted Brist or Omar accusing me of plagiarism. They might cut off my "magic johnson".

  67. Our president thinks deep things.

    Isn't that cute?! Dontcha think Mohammad Fazl will get a warm fuzzy when he finds out?

  68. Those barbarians, the ISIS, are "progressives". The "progressives" would do what they are doing if they could. You "progressives", you are so worried about Islamophobia. Are you watching the beheadings? The slaughter? Maybe you should take your gun control battle over there. Yeah, you morons should go talk to those barbarians. See how far it gets you. They love you just like you love them. You and your idiotic president - And take Bloomberg with you.

    What is with these people? Why are they constantly killing each other????

    Hey, Doc J. Thanks for providing a forum to vent. I hate "progressives". I am progressivephobic. Yup - Is Teddy watching?

  69. Don't worry fellow Hopie Changies; Barry Hussein has the Iraq situation well in hand.(like his diminutive wiener)(or Reggies, whatever the mood may be) HRH pronounced today that there will be no more US Troops on the ground in Iraq, but will wait for his 'team' to advise what alternatives are available, and get back to us on Monday. He then Helo'd off to 'Palm'(appropriate name)Springs, for fund raisers and golfing. Damn, now I can rest assured that he will have the situation 'well in hand'. Or, should that be: 'well, in hand'? By Monday Iraq will be called 'ISIS'.

  70. But hey: At least while Odonothing is in Palm Spooge golfing, he could be looking for Nicole and Ron's killer. OJ sadly is not available to complete that task.

  71. What I'm wondering is whether Noorullah Noori and Bob Bergdahl know the same Afghani hashish supplier.

  72. Soros the MasterfulJune 13, 2014 at 7:59 PM

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), issued a rare audio message back on January 21 in which he flatly stated his group’s intention to march on Baghdad and move into “direct confrontation” with the United States.

    “Our last message is to the Americans. Soon we will be in direct confrontation, and the sons of Islam have prepared for such a day,” Baghdadi said. “So watch, for we are with you, watching.”

  73. (begin translation) Hey, Wahoo.

    Translator - what kind of name is "wahoo" anyway? That's what we say when prayers are done. Oh well, anyway ...

    Hey, Wahoo - hard to get used to that - hey, have you seen this Bergdahl infidel? He has some of my scratch. He walked off with it.

    You know? You know where this Bergdahl character is? Call "Crime Stoppers". OK? Anonymous, right? No worries. (end translation)

  74. @Soros: Oradicalislamicsympathizer was aware of those threats when they happened, and as always, did nothing about them. It must be really tough to try and be 'presidential' when there are so many kick-ass golf courses within reach of Air Force 1.

  75. Awww, give his worshipfulness a break. Ignoring deteriorating geo-political as well as domestic situations and at the same time lying about a dozen or so scandals is very exhausting work. A few rounds of golf in Palm Springs at our expense may be just what he needs to refresh his destruction of America agenda.

  76. It seems quite obvious to me that O'Nero plays so much golf because he never learned how to play the fiddle.

  77. O'Nero - you know I never thought about it in those terms but that seems to be the most apt description of this "president" née criminal. With the flood of "immigrants" across the border, the "progressives" hope to turn TX and AZ blue (the color of moldy toilet bowl water), they are sending allies into an abyss, and Soros waits in the wings. Or is it Vlad? Hey has anyone seen those two together at the same time?

    I digress. I can't remember where I saw it but O'Nero has given us a Jimmy Carter economy and a Richard Nixon ethos. That's a nice way of saying criminality and lying along with a nearly-destroyed economy.

    BTW, did any of you see that the Fed is now going to be confiscating money from savers with negative interest rates? O'Nero breaks the economy, one that needs a valve job like crazy, and then steals money from those who have worked hardest for it.

    Go see today.

  78. @π- Good points. The surging flood of illegals is pretty much a (deliberate) can't lose strategy for the Dems- they either benefit from the social strains caused by the massive influx, or they can accuse the Republicans of attacking children if they try to stop the insanity.

    And do you have a link to the story about negative interest and the Fed? I know that European central banks have just instituted that policy, but haven't seen it happening domestically yet. Emphasis on yet.

  79. Hey Stilton,

    Well, going back through my links, this is the only one I kept (though I thought that I saw something at too): Negative interest rates?

    And per a financial newsletter I receive, there is this:
    Going negative: To encourage lending, the European Central Bank cut the interest rate it pays banks for holding their deposits to -0.1%; rather than paying interest on deposits, it's essentially charging banks for holding their cash. The ECB also cut its refinancing rate--the rate banks must pay when they borrow from the ECB--from 0.25% to 0.15%. President Mario Draghi said the ECB will offer targeted long-term refinancing operations (TLTROs) in September and December, which will allow banks to borrow up to three times the amount they lend out, and may also buy certain asset-backed securities. Draghi also said the ECB is prepared to do more if these measures don't do enough to stimulate the economy.

    Again, that is the Euro Zone only, as you say. But I don't doubt that this is simply part of a so-called "wealth tax" that Obama and cronies want to implement.

    Maybe I overreacted and "maybe" became "reality" but that "flavored" it some, just like in the movie. But "god" would have wanted it that way, no?

  80. Stay out.

    Not sure where the mistake was made - going in or getting out. The first begat the last? The words from Noah Rothman notwithstanding, what in hell is the US doing? One more diversion from all of your problems at home? The Econ John likens this to Saigon all those years ago. It was a Cold War mistake? Maybe. But arguably, a logical one. Iraq? These are bloodthirsty people with oil. Either take the oil or suck it up but more intervention? A weak man such as your "president", with aspirations of a dictator - these are dangerous things.

  81. Marty Feldmen -
    Abby Normal.
    God rest you Marty, your time with us was way too short.
    But my all time favorite from the movie was way either -Frau Blucher! or "what knockers"

  82. Yes, low interest rates have been robbing the middle class dry for the benefit of profligate government spending and 1%-ers for the better part of a decade now. If people truly understood what this was doing to the very people the establishment claims to be doing this for, ther'd ve a revolution tomorrow.

  83. @REM1875

    "Sank you, Dokta!"

    Yes, I too miss Marty Feldman. But I had a total crush on Teri Garr. And still do.


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