Friday, October 23, 2015

Benghazi After All These Years

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, benghazi, hearing, elijah cummings

As much as we'd like this to be a truly definitive commentary about Hillary's testimony at the Benghazi hearing, at the time of this writing there are still hours to we'll just have to do the best we can.

In a nutshell, Hillary has been doing a fine job of being imperious, calm, and inhumanly disinterested in the deaths for which she has accepted "responsibility" but not blame. Much like Jack the Ripper, you have to at least give her credit for being skilled at her craft.

Elijah Cummings, the ranking (emphasis on "rank") Democrat on the committee has spent the day covering Hillary's ass like a pair of overstretched panties from Lane Bryant, actually going so far as to pronounce the entire committee a political construct with no other purpose than to hurt Hillary's chances to become president. It is worth noting that Cummings knows for a fact that this isn't true, essentially giving him the same culpability (albeit after the fact) as the terrorists who burned our embassy and murdered American citizens.

As for Hillary, she seemed unbothered by the revelations that on the night of the attack she sent an email to Chelsea saying that it was a planned attack from Al Qaeda affiliates, and the next day she had a phone call with the Egyptian prime minister in which she explicitly stated that the attack had nothing to do with any Youtube video.

Days later, of course, she trotted out the Youtube video story while speaking in front of the coffins of our dead...she shared it with the families who had lost their sons...Susan Rice took the lie to the Sunday news shows...and then Barack Obama took the completely fictitious story to the United Nations, where he disparaged America's freedom of speech and declared that "the future must not belong to those who would slander Islam."

All lies.

And all to cover Hillary's hiney for her complete ineptitude in office, and to cover Barry's ass for his ludicrous campaign claim (damn near his ONLY campaign claim) that "GM is alive, Bin Laden is dead, and Al Qaeda is on the run."

So - is the media exploding over these revelations? They are not. It's relatively safe to say that the media gives not a single damn, too few care about the truth on the Republican side, and no one cares about the truth on the Democratic side except to the extent that they want to hide it.

So as long as Hillary looks calm and composed while lying (which, we should note, sociopaths find remarkably easy) it seems likely that she'll sail through this hearing and be that much closer to being nominated to run for president.

And should our nation be unfortunate enough (but perhaps deserving enough) to see her win that high office, we can only pray that her personal security will be no greater than that of Ambassador Chris Stevens.


  1. I hope you apologize to Brunswick. None of their products are that dense!

  2. you can bet your happy arse that she will make certain her security detail has guns. she wants to do away with common citizens having guns , but she WILL be protected by guns. interesting how that works!! I continue to hope that Obama will grow a set and take the leash off the FBI in their investigation. at the same time, I know Hillary has a substantial amount of damaging evidence on ANYONE who would lift a finger against her.

  3. And I'm sure that Chairman Mao Bama has "interesting" fact on The Hildebeast and her clan.

    Gee....wouldn't it be great if they both had a melt-down, and "leaked" all the dirt they have on each other?

    Mao Bama is probably too "medicated" to suffer a melt-down, but Hillary? I'm not so sure she won't have one in front of the press one of these days.....

  4. Cummings' sole purpose in life now is to run out the clock on the Benghazi hearings.

  5. I will stop eating meat, swilling scotch, will go to the gym more than once a week. Whatever it takes to up the odds that I assume room temperature after all of these authoritarian swine. My bucket list will be pissing on their graves.

  6. "how can you tell when the hildabeast is lying?" "When her lips move". And you can bet that she will be coming after everyone who stood against her with a vengeance. Wouldn't it be ironic if someone in the alphabet agencies were able to plant a Manchurian Candidate into her 'protection' detail. Ah, but I am dreaming......... If someone in said agencies was a true patriot, that is.

  7. As a couple of talking dudes on the radio said yesterday, she is supremely well suited to occupy the White House as she is a consummate liar. It's a sad but true commentary on the state of our political system. sigh

  8. "I don't know, but I've been told. Big legged woman ain't got no soul."

