Friday, August 8, 2014

Marxist's Vineyard

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, political, vacation, martha's vineyard, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg

One of the very few good things about having Barack Obama continually committing the same offenses over the years is that Hope n' Change can occasionally recycle old cartoons (in the case above, from 2009).

And what better time to do so than when the president has declared that, in observance of "the fierce urgency of now," he's committing to an all-out multi-million dollar surge of kinetic leisure in Martha's Vineyard for the umpteenth time.

Tomorrow (which presumably leaves plenty of time for Barry to first solve the world's escalating problems) the Obama family will begin a 16-day luxury vacation, staying at a $12 million dollar estate where they can relax and contemplate the appalling evils of income inequality.  And what better place than an exclusive, well-fortified gated community to reflect on the folly of securing our nation's borders?

In all candor, Hope n' Change enthusiastically endorses anything that keeps the president away from the oval office for awhile, whether it's golfing with his unimaginably rich friends or dodging shrapnel as his wife rips into lobsters with her bare hands at a 5-star restaurant.

However, since it seems that the president has declared frequent vacations to be an absolute necessity of life, Hope n' Change is wondering why the government isn't making them available to everyone? Isn't it time that all citizens had access to an Obamacation without regard to pre-existing conditions like, oh, being broke and jobless?

Perhaps when a well-rested Obama eventually returns to Washington, he'll bring with him the new guidelines for this "Affordable Carefree Act." 

Assuming that the proposed bill is only the size of a travel brochure and has lots of pictures of beaches and bikinis, his fellow Democrats might finally read something to see what's in it.

From each according to their ability to pay,
To each according to their ability to target you with an audit.


  1. I put a bar in the back of my car, now I drive myself to drink!

  2. Obola authorizes airstrikes in Iraq. WHY would we NEED airstrikes?

  3. Your commentary today reminds me of an old friend, sadly no longer with us, who was of a decidedly socialist bent. He was intelligent (I know, how was he then a socialist, right) and we would engage in verbal jabs while hoisting a few at the local bar. He was self-employed, owning a one man retail and repair shop in town. One day he declared that he thought everyone should get six weeks paid vacation "like they have in France". I was kind of flabbergasted, and replied that he could take vacation any time he damn well felt like it, but certainly he could see that I shouldn't have to pay for it. We weren't quite as friendly after that.

  4. It's amazing. America knowingly elected, then re-elected!! a full on Marxist dictator.
    And they laugh when we reject him.
    Tis true, the Devils greatest trick was convincing Man he did not exist.
    Liberals delenda est.

  5. Priceless - Yeah that is one thing about this super brilliant guy we call our President (everyone says he is super brilliant anyway): he's repeatable. It does make the humor here most readily re-giftable. And good thing too because it is and was and always will be hilarious.

    Yeah, these Marxist/Socialist are truly of the people. The 1% people. They just need to keep shouting their vapid slogans to keep the "progressive" riffraff voting for them. Like Chuck Schumer said, "It's complicated."

    Lying is always complicated. Truth isn't as the Good Doctor shows.

  6. The Marxist in chief seems to think the US should pattern ourselves after Europe. Well.....Italy gets 42 paid vacation days, France 37, Germany 35,& UK 28. The US gets about 10-15. That's just Europe. If they're so great, why aren't we following their example? Could it be a work ethic? I've always loved Italy, I vote for their number!

  7. "But Bush took vacations too." "He deserves it, he works hard." It's not THAT much money if you compare it to how rich the Koch brothers are." "Racist!"

  8. Divide and conquer....a Marxist tactic as old as civilization......Rich against "poor", black against white, male against female, etc. Anonymous should change his/her name to "marxist".

  9. What with all the fundraising and birthday partying, Øbama needs this vacation. In addition to continuing to ignore world and domestic events and playing lots of golf, I hope he finds the time to do lots and lots of swimming in the ocean around the island.
    Unrelated trivia: Martha's Vineyard is where the movie "Jaws" was filmed.

  10. Judi - couldn't agree more. I can't figure out of Marxist/Socialist are just hateful people, greedy people, or just plain stupid. So I assume that they are all of those.

    And the "bad" anonymous is a very good example.

  11. Geoff - Yes Rome burns and Nero heads to M.V.

    Hey, are you saying that Biden is in the waters there? Ewwwww.

