Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4th, 2014

hope n' change, hope and change, july 4, 4th of july, stilton jarlsberg

Although we only want to express positive thoughts on the 4th of July, Hope n' Change can't resist taking a small dig at the man just voted "worst president since World War II" in a national poll...

obama, obama jokes, 4th of july, july 4, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, constitution, political, humor

Have a great 4th of July with your family and friends, and take time to reflect on the importance and meaning of this wonderful country!


  1. Happy Independence Day to all. May we achieve it again one day.

  2. An excerpt from Judge Andrew Napolitano's 4th of July message:

    "This week marks the anniversary of America’s birth as a free nation, when we fought a war against a tyrant and seceded from his kingdom. We thought we had banished tyranny from our shores. We thought we had ratified a Constitution that would compel the government to respect our natural rights. We thought we had established a society based upon the rule of law.
    We were wrong. We have gone from an inherited tyrant to an elected one. I have never heard President Obama say this, but it seems logical that if he thinks he can lawfully kill Americans abroad, he also thinks he can kill us here".

    Happy 5th of Black Velvet!


  3. Just look at all the blue push pins in the 'Democrat' Northeast....
    Immigrant Relocation Map

    My thought, being the rascally curmudgeon that I am, is that since WE have to house and shelter them, I think the oil and gas pipelines coming out of Texas need to be shut off at the border and redirected for our use to care for the humanitarian refugees.

  4. For some ood reason the html link didn't work - here is the url for pasting:

  5. One day this tyrant wanna be will be at his eternal judgement and perhaps things will be better. I believe it's up to the young to take the country back down the right path.
    Happy 4th Everyone. ~:)

  6. "worst president since World War II"

    Sure that wasn't since the War for Independence?

    Today I hope we all enjoy what makes America great - liberty, fireworks, BBQ, and beer!

  7. Our national motto, "In God We Trust", is the reason for our past greatness. It has now been deemed obsolete by many and we are now in decline. I pray that there are enough of us left to bring back what we once had. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

  8. The good doctor's attempt (successful attempt, I should say) at humor is nonetheless prophetic. This president and his henchmen, vicariously called "progressives", would gladly throw the Constitution onto the Barbie (heh, heh) given half a chance.

    And do indeed have a good 4th of July. Stay true people!

    Just remember what it is that we are celebrating and how much in jeopardy it is in (cf. Geoff King's excerpt from J. Napolitano - the good "napolitano").

  9. @Chuck Baker- You've perfectly summed up my feelings for today.

    @Geoff King- Judge Napolitano is right, and I don't doubt that Barry believes he can kill Americans domestically at his executive whim.

    And bonus points to you for remembering my cheap rotgut of choice!

    @Grumpy Curmudgeon- I like that idea. And frankly, as a proud citizen of Texas, I'm increasingly favoring secession if the Feds refuse to defend our borders and communities.

    @Sparky- For better or worse, the young will determine our nation's future. Today, I'm going to hope for "the better."

    @CenTexTim- I assume the survey only asked about post WWII presidents, because the accurate answer would be "worst president since the Big Bang."

    @Judi King- It's nice that a majority of the Supreme Court stood with the founding fathers this week in saying "In God We Trust...Politicians Not So Much."

    @Dodger Blues- I like to fantasize that if Barry actually laid his hands on the Constitution, the result would be much like that which befell the creepy bespectacled Nazi who opened the Ark of the Covenant in "Raiders of the Lost Ark."

    @Bruce Bleu- We should all thank Hobby Lobby for providing such great fireworks this week...even before the 4th!

  10. My fantasy is the same one you describe to Dodger Blues, Dr. J. And I got a place I'd like to stick that fork... UP.

  11. and a Happy Independence Day to all!

  12. I was surfing the local Greenville NC news for Arthur info - used to live there, and I saw that WITN, Greenville, NC has a poll re: the worst President - 75.38% have nominated Obama, and this from the home of East Carolina University!

  13. Happy Independence Day to all. While there is plenty in our current situation which leads naturally to despair, remember that the brave men who risked their lives and fortunes to sign the Declaration were in a minority at the time. As long as there are those who cherish liberty, there is hope.

  14. Amen TrickRicky - there is hope. Happy 4th of July to all!

  15. TO TickyRicky: Thank you for the hope. I HOPE you're right.

  16. One of the true pleasures I will experience today is expressing "Happy Independence Day" here, to a room full of people for whom I know truly understand the meaning of this most important day; far more so than most Americans, even those who now inhabit the highest offices of this country.