    Will this soulless, lying woman pay the price for the deaths that even she admits were her responsibility? No, not in this life she won't. Odd how over a hundred Sid Blumenthal emails regarding Benghazi came through because he was interested in investing there, but over six hundred from her own Ambassador begging for protection somehow didn't make it to her desktop.

    The soulless hag says that she had nothing to do with embassy security; finally, a truthful statement!

  9. Cummins needs to be tarred and feathered.


  10. @Mike aka Proof- That explains why no finger holes have been drilled...

    @George in Houtx- If Obama is going to allow the Feds to indict Hillary, it will have to happen soon enough that Biden can "reluctantly" enter the race in time to meet November filing deadlines. The next week will tell.

    @drjim- I have no doubt that both Hillary and Barry have mountains of blackmail on each other. And I'm sure she's made it clear that if she goes down, she'll take Obama with her.

    @rickn8or- That's exactly his sole purpose, although he may have decided that the clock has run out. He, and the other Dems, are now threatening to walk out of the committee to protest the (ahem) "fact" that it is purely political and "has discovered nothing." The rat bastard traitors.

    @TrickyRicky- I may join you in that worthy endeavor. I make a point of not allowing talk of violence against anyone on this blog, but if bad people up and die on their own there's certainly no reason the rest of us can't enjoy it. If Barry ever gets an "eternal flame," it had better be well waterproofed...

    @Fred Ciampi- She is, I'm sorry to say, a brilliantly skilled liar. It's amazing how much the skill sets of sociopaths and lawyers intersect.

    @Manfred- Those talking dudes were right. She absolutely has the ability to lie her way into the White House. God help us all.

    @Colby Muenster- No, I don't think Hillary will pay the price for her many deceits and crimes. And yes, one of the jaw-dropping revelations is that Sidney Blumenthal could email Hillary directly whenever he wanted (after Hillary promised Obama not to use him as an advisor), but 600 emails asking for more security in Benghazi couldn't get through the barriers Hillary had erected to keep from getting emails from the riff-raff. To all intents and purposes, messages pleading for help were routed to Hillary's spam filter.

    @idahobob- And yet Cummings ain't no ways tarred.

  11. Making reference to Shrillary covering her corpulent caboose with skivvies from "Lane Bryant", (I'm amazed you know where the "heavy honeys" get their "drawers"), when you zoom in on her trousers you can see they come from "Gloria Peterbilt" or "Calvin Kenworth". Yes, I'm SURE that this harpy hasn't been in the "petite" section of the "Dress Barn" since she was about 7 years old. Her mother probably gave her milk LOADED with "ass-idophilus"!

  12. What good is a bowling ball that always swerves to the left?

  13. Too funny Stilt - I was describing some of the goings-on at the hearing to someone yesterday, and made the same ranking/rank reference to Elijah Cummings' speech. We appear to be thinking alike... be afraid.

  14. As strange as it may seem, I am going to agree with Elijah Cummings on a single issue: These hearings are transparently intended to slam Hillary & the Obama Administration. Quite frankly, most congressional hearings of this nature are solely intended to slam one party/administration or the other. As stupid as McCarthy's comments were, they were true enough. That doesn't mean that Hillary & Obama didn't have this coming, but there was little new or of substance that we learned. The basic facts we already knew remain: The Obama/Clinton Middle East non-plan and agenda is a complete disaster, the facility where Stevens and the others died was woefully ill prepared considering the known environment, and when the predictable residue hit the fan, Obama, Hillary & co's default reaction to it all was to cover their asses by blaming America first by concocting the phony YouTube narrative.

    Don't get me wrong; Elijah Cummings is a tool and an ass and at some day in the future may even regret whatever deal he's made with the Clintons, the devil or both for his fealty. His performance shilling for Hillary was no less transparent than the "get Hillary" nature of the hearings themselves.

