Monday, November 17, 2014

Transparency In Action

Hope n' Change is more or less taking the day off because we don't even want to think about the latest ISIS beheading of an American, Joe Biden's announcement that kids who are still in Central America will be getting free "refugee" status (and perhaps transportation?) to flood the U.S., or that race riots are being enthusiastically predicted for this week (and perhaps encouraged by Barack Obama) if the Grand Jury in Ferguson rules that a white police officer did not do anything wrong. Sheesh.

But because it's important to keep our readers abreast of the latest breaking news, we're at least giving you this exclusive (and most revealing yet) video clip of Obamacare advisor Jonathan Gruber...


  1. Someone needs to hack the Obamacare website (from what I hear it shouldn't be too difficult) and insert all of the various Gruber clips so that they pop up at each and every critical juncture. Particularly when the price of the big crap sandwich policy is revealed.

    Time to load up on tar, feather, and pitchfork futures.

  2. Of course Ă˜bastard wants riots. Just as he wants to flood our nation with disease-ridden, uneducated, and criminal illegals. Plus he is signing our economy and sovereignty over to China in his new "climate deal" with them where they do absolutely nothing and we close down all our remaining industry and power generating plants, and he is doing it in a way that will be next to impossible for any future president or congress to repeal:
    He obviously desires to turn the USA into a 3rd World toilet like his native Kenya.

  3. I don't watch the alphabet network "news" broadcasts, but I'm guessing none of them has aired any of the videos of Jonathan Goober... or if they did, it was at 3 AM or something? Or maybe they heavily edited them to completely change the meaning (ala George Zimmerman)?

  4. @TrickyRicky- Or maybe could just have a big welcoming screen of Gruber saying "Hi, Stupid!"

    And speaking of the price of the "big crap sandwitch," here's an interesting story about a CNBC reporter who wanted to tell viewers that the numbers just didn't add up - but she was disciplined by her bosses for "disrespecting the office of the president."

    @Geoff King- Dinesh D'Souza made a convincing argument for what you're saying in his film "2016." Based on the "dreams from his father," Barry views the U.S. as a colonialist blight on the world - taking too much and giving too little. And so his goal really IS to humble America (and disperse its wealth) by burdening the entitlement system with as many "takers" (legal and illegal) as possible, crippling our economic and manufacturing sectors, making energy prohibitively expensive, and reducing (demolishing?) our military presence and political influence in the world.

    @Colby Muenster- I believe CBS might have made a single mention of Gruber, and MSNBC actually had Gruber on so he could try to explain his comments away (he failed rather miserably, even with their help). Beyond that, the story simply doesn't exist outside of Fox News and the blogosphere.

  5. 0bama's reflexive "I just heard about this," seems more venal and revealing than ever before. It is so patently, provably a lie. The firewall of the media is developing some major cracks all of a sudden.

  6. So now the "dic" says he just heard about Gruber's comment and he wasn't a part of his administration. Apparently he hasn't seen any of the clips disproving this. If anyone still listens to or believes this pathological liar, then they deserve what they get. Except we're ALL "getting" it. And both of D'Souza's movies were spot on.

  7. why hasn't a subpoena already gone out from the House to Mr. Gruber? What are they waiting for? A fourth or fifth video? Perhaps if the committee plays the videos to the man and asks "what's this?"

    Meanwhile, if all the people from Central America and Mexico come here - they'll make up 1/4 of the new population -- and we'll have one hell of a national park to our south.

  8. Froaderick BarbarossaNovember 17, 2014 at 9:04 AM

    Forget trying to count the times Gruber was being deceitful. This was all one big lie to get us closer to socialized whatever. So I have seen it written elsewhere, comrades.

    That's why Obama wore those pajamas in China. Trying them on for our new wardrobe requirements - we have to wear that to see a doctor in the near future, comrades.

    As one commenter likes to say, Buck Ofama!

  9. I got to give crap weasel credit, he said he wanted to fun de mentally change this country and already it's to the point I no longer recognise it.

  10. I hate to say this, but Gruber was correct in one area to assert that Americans were 'stupid'!

    Obama was re-elected two years ago.

    But THIS year, there weren't near as many 'stupid' Americans as back then as evidenced by the results of the mid-terms!

    Hopefully, there will even fewer'stupid' Americans around in 2016! HEY,REPUBLICAN CONGRESS.....STOP OBAMA!!!!

  11. Don't impeach him .... if I remember correctly, anyone involved in the nuclear weapon chain of command has to undergo periodic psychological assessments - since 'ol Dumbo's at the top of the chain - I think it's about time somebody assesses him, and THAT should be interesting.

  12. @ Jim Hlavac: Your wish has come true! Now there's a 4th, 5th, and 6th video of Dilbert Gruber boasting about deceiving the stupid American voters. Now I want you to wish that someone invokes the 25th Amendment on the WHOLE Oadministration!

    @Standlow: Good form! Well put. That sounded like a lie at the time, but Obama told it.

    For all of my fellow Hn'Cers who live in Demofornia: GOOD NEWS! The CA DMV will now be opening on Saturdays!....YAY!....But only because of the 1.5 MILLION new illegals that will be getting drivers licenses next year..BOOO!
    Thanks again for nuttin, AKA 'Governor' Moonbeam.

  13. My sentiments exactly:

  14. Assuming Ferguson,MO will explode in either case of the Grand Jury decision... What exactly should be the charge when Al Sharpton is arrested and jailed? Oh right; never mind. He's exempt. He even has White House privileges. The entire situation is disgusting.


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