  12. I also hope Øbama can find the time to explore some of the area's historical landmarks and perhaps even involve himself in select re-enactments. Perhaps a pleasant drive across a famous bridge on neighboring Chappaquiddick Island would be just the ticket to help him tread the waters of responsibility.

  13. Gad, what a mess these progressives have created. Hey, Grumpy, where are you today? We need another saying from you. "What do you feel when you ...."

  14. @Readers- While it's always fun for me to mock Barry for his vacations, the story I really wanted to talk about today was the airstrikes and support in Iraq - only when I was making the cartoon, Barry hadn't made up his mind yet.

    I'm pleased that he's now authorized actual military support and is also sending supplies. He damn near had to rather than let a huge bloodbath stain him politically (especially when leaving for vacation), but even that's never an assurance that he'll do the right thing.

    Mind you, I'm not going to fall all over myself cheering for Barry because I lay much of the blame for the whole ISIS fiasco at his feet. Still, better late than never. I just hope that the president who said "we don't do pinpricks" will follow through this time.

  15. And let this all be a big lesson to the pols - massive debt, suffocating debt, debt that threatens our very existence as a nation, prevents an unmitigated response to what is going on in Iraq. And it prevents a lot of other things that we could be doing domestically. So Obama, that brilliant conlawprof, who scourged Bush 43 for the debt, has racked up far more in his admin and sets us up on the precipice. He scorns everything American - and putting us in this pickle is his retribution. And so, pinpricks.

    Debt, whether personal or governmental, puts one in a very dangerous position. First things first. Our role as policeman of the world is hanging in the balance. I fear for our future greatly.

  16. Ahh, but Mr. Jarlsberg, may I remind you that today's bombing campaign lacks Constitutional authority?
    Understand, I too support it but Jesus can't he do ONE thing legally?
    I've answered my own question.
    No, he can't.

  17. Talk about clocking in late! A lot of this shoulda been taken care of when the crap was flying in Syria!

  18. Considering the fact that ISIS, formerly known as Al Qaeda, was created by our own CIA, and recieved much of their present weaponry when Øbama called them "Freedom Fighters" in Syria and heavily armed them - not to mention all the US made weapons they have seized on their march towards Baghdad (the city that we were told was well defended by even more US trained troops) - this latest offensive against them from the man who claimed credit for ending the war in Iraq and bringing all our soldiers home is yet another windfall for the Military Industrial Complex that has been supplying arms to both sides all along.

  19. Wonderful people, these Islamist-types.

    Call me racist - come on progressives! You love these animals! You are akin to them!

    All of this Islam crap is just an excuse to kill. Blood-thirsty bastards.

  20. He lets Gitmo 5 out, and now bombs their pals.

    ...can't endure 2 more years of this. :(

  21. "Let me be clear, I am assigning a concerted, kinetic effort to move forward, down the fairway. Can we focus ourselves on this drive? YES WE CAN."

    :hits ball in the wrong direction, blames the bushes lining the fairway:

  22. Oh my, I like THAT anonymous. Well put. He blames the "Bushes".

    And Pamecon, yeah - I agree. The country can't endure more of this. This president is a total failure. Abysmal. Incompetent. Lying, cheating, SOB.

    Hey, I just described ALL progressives.

  23. Per the ISIS crisis (catchy phrase), I consider Obama to be 5% fireman and 95% arsonist. Truly "good" options aren't really available at this point because the pullout of troops from the region allowed things to escalate out of control.

    And per Queso Grande's remark, it would be nice if Barry would try doing things constitutionally someday. I'll be the guy not holding his breath till that happens.

  24. 'Suppose you are correct, Doc - just another quality moment from this idiotic President, this idiotic administration, these idiotic progressive/lefties. I wonder when his apologists will start saying it is Bush's fault?

    You know, of course, that he was warned about ISIS the Crisis (you're correct about that name too) many months ago.

    Nonetheless, "Fortress America" is looking better and better to me. The world is mad, always has been. G. Washington was correct.

  25. We're in a holy war and have been for about 1400 years. The radical islamist's agenda is world domination and always has been. It's just been dormant for many years but now they are empowered by the current US administration's lack of will to support those who are trying to fight this horror.

  26. Yeah, Judi, you are correct. It is truly amazing the medieval attitude of these people. It is amazing the quickness and ferocity with which Islam took over the "orient" 1400 years ago and they almost took Europe but for the Mongols. I still do not know (need to do more reading) why they sunk into such a "funk" that has kept them "medieval" for all of these centuries. I guess I want to blame their religion but I have not read enough to know. It is just bizarro.