    After the disastrous and potentially career-ending "what difference does it make now" soundbite Hillary gave the GOP the last time around, we should have all known that this time she'd be much better coached and prepared not to lose grip on herself, knowing what was at stake. So of course she's going to remain "calm and composed while lying (which, we should note, sociopaths find remarkably easy)", and the media will dutifully report as such. This should be a surprise to no one.

    As I said the other day, I believe the bigger and real story is the growing support for the idea that if the government only had ultimate power over what people could post on social media, these bad things just wouldn't happen. In Europe, they're closer to this becoming a reality than people think. I have no doubt that Hillary waxes nostalgic for the days when what appeared on media almost exclusively favored whatever her husband and herself did. Imagine what they could achieve if they have veto power over the rest of cyberspace.

  15. I saw her taking notes at certain points during her questioning, and remarkably the note-taking picked up when she wrote down the name(s) of the senator(s) who questioned her truthfulness. If I were on that committee and had said any disparaging word against the woman, I would certainly now fear for my life. Her death ray arms reach far and wide. Ask Vince Foster; oh, wait, he is dead. As are others. I would be afraid, very afraid. I swear if that woman gets elected, I am certain this country will die a slow (4-8 year) death. God help us.

  16. @Bruce Bleu- Hillary's actual ass may not be that huge, but her metaphorical ass that needs covering could probably plug the boder between Mexico and the United States.

    @Wahoo- It's plenty good assuming your target is always the gutter.

    @txGreg- I believe that the fewer people who are thinking, the more of the rest of us are thinking alike.

    @John the Econ- At great personal risk, I'm going to disagree with you; I think you're confusing correlation with causation. I don't think the goal of the hearings is to slam Barry and Hillary (which would be causation), I actually believe the goal is to get to the truth of Benghazi - before, during, and after. That being said, I don't believe it's possible to ferret out those truths without it ending up being a slam on those whose policies lead to the disaster, and then lied their rear ends off afterwards (which is correlation).

    @Sandy Link- I'd love to see Hillary's doodles during the questioning. Probably nooses, knives, explosions, machine guns, plane crashes, and other pages from the Clinton playbook.

    And I don't even want to think of a president Hillary. I have not sacrificed 8 years of my life on this forum just to see that happen.

  17. @Stilton, you have far less risk with me than you do with other forces out there, so don't worry. Unlike with Progressives, I lack both the will and power to enforce conformity. I consider having to force people to agree with you as a failure of ideas.

    But I'll again ask what new was learned yesterday. And even if something truly new was to come out, would it really matter? After all, the media is scoring the hearings not on their content, but on the fact that Hillary smiled allot and didn't have any new uncontained outbursts. So she won.

    Not only that, but she actually was able to turn it into a campaign platform:

    "Retreat from the world is not an option. America cannot shrink from our responsibility to lead..."

    Wow, that sounded like it should have come from a Republican. It's certainly contrary to the "lead from behind" agenda followed by Obama & Hillary during the grand f-up.

    Once again, the GOP is getting rolled...

  18. @John the Econ- DAMMIT. I just posted a response and it's now disappeared. Bah.

    I was just going to say that I learned a little "new" material (to me, anyway) which is the extent to which Sid Blumenthal had direct access to Hillary (with over 100 messages) but there were over 600 pleadings for help from Benghazi that couldn't get through Hil's bureaucratic spam filters. But in truth, the news isn't "new" - just the specifics.

    And damn, Hillary should have used that "Retreat from the world is not an option" line on Barry. But then, his email address probably wasn't in her server.

    @Readers- AND THIS JUST IN, Lois "IRS" Lerner will officially not be facing any criminal charges for oppressing conservative groups, misusing confidential IRS data, obstructing free speech rights, or destruction of evidence. Which is probably a pretty good hint that the Justice Department is still as corrupt or controlled (or both) as it was under Holder, meaning Hillary won't be facing any indictments.

