Monday, October 27, 2014

Squeeze Play

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, political, humor, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, ebola


obama, obama jokes, cartoon, political, humor, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, midterm, election, agenda

Readers- Under the theory that less is more, we're letting the cartoons carry the messages today!


  1. "Radical Muslim in a Bomb Vest"

    I 2nd that emotion!

  2. Maybe we could get a photo op of him embracing the the outcome of his own polices? ha ha ha lol, let stick with the loaded jihadi.

  3. For some reason I can't get the thought of metastasis out of my head.

  4. On the top one, I think that's a good idea: he can show us how peaceful their professed "religion" is.

    On the campaigning/voting: too true, but because they are mindless LIV's, all the left needs to do is drag them to the polls and they will vote according to the dictates of their government masters as promoted by the LSM (AKA the propaganda arm of the Democrat party).

  5. You're right, a picture IS worth 1273 words! Very funny.

  6. With Øbamalamadingdong's own party distancing themselves from his Titanic Pleasure Cruise in an attempt to salvage their own careers, and now even African Americans walking out in droves while he is making a speech, one has to wonder at what point the extreme conflict between his narcissism and reality will cause him to have a total mental breakdown? Will he simply become a raving lunatic, or could he be the first president to commit suicide? It is definitely an E-ticket ride from here out.

  7. Y'know... I should make a movie, "The Wizard Of Obola", where the main characters travel down the "shit-a-brick road" singing "Liars and Racists and Homophobes, Oh MY!" on their way to meet the "flying monkey king" and his Wookiee!
    Oh, and since lamont found it necessary to go to mandela's funeral, maybe he would consider going to the gee-hod-ists procession to celebrate the "religion of peas"... (do not watch if you are eating, have a weak "constitution" or have your children nearby...)

  8. @Duke Mantee- It's worth pointing out that I'm sticking to my policy of never advocating anything which could bring harm to Barry; I specified a "radical Muslim in a bomb vest," but it's Imam Obama himself who has repeatedly us that at the point someone becomes radicalized or puts on a bomb vest they're no longer Muslim. Ergo, I've whimsically referred to a person who can't possibly exist.

    @REM1875- Dems never embrace the outcome of their policies, only the intent.

    @TrickyRicky- Yeah, the blogs kind of work in harmony today, don't they?

    @Chuck Baker- It struck me this morning that low-info Dems choose their candidates the same way they choose their food (to Michelle's horror): packaged, processed, and appealing to quick gratification with no thought of longterm damage.

    @Judi King- Mind you, I'm still happy to throw words around - but today's cartoons seemed self-contained enough that there just wasn't a need.

    @Geoff King- The scenarios you paint aren't likely to happen, because Barry's self-love will never let reality get the upper hand. In his mind, those who no longer worship him aren't worthy of worshiping him, and therefore represent no real loss. Plus, the world always looks better when riding on a unicorn.

  9. @ Geoff: I'm with you. I keep wondering what or how long it will take to push the "dic" over the edge. He's already mentally ill, EG narcissism, paranoia, pathological lying, antisocial personality disorder, self delusional, etc.

  10. Yes, he'll have "much more flexibility after the election" to do things like granting amnesty to 34 million illegal aliens.

    Also, as I started predicting a year ago, expect many other "transformative" initiatives after November, including the "Value Added Tax" to fund "Infrastructure Reinvestment and Health Care" and the "Imputed Income Tax" to address "income inequality". Like most of the Progressive economic agenda, both of these will be devastating to the middle class while having minimal effect upon the evil 1%-ers it will be supposedly aimed against.

    Meanwhile, is it possible that Hillary is moving to the left of Elizabeth Warren to be viable in the Democratic primaries in 2016?

    "At an instantly infamous Friday political rally in Massachusetts, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton managed to go beyond merely denigrating the economic contributions of businesspeople. She suggested that, when it comes to employment, they make no contribution at all. “Don’t let anybody tell you that, you know, it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” said Mrs. Clinton."

    Clearly, she still feels herself in the shadow of the "You didn't build that" Obama and threatened by "Taxagewea" Warren, who is the new darling of the Progressive left. But seriously?

    This comes as a bit of a surprise. Say what you will about the Clinton years or their statist tendencies, but 20 years ago the Clinton's were pragmatists. Even though neither of them have had honest private sector experience, they did know enough that in order to extort and skim profits from business, profitable business has to at least be able to exist. That's something that the Obama crowd doesn't believe.

    That Clinton has chosen this route is disheartening, only demonstrating that they know that even after the utter and complete failure of big government under both Bush and Obama, that the core of the Democrat Party is now irretrievably committed to not only socialism, but outright communism.

  11. These pictures are worth WAY more than 1273 words. I'm not sure what is more scary... O'liar's complete and utter disconnect with real people, or the lemmings that still worship at the alter and refuse to see the naked king. Probably the second one scares me worse because we will eventually be rid of O'Liar when his seemingly endless term ends. We will have LoFos forever and ever.

    I normally agree with you 100%, but I don't believe O'liar is capable of bringing about his own demise. To paraphrase a famous fictional character, "You don't know the pow-ah of the Narcissistic side." No doubt, he is going thorugh some real tough times seeing some of his scrotum lickers slowly turning on him, but he loves himself waaaaay too much to inflict harm on himself. I think he is just going to keep becoming more and more disconnected, and withdraw into golf and such, and ride out the storm so he can retire a rich scumbag, instead of just a scumbag. He can surround himself with a few loyal ego stroking friends (leaches) and live out his life in a self imposed fantasy world where he is still revered (to his face anyway).

