Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Just in the Neck of Time

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, political, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, isis, isil, 9/11, terror
With polls showing voter confidence in his abilities at a new low, Barack Obama is going before the American public today to explain his hastily developed strategy ("Mmm! It still has that new plan smell!") for dealing with ISIS (or ISIL as Barry prefers to call it in order to hide his failed Syrian policy and give additional stature to the terrorist group).

Besides the titanium noggin rack shown above, the president is also expected to announce a policy of letting even more disease-ridden children cross our borders in hopes that they'll infect any terrorists trying to hike into the Great Satan's homeland.

And finally, B. Hussein will unveil his plan to issue an executive order to cleverly cancel September 11th this year and go straight to September 12th in order to prevent America's enemies from staging a third successful terror attack on 9/11.


  1. I actually pity Øbama. His upcoming speech will need to be one of the biggest pack of lies and deception he has ever concocted. He will need to ignore the fact that he claimed terrorism was dead after the fake execution of Bin Laden. He will need to ignore the fact that he allowed some of the same terrorists to make off with many missiles in Benghazi. He will need to ignore the fact that he armed many of the same terrorists in his attempt to overthrow Assad in Syria, whom he now needs to ally with. He will need to ignore the fact that is was his pulling all our troops out of Iraq that allowed those same terrorists to attempt a takeover. Finally, he will need to ignore the fact that he is a radical Muslim sympathsizer, and pretend that he wishes to deal harshly with those savages.
    Whatever strategy he announces, it is a foregone conclusion that it will be mostly ineffective against Al Qaeda 2.0 which he was instrumental in creating. He will be hoping that we will be tricked into believing that he actually does have a backbone and that our country is really not being run by Elmer Fudd. Good luck with that, Mr. Community Organizer.

  2. I propose a much more effective plan than Mr. Community Organizer could ever come up with - it's a four step plan based on Nixon's plan to end the Vietnam War: 1) Have the population swear allegiance to either the Muslim State or the democratic state. 2) Place all those swearing allegiance to the democratic state on the FEMA cruise liners. 3) Bomb the countries into glass, and 4) sink the liners. No Problem, but then I'm racist!

  3. @Geoff King: Ya gotta remember, it's not whats good for the country, but what looks good to 'energize' the democratic electorate. I don't want to get my hopes up since the RNC manages to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory even more often than Tony Romo, but the polling is beginning to swing towards the Repub's (course that's what they said in 2012 too).

    Right now, 'ol Barry has painted himself into a corner where no matter what he does on ISIS/ISIL/Immigration, it's gonna PO some of the Dem electorate. It was yesterday that I read that the Latino's are going to sit out the election in protest of Obama leaving them swinging in the wind - Silly Latinos, did you actually believe him? Take whatever Barry has said in the last 6 years and compare it to actuals - in every case they are the exact opposite of what he said.

  4. With the NSA spying on me, Holder has enough on my head already, thank you very much...

  5. The beheaded journalists being the primary reason that Øbambam will be calling for air strikes in Syria, becomes all the more suspicious if you consider that the "moderate rebels" he wishes to support there are the ones that evidently sold Steven Sotloff to ISIS in the first place:

  6. Geoff and Grumpy reminded me above of a question I've been meaning to ask. Can anyone explain to me the difference between "community organizer" and "rabble rouser?"

    Between what I've read of Saul Alinsky's rules, and what I've observed of this President putting them into action, I really can't see the difference.

  7. @txGreg - there is no difference.

  8. No doubt he'll have to justify deploying 19th-Century solutions to make up for the failure of his 21st-Century thinking.

    But hey, at least people aren't talking about the mediocre economy, the ongoing failure of ObamaCare, and the immigration cluster before the election, which may be why he'll want to drag this non-leading out a few more months until he'll "have more flexibility".

  9. You're right, would be difficult to find a heavier distraction than the possibility of decapitation by a crazed barbarian! I feel very safe knowing the welfare of every American is in the capable hands of an experienced community organizer!

  10. Reminds of the one you did for Holder, Stilton. The wacky overly complicated gun control monitor versus the "too difficult" voter ID.

    Hey, obola's speech just wrapped. It was bizarre! He said his ISIS response demonstrates "American leadership at its best." Can you believe this guy? He's talking about himself. "Humility at its best" too! Wow......... He said he's the biggest supporter of the military we have. "No one is more _______ than he is..." The average service member's gotta hate this guys guts. What about the VA?! What about shutting down the Vets memorial during sequestration, but letting LaRaza hold an illegal protest rally on the DC mall the same weekend???

  11. Econ John: No worries, bro! Omomjeans' speech tonight(about ISIL; not ISIS) also had to include how 'well' the economy is doing, and how many more people are working. He also had to remind us AGAIN,(like every other bullshit storm out of his lying pie-hole), that HE is Commander in Chief.
    Unfortunately for me, I drew "Tooth Whistle" out of the hat for the 'Ospeech Drinking Game', and I passed out/puked after about two minutes.

  12. Yeah @David in SoCal, I caught that too. Again, another example of how the world just doesn't deserve this President; The world falling to pieces despite all he's done for us.

    A true leader doesn't have to remind people he's their leader. They already know it.

    And it's the best economy since whenever, and yet all he and his fellow Democrats can talk about is the need for a higher minimum wage so that all those lucky re-employed Americans working two or more part-time jobs can make a "living wage".

  13. I, of course, couldn't/wouldn't watch the speech yesterday but the news this morning showed a clip of it actually behaving like a president for the first time in 5 1/2 years. He really had no choice because of the mood on the country. And yes, Pamecom, I do believe the military does hate his guts.


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