    Never tire of wanting real "freedom", and not the phony kind the Progressive sell. Stay thirsty, my friends.

  17. Wow, @Dodger Blues. I wonder if the author of that piece will ever realize that the "income inequality" and "gilded age" he fears will in fact be exacerbated by the "climate change" agenda he advocates? A whole class of political elites right out of Orwell living lifestyles they themselves will be punishing us for wanting.

    Just look how Hillary, who is now worth hundreds-of-millions shudders when she's compared to Mitt Romney. She's one of the elite she formerly scorned. The difference is that Romney earned it by producing value whereas Bill and Hillary have always been rent-seekers. The funny part is that Bill and Hillary have actually convinced themselves that they are, in fact, morally superior to the Romneys of the world, simply because they tell themselves that they're working for "the common man" and spout the correct rhetoric.

    Yes, the author is right. We do need to fight.

  18. @John The Econ ~ I am scrapping for a good WH cleaning. When are men going to protect us from this rabble in office, or, as Boudica of old, are we women going to have to lead the charge?!
    BTW, your comments are some of my favorites. You're really brilliant. It's a pleasure to know you're on the side of Right. :)

  19. In hopes of pissing off every progressive I encounter, I always make it a point to say "Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY!" to all. I never say "Happy 4th", because I want the progressive weasels to remember that on July 4th, 1776, Americans told their GOVERNMENT to take a hike, and we need to remind our current government that it could (and SHOULD) happen to them, too. So HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, America!

  20. @ JustaJeepGuy -- I like your thinking on 'Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY' and I especially liked the part about when Americans told their GOVERNMENT to take a hike. Hint, hint, hint to our CURRENT government!

  21. Happy Independence Day indeed. Since our "progessive" overlords want to make the other 364 "Dependence Days".

  22. @Sparky @ My Thoughts Exactly, frankly, I'd love to see that happen. Before the rise of Obama, it had for decades been my prediction that the first black or woman President would be a conservative.

    This was because most of the high-profile minorities and women in the Democratic party weren't there because they were particularly smart or good leaders, but because they cynically appealed to narrow interest groups. For example, in the eighties, Jesse Jackson appealed to the vast majority within a segment of the Democratic constituency, but outside of that group he pretty much offended everyone else, even within the party. The Democrats dangled him as a useful idiot for nearly two decades to keep black voters interested in the party, but they never took him seriously as a candidate. Since the Democrats treat most of their disparate constituencies this way, there never was going to be a candidate emerging from that class with broad enough appeal to get elected nationally. The party was always going to be represented by white-male leftists.

    With that in mind, it was clear to me that the first American woman or minority President would be a Republican. In the early 2000s, my bet was on Condoleezza Rice. She was a triple threat; brilliant, well educated, had street-cred, and was attractive as well.

    And had it not been for the Iraq war that irreversibly stained her career, my prediction probably would have come true. Then that in addition to the economic crash left the field open for the Democrats to field Hillary & Obama. Hillary's people totally underestimated the whole "hope and change" nonsense that the Obama people sold us, and the rest was history.

    So yes, the mediocre white males in the GOP have failed us, again and again. They served up Bush 41 in 88, then Dole in 96, and then Bush 43 in 2000 and McCain in 2008. Now there's talk of another Bush for 16. So I'd be thrilled to vote for a true conservative woman. Who would it be?

  23. If this video is legit, our country is doomed:

  24. If this video is legit, our country is doomed:

  25. @John the Econ ~ Very well said my friend.
    @Geoff King ~ That, like, made me want to, like, vomit in, like, terror! Gosh, I hope that video was spoof. I fear that it is not, though, for once I was on the hiring and firing end of management and suffered through many a pointless interview with such airheads. Even in the 90s the public education was sadly lacking for alleged "graduates".

  26. The fact that she posted that video on the 4th of July and evidently thinks that it is New Year's Day, coupled with her thinking the world is 2014 years old because that is the number on the top of her calendar, and her saying that we should all pray to Ă˜bama because he fought for our freedom, leads me to believe it is on the level. Even Mel Brooks could not have concieved of a spoof that over the top.

  27. Sorry @Geoff King, but to everyone else, I'd recommend not clicking on the link above, as it appears to attempt to install malware on your computer. (Phony Java Update) The fine print even says that it's going to!


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