    And if, by some miracle, the Republicans actually gain control of the Senate, his party will be over, and he knows it. If the Senate pendulum swings in January, we are in for a REALLY rough two months to end this year! O'Liar's pen and phone will be in full "F**k the Constitution" mode.

  12. John rightly points out the apparent plans to bring in more illegal aliens to the country above. And what are these people going to do? Why, they'll vote Democrat of course. The embedded article (from the Washington Post) highlighted at the link above shows how we can thank the illegal alien vote for giving us Øbamacare.

  13. @Geoff King, you voiced a sentiment that's been roiling in my noggin for awhile. I don't want Obama to be assassinated (or anyone else for that matter) because he will instantly be a sacred martyr. If impeached, the MSM will go bonkers and totally turn it around. But a big ole nervous breakdown would be fantastic.

  14. "CIRCUMLOCUTION" could have just as well decribed Obama in '12.

    He is sorta redundant. Even to pot-shots to Republicans in every single speech he's ever made.

    He has the minions on the same page in termonology as well as agenda. It's only common sense!

  15. "If the Senate pendulum swings in January, we are in for a REALLY rough two months to end this year! O'Liar's pen and phone will be in full "F**k the Constitution" mode."

    THAT is what worries me the most. I do not believe this guy will take any loss of power, either real or simply perceived, without doing whatever he can to get his "pound of flesh".

    I hope I am wrong, but it would not surprise me one iota if this greedy illegitimate son would just up and declare martial law. The framework seems to be firmly in place already. Just my two cents worth.

  16. @ Shelley: it would seem that assassination is WELL out of the picture ..... for several reasons. one, you mentioned. however, it would have to be a "one off" deal. AND nobody could ever tell. yeah, like THAT would ever happen! also, we don't discuss such unpleasantries in polite company!
    @ American Cowboy: that thought has struck me as well! he would appear to have everything in place to declare the 2016 vote "of no consequence" and become our first dictator.he is, obviously, not worried about the military turning on him as most of the young soldiers don't know about the Constitution and Herr O is more than willing to cut a deal with the U.N.

  17. Juan the Econ...
    YES... let's have Fauxcahontas, (or Liawatha), for the democraps in 2016! Let's keep Shrillary (Hitlery) OFF the ticket in 2016. The Secret Service is TIRED of smuggling chicks into the White House for Bill and Shrillary, (and for THAT matter, Wookiees for magilla and faggots for lamont!) The SS should NOT be a friggin; DATING SERVICE for perverted politicians!! L:et's have a STATESMAN for president and be DONE with the sexual shenanigans of liberals!

  18. @Geoff King - I'm going with Stilton & Colby here. When chutzpah and hubris are your primary weapons your only fallback is self-delusion and Obamayomama has that well covered. Remember in 1945 the Red Army was assaulting the FuhrerBunker and Hitler was still issuing orders to non-existent formations to counterattack. See the parallel?

    btw, in keeping with certain cheese aspects of this blog did you know that 'Colby' is a type of New Zealand cheese?

  19. I think he has explosive temper disorder. (a true psycho illness) and will blow himself up at the podium along with his teleprompter.

  20. I would SO love to see Barack Hussein have a mental meltdown at the presidential podium after the election if he doesn't get his way. It would be so cool to see him foaming at the mouth, declaring that the country doesn't deserve to have him as its leader, and trying to take the country down with him...just like you-know-who in the bunker in April 1945, only in full view of all the world. I s'pose it won't happen, but I can dream, can't I?

  21. I do believe the "dic" is too narcissistic to do himself in but, I think, he is mentally ill enough for there to be a secret, quiet whisking away for a nice "rest". This guy just isn't "right" in more ways than one.

  22. It appears the more Øbola campaigns for Dems, the greater the chances Reps will have in the midterms:
    Here's hoping he plans on doing a whirlwind endorsement tour in all 57 states during the next week.

  23. @Shelly,
    Yes, yes yes! A total, unmistakable, lenghty psychotic episode, witness by millions on national TV would be the bestest and sweetest gift ever!

    I can picture that scene from Airplane II with Lloyd Bridges in the psych ward, in bed with scuba gear on. "What's the matter with him?" "He thinks he's Lloyd Bridges."

    Imagine O'Liar in a psych ward bed wearing a robe and a crown, ordering his "subjects" about by point his scepter.

    Yes, Da Won has become pretty darn radioactive. We have not seen his sorry ass in NC for quite some time. Boo effing hoo.... Of course, we have McCain here today trying to "help" Thom Tillis. I wonder if Tillis actually ASKED for that.

  24. Everyone who pays attention understands PERFECTLY what the left is all's praying for then end of Harry Reid's evil reign and also the beginning of common sense back in OUR government after next week's election!

  25. @PRY,
    Getting Reid out of power could unleash all sorts grief for O'liar. There are literally hundreds of house bills sitting on Reid's desk, and it would be priceless to see the whole, enormous pile moved to Barry's desk. And the focker would have to either read them, or veto them. Either way busts open a hornet's nest.

    Imagine if you will (it ain't gonna happen, so we have to imagine) a super majority in the Senate and House, overriding every damn veto, and shoving every last bill down his skinny little throat.

  26. If he were the truly brave president his words tell us he is, he needs to be that brave little president and go to Africa to give out those hugs to everyone, especially those with Ebola. After all, he feels he can't be touched by anything outside his own little imaginary land in which he lives, so why not expand the real estate a little?

  27. Can anyone name one time when the nitwit did anything in your best interest?


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