Friday, January 2, 2015

Wringing in the New Year

In keeping our New Year's resolution to be better about recycling this year, we're recycled this cartoon from 2011 (cleverly changing only the dates). Frankly, we just wanted to take the day off to do things like clearing our desk for the new year and kickstarting our diet by eating all of the potentially fattening foods which might otherwise tempt us later.

Here's hoping that your 2015 is off to a good start - and that the coming year (and its political insanity) won't age the rest of us as badly as it does Father Time.


  1. "...have some more turkey, have some more spam, it doesn't matter if it's fresh or canned just eat it! EAT IT! open up your mouth and feed it...."

  2. As a small consolation it appears that Der Fürher is aging more rapidly than the rest of us. Evidently the stress of inventing new lies to cover up old lies and coming up with better ways to divide and destroy our country between tee times has taken it's toll on him.

  3. Glad to see I'm not the only one who makes a New Years resolution to eat healthier, and then chows down on on all the leftover goodies under the guise of disposing of non-healthy food.

  4. Happy New Year, Doc! And to all the HnC'ers, the only sane people left.

    Well, not the ONLY .... close, though.

    I like that Geoff -"Der Fürher". That is exactly what the moron-in-chief is. The 'progressives' really are a continuation of the 20th Century NAZI's.

    January 2017 beckons - let's hope for the best (meaning a peaceful transition).

  5. So, if it becomes Bush vs Clinton in 2016, what country will you move to?

  6. So far I see a lot of hope but NO change!

  7. @Geoff King

    Mexico? LOL

  8. LOL! That's a good one. And I don't know yet.

  9. @Geoff

    Costa Rica or Belize. Both are VERY American-friendly. And beautiful.

  10. Oh, things are changing all right...constantly for the worse!

    Only Jesus can turn it around.

  11. I believe I counted 6 Hope n' Change cartoons up for Best of the Year voting on The Right Reasons website:


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