Friday, August 29, 2014

Situation Comedy

obama, obama jokes, golf, hope n' change, hope and change, russia, ukraine, situation room, vacation, benghazi, stilton jarlsberg

Following the Herculean labors of his golfing vacation, a handful of fundraisers, and attendance at a bachelor party, a seemingly tireless Barack Hussein Obama jumped right back into the presidential saddle on Thursday with a visit to the Situation Room.

The purpose of his visit was a meeting with the National Security Council to discuss the Russian military's increased attacks on Ukraine.  Unfortunately, the president initially voiced support for the Russian aggression, saying Ukraine "had it coming" for having hosted the "crude anti-Islamic video which incited the entirely spontaneous Benghazi attack."

But once the difference between Ukraine and YouTube was explained to him, the president forcefully declared the importance of putting Russia back in its place by means of a four-part plan consisting of "standing firmly with our allies," "seeking justice," "launching an investigation," and "blaming Bush."

No specific timetable was given for the plan's implementation - although it was suggested by a White House spokesperson that the president would make development of such a timetable an urgent priority following his next vacation.

The president also used his meeting with the National Security Council to discuss every detail of the huge and growing terrorist threat from ISIS (the "JV team") with the best and brightest minds available (Valerie Jarrett's "VJ team").

After which he held a brief news conference in which he announced to the world - and especially to ISIS - the conclusions reached by this remarkable braintrust: "we don't have a strategy yet."

Nor, it would appear, a freaking clue about how to deal with critical foreign affairs or our national security.


  1. I noticed that when Obola made his "we ain't got no strategy" speech yesterday he was dressed in tan. This must be the official
    presidential surrender color as Carter wore the same color during the famous malaise speech.

    BTW, President Zero barefoot in the situation room? Not surprised. We ARE screwed.

  2. Is the VJ in "VJ Team" pronounced "vee-jay" or "vag"?

  3. Stilton, your sharp wit doesn't miss anything and FINDS things where the rest of us are just scratching our heads in wonder and disgust. You make it not only bearable but also funny as all get out. Bless you!

  4. I ironically took VJ to be the opposite of JV and had to laugh. And maybe Bush should be blamed for the LOFO"s electing a buffoon to the most prestigious office on the planet. There must be some reason!

  5. Does anyone notice Obama is not wearing shoes? It this some type of Muslim tradition?

  6. Hey, lighten up, man. Presidentin's HARD, 'specially when a guy's gotta deal with all those foreigners in countries full of white people, like Russia and Ukraine and Germany and Britain.

    If we could just get rid of that archaic Constitution and implement a simpler, more reasonable form of law, such as Shari'a, things would be a lot easier. And as soon as we stop using fossil fuels and learn to harness pixie dust and unicorn farts as our energy sources, things will be SO much better.

    And you're a racist for bringing it up anyway. And it's STILL Bush's fault.

  7. Is it just me, or does it appear that biden is looking at Øbamma's foot with a pretty wistful/wishful look?

  8. Let us not forget that there was no crisis in Ukraine until George Soros and his group of Neo-Nazis overthrew the legitimate government and then Washington installed a puppet regime. As for Russia invading, Eastern Ukraine is around 90% Russian and there are very profitable gas pipelines running through there that are owned by Russia. If they actually did send in troops, it would be to protect what is theirs. If Russia invaded Ukraine, it would be with far more than the reported 1000 troops and Ukraine would most likely have already fallen. Also, let us not forget that this is Russia we are messing with, not some minor country we can simply invade and order around. I personally do not think Ukraine is worth starting WWIII over and destroying all life on the planet with a nuclear war. The US run NATO forces have been steadily surrounding Russia, and that is one cornered beast I would not want to poke a stick at:
    As for the ISIS situation, is it any wonder Øvomit has no strategy on how to deal with them when he helped create them, arm them, and left the door wide open for them?

  9. Well, if anything is obvious with the least transparent administration in the history of the republic, it's that they "don't have a strategy". No s$#@ Sherlock! Finally, we have clarity!

    I've heard ISIS referred to as the "junior varsity" of aspiring terrorist states.

    Unfortunately, I think many have it backwards. ISIS makes Al Qaeda look like JV. They are better organized. They now have their own sources of income, largely conquered. And they are about actually acquiring territory and holding on to it. Taking down ISIS may make taking down Saddam look even easier.

    And of course, that's why Obama wants absolutely nothing to do with it.

    If anyone is JV in this scenario, it's our "lead from behind" President, who I still doubt seriously cares about these situations more than his "fundamental transformation" agenda. He'd much prefer to ruminate over phony crisis' like that in Ferguson than events of larger global consequence, like a spreading Islamic caliphate taking over a country we spent over a decade, a trillion dollars and tens-of-thousands of American lives to liberate, or an actual shooting war in Europe.

    Besides, wasn't he awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for the expectation that he wouldn't actually do anything? He certainly doesn't want to nullify that massive personal achievement.

  10. @Geoff King-I'm not too sure how legitimate the prior Ukrainian government really was, but of course it's not worth starting WWIII and incinerating the planet. Bit of a straw man there IMHO. My question to you is what would you want NATO (the U.S.) to due should Vlad invade Poland or the Baltic States?

