Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas 2014

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, christmas

We're turning off the politics and turning up the Christmas music for the next few days. Assuming nothing dramatic happens (which is what we told Santa we wanted), we won't be posting again until Monday.

Until then, very sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas (or the celebration of your choice) from the entire staff of Hope n' Change, the Jarlsberg family, and Penny - the official dog of Hope n' Change (who is also the reason that all of our Christmas decorations and presents are at least four feet off the ground this year).

-Stilton Jarlsberg

Santa is not sneaking in unannounced this year...


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours, good sir, from the pack here on Dog Hill in East Tennessee!

  2. Had the grands over for lunch yesterday; their favorite pastime is singing Christmas carols. Our granddaughter learned a new carol in school, "A C)heese La-Di-Da" (Feliz Navidad). I almost choked on grilled cheese listening to her sing.

    Merry Christmas, Stilt and Co.!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and the entire HnC Community.

  4. MERRY CHRISTMAS to your family and all the readers! Wishing everyone all the best.

  5. Best of the seasons greetings, and wishes for the upcoming year to all fellow HnC'ers from the cold, high plains of the upper Midwest.
    Time for hot toddy's, blazing fire in the fireplace, and good company of family and friends. A little extra bait of grain for the horses, some extra hay for the cattle and all will be right with the world for a few days.

  6. Merry Christmas. I look forward to your scathing wit again in 2015.

  7. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Doc, and to all of the HnCers. Penny too. Woof.

    Even to David in SoCal who NEVER did pony up those Double-Doubles....

  8. "Assuming nothing dramatic happens..."

    Cue Ferguson Part II.

    But I'll still second your wish for Peace on Earth - and Merry Christmas to all!

  9. Merry Christmas from Nancy Pelosi:

  10. Merry Christmas to Stilton, all those who frequent this great blog, and those many souls around the world who are less fortunate than we are. Here's hoping for more sanity and less heartache for all in 2015.

  11. Merry Christmas to my North Texas "neighbor." I don't comment very often but I read every edition and have come to appreciate all the regular commenters, such as Bruce Bleu, Grumpy Curmudgeon and John the Econ. Merry Christmas to all of you too.

  12. Merry Christmas to all my fellow Hope-n-Changers. Wishing for peace.

    And hoping that our friend @Stilton is taking a well-deserved break, resting up for all the jackassery that we're certain to see once we're past the holidays.

  13. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

  14. God bless us, every one.

  15. I add my wishes for a wonderful Christmas season and glorious new year to the Jarlsberg family and the entire Hope n' Change family of readers. God bless us all, everyone.

  16. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and God bless all those here flying on the spiritual side. Thank you Stilt for all you offer here and cheers to all who contribute. It feels very much like a close-knit family.

  17. I'll add a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all, too! Also, even if I don't know exactly who's celebrating what, I hope everyone has a good and fulfilling practice of your preferred holiday, even if I did miss Festivus this year.

  18. I found this link from tweeter. A message for Christmas and all mankind [VIDEO]
    British supermarket chain Sainsbury’s produces a special Christmas commercial.
    Merry Christmas to all.

  19. That y'all had a Merry Christmas and the that feeling stays with y'all.
    Happy boxing day for all that celebrate today.

  20. To the Jarlsberg family, and all the rest of my dear Hn'C family members:
    Hoping your CHRISTmas Holiday was filled with family/friends/and great memories as was ours. God Bless you all for your friendship, insight, and general jocularity; all dispensed in large doses.

    @Dodger Blues: Due to the economic downturn here in Liberalfornia, I was unable to fulfill my perceived obligation of Double-Doubles. In fact, even if I could accomplish that Herculean feat of feastiness; and with the new Moochelle dietary guidelines; they would now be 'Single-Singles'. Stay hungry, my friend! ;-)

    Oh, and Happy Kwanzaa everyone!
    Ah yes; Kwanzaa. One of Odivider's favorite 'holidays'. Invented by a race baiting hater and convicted torturer/converted Marxist who loves nothing better than creating division between the blacks and everyone else. And no, it was NOT Obama who invented it, as Barry is not a convicted torturer, just everything else. Some Schools won't allow 'religious' celebrations like Christmas or Hanukkah, but they will allow the celebration of Kwanzaa. Here's yer article:…/2012/12/the_media_are_still_falling_fo…

    Whatta buncha male bovine excrement.

  21. LOVE all your adjectives!!!!! They pretty much say it all.

  22. You guys oughta just LOVE Dave Barry's sum-up:

    I love to bump nouns and verbs together in an occasional tango, jitterbug, cha-cha, or even a waltz. Fun to develop word pix in people's minds.

    Just have this aversion to sayin stuff in straightforward, humorless, matter-of-fact subject-verb-object.

    No match for you and Dave, tho.

    'Preciate your stuff. Don't ever stop.


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