    There are pockets of Islam that want modernity (Western educated middle class in Iran for example) but they are silenced by the blood thirsty hoards, I suppose.

    At any rate, as someone commented some time ago, there is a thin line between modernity and medieval and it's called "culture". Ever read "A Canticle for Leibowitz"?

  27. Actually, now that I think about it, it wasn't just the Mongols - I think it was fighting among themselves (ala today's carnage) that left them too weakened to handle the Mongols. I think that was it.


  29. Despite the fact that Øbama campaigned for ending the conflict in Iraq and bringing our troops home - at which point he practically demanded we worship him for doing so even though it left that country almost defenseless; now that he has sent our forces back there he again took the time to blame it all on Bush before rushing off to his far more important 2 weeks of golf:

  30. After all the money we taxpayers have shelled out to improve his game, I feel we are owed a Master's, US Open, or PGA Championship victory by the Putter-In-Chief.

  31. GK- I was wondering when HE (need capitalization when talking about a god!!!) would get around to blaming Bush 43. You know, earlier I thought I saw a posting that he blamed the Iraqi government for wanting a pullout of the troops, which is of course what Obama, The Master Of The Universe, wanted anyway.

    Other than golf, and blaming everyone one else, unless people say good things, then it was His idea all along, does anyone think that this President isn't anything OTHER THAN A COMPLETE FAILURE?!?!?!? And lives will be lost because of Him. Yea, progressives! That is truly progress. That is Hope and Change!!!!!!! You broke the code!

    I was going to use some harsher words but I am sure that what I just said is enough for Eric Holder to accuse me of racial animus. And for the NSA to spy on me. And the IRS to audit me. And the FBI to arrest me. And the Border Patrol to stop me (which happened).

  32. Yes, unfortunately, some do not think the "dic" is a failure but they are generally brainwashed or brain dead or just plain morons.

  33. Hey, Hey, Presidente!!

    Hey, all us po' folks want to play golf too. On Martha's Vineyard. Sounds sorta pornográfico. No?

    So, yeah, you 1 percenters, you call yo'selfs "progressives". Your Robert Reich makes $240K a year at Berkeley to teach one class - on income inequality. Hey, what about us po' folk? Chelsea gets $75K per speech and doesn't worry about money? How 'bout us po' folks? You're importing them by the bus-loads right now. What about those already here? Hey, hey, Presidente?!?!?!

    I want two weeks off at (or on) Martha's Vineyard, Presidente. What about me? Howsa about an "executive exemption" here, buddy?

    You effing hypocrite ....



    Fore ....

    Life is hard, huh Obama? You did nothing to get here, you have no talent but you are really "smart", huh? You were just "being there", huh?. And now you are president and it is everyone else's fault, huh? You can do no wrong, huh? And so now you are retired, huh?

    Just what have you and your other friends done to deserve this? What have you done for the people, the citizens of The United States of America? Smoke a little pot, do a little weed, pork Martha's Vineyard. Yeah ...

  35. Interesting opinion here:

  36. Hey Achmed, my brother!
    What is up, my good friend Barack?
    Well, the American infidels I rule over are getting a bit upset about your glorious mission to control all of Iraq and Syria. Perhaps if you could set a couple of obsolete artillery pieces in a remote location away from your troops, I could have my Air Force blow them up on camera, and those who dare question my resolve will bite their tongues - at least until I return from the most expensive two week vacation I can get away with.
    Thy will be done, omnipotent one. We still on for golf next Tuesday?

  37. (Voice of Translator) Silence, G. King! I keel you!

    Achmed is a joke! I am playing golf with your Baraq. We had an ... arrangement ... to get me out of Gitmo. I play, I lose, He, the great one, but not so great as THE GREAT ONE, is finally vindicated on the infidel golf course. And then we behead this Martha infidel together. Good clean fun.

    I am throwing excrement at you! I will behead YOU if you cannot answer this question (or convert or pay a reasonable user fee): What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? And forget the "African or European" dodge.

    More heads will role! Translator come here! Uh oh. (End translation)

    (Voice of Translator) Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Garggg.

  38. "I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive."

    - Dubya

  39. @Anonymous- In all fairness, that was a bad and callous moment for George W. Bush. Subsequently he thought better of it and stopped golfing while lives were being lost.

    Sadly, I doubt that Barry will ever have such second thoughts.


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