    1. Putin may be many things, but I do not believe he is suicidal. An attack on Poland or the Baltics would be an attack on NATO and would certainly become a major conflict. I believe Russia is trying it's best to shake off it's Soviet past and build a prosperous capitalistic economy. Starting an extreme war would not be helpful for that goal. Ukraine, on the other hand, is not a member of NATO and therefore should not recieve any protection from that organization.

  11. Haaaaaaaa! OMG - slapping my knee, snort, giggle, wiping the snot from my nose!

    Oh ... and yes, we are totally screwed. This man is a disaster. And the moronic American electorate is anxious to elect more of the Democrats's morons. Belize here I come.

  12. It appears that a greater majority of Ukrainians don't want to join Russia so it looks to me like there is another Northern Ireland going on it that region. As no one seems to be involved in N. Ireland's conflict, why should any other country or group get involved in this one? Is this of any vital interest to America? (WTF...Putin a capitalist?)

  13. @Geoff King, Western Europe has lost all interest in defending the freedom of others, or even itself. (The Balkans crisis of the '90s clearly demonstrated that) For the last half-century, they have been content to outsource that responsibility (both moral and fiscal) to us. So do you really think that our current Pre-Peace Prize winning community organizer would authorize a NATO retaliation for Russia moving on Poland? The west has done nothing of substance on Ukraine, so why expect anything different? China is about to retake part of Japan, and eventually Taiwan.

    Obama and his ideological ilk make the "peace in our time" Neville Chamberlain cohort look like war mongers.

    The really sad part (as Europe learned in 1939) is that those willing to avoid war at any cost, usually end up paying any cost.

  14. He took his shoes off just on the off chance that W walked into the room so he'd have them ready to throw right away.

  15. One reason there are so many Russians in former soviet countries is old joe stalin's "depopulate the natives replace them with russians" pograms. Many of these pograms were carried out prior to WWII with our media's knowing silence. The state run forced starvation of over 3 million Ukrainians was one of the larger ones. Uncle joe managed to remove conservative estimates say 12 million undesirables in the soviet union. (maybe adolph should have hired joe's p r firm and he too would be revered from our state dept to collages classrooms all over America) russia agreed to the borders of the Ukraine (including Crimea) by treaty. This reeks of neville chamberpot and Sudentland 1938 with obummer play Chamberlain.

  16. @ Kitty - Couldn't have said it better myself!

  17. P.S. We are bound to Ukrainian defense by treaty.

  18. Oh, it wasn't forgotten. It's just that everyone's pretending that it doesn't exist, and the media certainly isn't going to bring it up. Unfortunately @REM1875, that treaty was signed by those with "19th Century" values.

    Today, it's far more dangerous to be America's ally and friend than its enemy. That's the only change you can really believe in.

  19. And Putin says:
    Somehow I think his warnings carry a lot more credibility than anything out of Øbama's mouth.

  20. Just read and re-read a WorldNetDaily article about Claire Lopez, former CIA spy...and the current situation with our 'leader' now. Lopez takes us through the Syrian 'red line' to the premise that Obama WANTS Iran to take over the entire middle east, anyway, hard to get it all in here, kinda long, but...when Obama's policies match pretty much exactly as Lopez lays it out, it makes perfect sense.

    The point is, wednesday Stilt mentioned that Obama is just the tip of a sinister iceberg,and I agree...what we know from the news is only a very small part of the huge picture, and it makes perfect sense why Obama does what he does! He also knows even losing the
    senate in November is no big deal, he still has his executive privelege! Nothing will change.

    You're right....we're screwed.

  21. O'Liar is a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. Good thing Putin doesn't know this. Oh wait....

  22. Sigh -the treaty of 94- a real inconvenient truth- we are so screwed.

  23. There was a treaty in '94, but it seems both countries have violated it. And, there doesn't seem to be any provision for any military retaliation by the UK or US.

  24. Alert! Øbama has suddenly changed his weekend fundraising plans to rush back to the White House to attend to a much more important current event - the wedding of his personal Chef:
    Good to see he has his priorities straight.

  25. Courtesy of Mark Steyn:

    President Obama: "We don't have a strategy yet."

    As Vlad and the mullahs and the ChiComs must be thinking: Wow! When he promised he'd be the most transparent administration in history, he wasn't kidding.

    Speaking of transparency: Of course, most of the current events are in fact designed to get your minds off of other man-caused disasters by this administration, like the ongoing IRS scandal (where we're shocked, shocked, I say, to find that Lois Lerner's Blackberry was flushed after the investigation began) and, of course, ObamaCare

    I just got my annual letter from my insurance company (I bet @Stilton did too, which is why he's too busy drinking instead of responding here), and to my lack of surprise, my rates have again increased 15%. Again, "shocked, shocked" I say! That's 148% of what I was paying when Obama took office.

    So when do I get to see that $2,500-a-year I was supposed to be saving? Will somebody please ask that question!

  26. The world is playing high-stakes, winner take all, full contact 3-D live-people chess ...
    and these idiots are playing hopscotch ...

    or their strategy is to lose and foster chaos ...