  19. It was all lies. There is no truth in the whole lot of them. Shame on them. What comes around goes around.

  20. The Wall Street Journal has been well documenting the coziness between Hillary & Sidney Blumenthal for months now. The Obama Administration expressed their official disapproval of the relationship at the time of her appointment, but obviously Hillary didn't care. So that wasn't news to me. The only new thing I did learn was that Hillary didn't communicate directly at all with her very good friend "Chris" after he was dispatched to Libya.

    Meanwhile, can anyone really be surprised that Lois Lerner will not be doing a perp walk? For those of you still hoping to see Hillary do one, this latest development should give you pause.

    Also, the message to the Progressive bureaucracy could not be louder or clearer: Go ahead and proceed with your personal political agendas on the taxpayer's dime. It no longer matters who holds high office; The bureaucrats are going to do what they want regardless.

  21. Hillary giving testimony is like a bug zapper at night, and has as about as much humanity as one. As soon as the questions hit her - ZAP - they are deflected with doublespeak and frankly, bullshit. I think this much we learned: Hillary protected herself with layers of bureaucracy. After ruining Libya, both she and Obama were disinterested in protecting our personnel there. Her only interest was helping Blumenthal make money, thereby enriching the Clinton Slush Fund. After realizing their ineptitude resulted in a terrorist attack on our annex, which they would have known about had they been paying any attention, they conspired to concoct a completely cockamamie story for the families and the American people in order to save Obama's butt in the election and her fat ass in her future presidential aspirations. They will never pay for this (after all dumb liberals are more incensed by traffic on a bridge) but at the very least, she has no business being the leader of our country. She is the anti-Truman - the buck stops anywhere else before getting to her.

  22. So Lois is gonna walk...

    Which means that Hillary more than likely will too. But wouldn't Hillary skating and then losing the nomination or the election would be the worst punishment of all for her?

  23. I want to see someone ask Hillary who ordered the Navy rescue team to stand down.

    We know that four Americans died in Benghazi after contacting the US Navy fleet offshore and asking for assistance. We know that the US Navy was assembling a rescue effort, but someone ordered the Navy rescue team to stand down and let those four men die. I can only guess as to why, but, given the demonstrated proclivities of the Kenyan and his administration, I will guess that this was so as not to “provoke” and “alienate” the “moderate, pro-democracy rebels.”

    What we do not know, and what demands an answer is: who gave that order? Who ordered the Navy rescue mission to stand down and let those four men die? Was it Hillary? Was it Obama? Who? Whoever is responsible is guilty of four counts of manslaughter–depraved indifference to human life.

    One may hope that the Republicans have the moral courage to stand firm in the face of all the usual vitriol and manufactured outrage from the Left and dig until they find the truth. Their track record doesn’t inspire confidence, though.

  24. We're pretty far along on being governed like most third world countries. Practiced liars are quite open about it and fully immune. Laws are being selectively enforced either as focused punishment, or not enforced to limit administrative abuse of power; a nearly fully controlled press; the privilege of access; divisiveness is rampant; and so on. Many potential whistle blowers and those who could oppose this trend are either bought off or afraid. We're heading for real internal strife when two things happen: the mass of dependents can no longer be strung along with promises & aid, and really are helpless; and the core of the "old" USA actually wakes up. I would like to know what's preventing a great uprising of a powerful third party.

  25. I sincerely believe that what's preventing a great uprising of a powerful third party or an uprising in general is the lack of a great and characteristic leader. Once that person comes along, watch out ......

  26. Supposed to be charismatic ... stupid auto correct ....

  27. So, when are we going to get serious about the carnage and outlaw alcohol?

    Police: 3 dead, 34 injured after homecoming parade crash

  28. We cant blame the driver, alcohol or any drug. It' the automobile that caused the carnage. If the driver had been on a horse or on foot there would be little damage if any. Therefore, we must ban the automobile.

  29. What concerns me more than Obama giving amnesty to a list of 200 or more individuals. What if he decides to provide amnesty for all of the illegal immigrants that are here as well? It’s been done before. “Lincoln issues Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction.” What could anyone do about it?


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