Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Jeer

Remember a few weeks ago when we said we wanted to start doing "Good News Fridays?" Well, there's still no good news worth mentioning and plenty of rotten news. So we decided to just have a little holiday-themed fun today...

 (All credit to for the animation!) 
And as long as we're pushing the boundaries of good taste...

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, christmas, i can't breathe, grand jury, garner, santa
In fairness, he WAS badly overweight and out of shape...


  1. With the influx of illegals from the south, I imagine it is just a matter of time before "Press 1 for English" becomes "Pulse uno para Inglés". Living in Arizona, I have a bit of a head start on making English my second language. Spanish is quite prevalent here and a lot has rubbed off on me - enough to make me want to say: Dónde está el baño? voy a estar enfermo! (Where is the bathroom? I am going to be sick!).

  2. fleas navidad, Harlow!

  3. That's OK. No reason to scare the kiddies. I understand there was $65MM tucked into the spending bill, which was crammed up our collective a$$es last night, set aside to study the obesity epidemic in department store Santas.

  4. Santa should know better than to even TRY to breathe so close to The One who sucks all the oxygen out of the room...

  5. Pete (Detroit),
    With what lamont is doing about ILLEGAL invaders (inside the Trojan Pinata) has earned him a moniker of "The Juan".
    Geoff King,
    Having heard of the city Loss Angles I too can "el speako Mexicano", Je, Paco... Golo the hell backo to your native shithole-o and returno LEGALLO, cabron! (Actually I don't habla Espanglish.)

  6. Geoff King: actually, that will be "... Pulse dos para Ebonglés - Pulse tres para Inglés"

  7. I have lived in Mexico for months at a time ... I learned something that La Razas and the all the President's men don't seem to know. Like, did you folks know that Mexico has a nationwide program to teach all the kids K-12 English? Yep -- every single child in Mexico must learn English. And as I joke, give it another 50 years and there won't be anyone speaking Spanish down there. Meanwhile, about 14/ to 1/3 of the people there wear Red, White and Blue and are simply in love with our country and hate theirs.

    As for them all coming here -- even if the remaining 105 million of them come here, they would make up 1/4 of the new national population of 440,000,000 people -- and we would have one hell of a national park to the south.

    Or indeed, as people in the Mexican states of Sonora and Sinaloa have said "Let's secede from Mexico and apply to join the United States."

    Meanwhile, there is now a growing movement to overthrow the current Mex-Prez Pena-Nieto under Article 39 of their constitution (800 pages it is, btw) ... and hold new elections.

    I think the problem is is that La Raza types of "reconquisting" the land "they lost" are few and far between. Your average immigrant heading north has no real desire to recreate here what they just left there.

    Somehow I wouldn't worry about them. And there's already another 45,000,000 legal immigrants from around the world here. Our values are too strong for them to take us over -- and they all come here to work (despite repeated claims to get on the welfare rolls how do they do this when they have to show proof of citizenship to even get Food Stamps?)

    I think people worry too much about those people ... and instead of whining about the immigrants, change it to "Manifest Destiny!" and call for the USA to take over Mexico and rid it of their gov't and let a few heads explode while they are at it.

  8. Can we get Daniel Pantaleo (the NYPD cop who choked out Eric Garner) to be the White House Santa Claus this year?

  9. I'll bet Santa was PISSED when he found his wallet missing after hugging O'Liar.

    Our Christmas present from the House of Reprehensitives has arrived early! Ol' John Beaner was sure talking tough a few weeks ago, right? He seriously does not have the nuts to actually piss in O'Liar's cornflakes, I guess.

    Fleeced Navidad, everyone!

  10. Some fleas gnawed my dog, some fleas gnawed my dog! Some fleas gnawed my dog, and now he's scratchin' all the time...

    Fitting that a Spanish language song should be chosen for that lot of traitors...

    (And good luck getting my version out of your head, now. :)

  11. K. Perhaps many of you voted for the RINO party in the midterms, but I thankfully did not. Now that they have already gone against their constituents wishes and voted for full continuation of Amnesty, Øbamacare, and the increase of a totally unsubstainable National Debt; coupled with their apparent lack of respect for our Constitution, along with their allowing campaign donations to increase ten-fold, thereby assuring that the two party (and only the two party) system of governance shall continue for eternity, I have to ask: did you not vote for a candidate that could really make a difference because you thought that the ones that spent the most money had to be better, or because you thought the Republicans would actually live up to their words?

  12. If you voted for a Republican in the last election, his or her Democratic brother by a different mother or sister in law thanks you deeply.

  13. P.S. if there has ever been a time to be pissed off at your Republican represenatives, that time is now. Flood their switchboards, demand their responses, and hold them accountable for their promises. The future of our Rebublic is at stake.

  14. P.P.S. There has now been exactly the same number of terms of Republican and Democrat Presidents of the USA. Tell me just when we were better off. If the choice is between the lesser of two evils, when do we know that our choice was the correct one?
    I would really appreciate it if someone could logically inform me on how one of the parties is better than the other one.

  15. P.P.S. I really had nothing more to say, but I have never done a P.P.S. in my life.

  16. Geoff,
    If your name was Shrillary Clinton or Nasty Pegrossi you could have done a P.M.S. and nobody would have been surprised.
    BTW, you have also now done a P.P.P.S.

  17. Ya know, it is a good thing we are all very accustomed to O's mug...we'll probably be seeing it regularly and hearing from him one way or the other for the rest of our lives!

    LOL at that video!

  18. @Geoff King - as I learned in the town of Lajitas, when, after consuming many "uno mas cerveza por favors's" with Gary P Nunn's band, we asked "Donde esta el bano", we got strange looks from the senorita's - only when the lead guitar man made the motion of unzipping and letting it hang out did they understand - in Mexican Spanish, the 'toilet' is "la sanatoria", "el bano" is the bath tub. So much for high school Spanish....

  19. @George in Houtx - always liked that version..

  20. I thought it was "fleas on my nads"...

  21. Merry Christmas, we're cutting your pension. We have billions for the illegals, though! When the Mob ran the Teamsters pension fund they were so flush they paid out a 13th check right before Christmas. The Feds & Goldman Sachs, (where Cruz's wife works)Merrill Lynch, et al have nearly broken the pension we paid big bucks into.


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