    (and thank you all for the many links you commentators provide -- amazing what a group of people can find out ...
    and your insight to this morass is quite nice, too.)

  27. More on the Emperor's new clothes:

  28. It just keeps getting stranger and stranger. Here's a testimonial from a great American role model in support of Islam:

    1. That's a riot. Should have been the Onion. Islam is perfect for Tyson and Simpson, with the wife beating and honor killing and all.

  29. As my father used to say, "There is no such thing as a brown (tan) business suit"

  30. Uhhhh, I'm surprised nobody else has noticed and/or said something before me. Isn't that Burt Campbell (Richard Mulligan from the 70's sit-com, "Soap", in the tan suit next to the infamous "VJ"? If it ain't, he's a dead-ringer for Burt. Way to go Stilton with another subtlety to throw in the mix.

    Biden, as usual, is speechless since nobody yet has explained what is going on to him.

    My only criticism; Is that the infamous "favorite putter" that caused such a security alert until the Secret Service agents found it beneath Obama's work desk in the oval office? If so, it too should have been properly attributed.

  31. Not sure if that's burt, but I think the guy in uniform with his head down is dick dietrick from 'night stand'

  32. The Golfer-in-Chief's bare toes bring to mind an edible (but foul-smelling) food pod Jamaicans call "tink toe" or "old man's toe." Seriously, Mr. President, no one wants to smell your toe jam.

  33. That brown suit brought to mind this groaner:

    As the pirate ship neared harbor at Port Royal, Jamaica, for a night of wenching and rum guzzling, the first mate called out, “Ahoy, Cap’n, British warships on yon horizon!”

    The captain replied, “I am Captain Barack, Pirate Captain Extraordinaire. Bring me my purple sash.”

    The first mate appeared with the sash and asked, “Cap’n, why do you wear a purple sash?”

    The captain answered, “I wear a purple sash to distinguish myself in the heat of battle and to give the men courage.”

    Minutes later the first mate announced, “Cap’n, British warships now starboard!”

    The captain responded, “I am Captain Barack, Pirate Captain Extraordinaire. Bring me my red tunic.”

    The first mate brought the red tunic and asked, “Cap’n why do you wear a red tunic?”

    The captain replied, “I wear a red tunic so that if I am wounded, the men will not notice the blood and lose their resolve.”

    Moments later, the first mate yelled, “Cap’n, British sailors and Marines preparing to board!”

    The captain declared, “I am Captain Barack, Pirate Captain Extraordinaire. Bring me my brown pants…”

  34. More - Obama is gonna get people killed. Maybe he already has. Foley?

    Some Saturday morning reading. Read a review in Reason. BTW, this month's cover of Reason suuuuuure is racist. Nothing but privileged SWM. Of course, the millennial on the cover might not be "S". You know how doggone racist these libertarians are. Doggone it.

  35. Obola is our 'Commander in cleats'. What a freakin disaster.

  36. Øbama a traitor? I think not. He is the most empowering, inspirational, and steadfast leader the Islamic Extremists have ever had.....Oh....wait a minute.

  37. Obama has no strategy, or clue for that matter but what about this plan?

    All that is needed is to airdrop Lois Lerner and an IRS special ops team into Syria to root out and destroy the "assholes", as she has characterized conservatives. A second wave of teams from the DOJ, NEA, and EPA should then be deployed. Finally, a mop-up operation consisting of Common Core advocates in the Department of Education should be initiated to provide re-education of ISIS terrorists to liberal political correctness.

    In other words, Obama's strategy should be to marshal all of the government resources he has been using to crush conservatives, seniors, veterans, and the middle class, and redirect their malevolent energy toward ISIS. I say we spare no one in this campaign and fight to the last government bureaucrat!

  38. In the name of objectivity and political correctness, I would like to take this time to enumerate a list of all of the items that I consider to be the positive attributes of president Øbama.
    So, without further ado, here goes:


  39. Geoff - Geoff?

    Oh well, anyway, good idea PRY. Makes perfect sense to me. Hey let's send the entire fed bureaucracy and reinterview people for the jobs they left behind. Punchline - there are none! Kind of a twist on your plan.

  40. Meanwhile, president Barney Fife was unavailable for comment:
    Perhaps he will later make a statement from aboard Golf Cart One.

  41. Hey, I hear that the Yazidis have invited The One to a fundraiser for him. The catch is that it is to be held on Mount Sinjar. I say we buy The One a one way ticket. That is all that he will need. But, he will need to take Biden with him as well. I guess that leaves Boehner as SOH to take over but I suppose a RINO is better than a Unicorn Prince and his Skinny Dippiness.

  42. BTW NSA/IRS - that was humor. Just saying. Skip the coffee, K?

  43. BTW #2, when I did a search for "NSA/IRS", this article came up. Don't know why. Hmmm. No sense of humor, the feds.

  44. Ha! Judi. I just now saw your comment about "VJ" and "JV". Ha! Ya know, it just could be that in The One's worldview.

  45. Just another fine example of the fraud that is "global warming".


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