Friday, October 9, 2015

Fem Film Flam

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hollywood, discrimination, women, sexism, eeoc, aclu, dirty harry

The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has somehow managed to find time and surplus budget to fight a new battle along with their old standbys of preventing criminal background checks, preventing verification of American citizenship, striking down job-related competency testing, or disciplining any employee who isn't a straight white male.

Specifically, the EEOC is launching an investigation to prove that the "War on Women" is actually being fought in Hollywood, where women aren't being allowed to direct enough feature films.

The EEOC has sent letters to 50 female directors asking them to share any stories they might have about workplace discrimination or unfair treatment. Although rather than making it a formal inquiry, Hope n' Change thinks it would be easier to just gather the ladies in a wine bar and keep the Chardonnay flowing while they vent.

The investigation is the direct result of lobbying by the ACLU, an organization that spends most of its time tracking down replicas of the Ten Commandments to complain about. Perhaps they stumbled across the film version of the Ten Commandments, discovered it was directed by a male and starred testosterone-oozing former NRA President Charlton Heston, and decided enough was enough.

But why isn't ultra-liberal Hollywood giving equal opportunity to female directors? Simply put, it's because Lefties are amazingly quick to drop their beliefs when it might take money out of their own pockets.

With tens, if not hundreds, of millions in the balance on every film, risk-averse studios prefer to hire those directors with a track record of actually making a profit and most of those directors are male. Because men are naturally skilled at making boneheaded movies in which people die and things get blown up, while women are naturally skilled at making intellectual movies in which troubled women, after years of emotional torment and silent suffering, eventually make peace with their mothers.

In other words, it's not so much discrimination as it is attention to the bottom line and...

Oops, we've just been informed by the EEOC that it's sexist to use the word "bottom." What we meant to say that is that studios have a fiscal responsibility to their stockholders when making tentpoles and...

Hang on, now the EEOC says that the term "making tentpoles" is also unacceptably sexist. So we'll wrap this up with two observations, the first being that it's hard for us to do anything other than make some buttered popcorn and enjoy watching the bigscreen cat fight between Hollywood and an aggressively overreaching government bureaucracy.

And the second? Why isn't the ACLU telling the EEOC to look into the political discrimination of Hollywood against conservatives? Now there's a case that will not be "coming soon" to a legal theater near you.


  1. In California they fight the "War on Women" by using income inequality laws. Here’s the latest. Then they wonder, why is everybody leaving? This new one is expected to have a major effect on Hollywood. Of course, even more of Hollywood’s production will take place outside of California or the USA. And the pinheads can’t understand why their tax income keeps going down.
    I demand to know why the NFL has no female Quarterbacks! How come Quarterbacks aren’t all paid the same? Call the EEOC. /sarc

  2. I thought it was now politically incorrect to even use the words "men" and "women". How can there be any unbalance of female directors when we are all now gender neutral?
    In other news, there was another campus (gun-free zone) shooting early this morning. This time it occured at Northern Arizona University, which is a scant 6 miles from where I live. One dead, three wounded, shooter in custody. No other details at this time.
    I certainly hope this does not mean that Ă˜bama will be paying us a visit.

  3. Stilt, after using the term 'tent pole', in the following paragraph you said the word 'hard'. It's starting to sound like porn out there. Oh, where has the sanity gone? If everything was 'balanced' our whole society would go to hell ...... oh, wait, obammy's already taken it to hell. These idiots must know that in order to make a profit (which is the reason for going into business in the first place) the best people for the task must be picked, not the best balance of gender. Besides that, it is not the government's job to stick their big collective noses into every faucet of our lives. I think, IMHO, that someone in the government should get a copy of the Constitution and actually read it! Grrr, now where's my cave, I got to go hide.

  4. Sigh... words fail me.

    Just don't try and order a super-sized soft drink with that buttered popcorn or some government agency will arrest you.

    First they came for my Big Gulp, and I said nothing. Then they came for my buttered popcorn...

  5. Actually, I think this is great!

    I've long argued that the employment regulatory insanity that the Progressives impose on most other industries should also apply to the entertainment industry as well. Why should our cultural elite be exempt from the insanity that is imposed upon the rest of America?

    For example, how interesting would the NBA & NFL remain if the Federal government were to impose racial and gender quotas? I can't think of a better demonstration of the damage that such micromanagement does to American industry that to destroy professional sports in such a manner. Of course, everyone knows this, so it will never happen.

    Quite frankly, I think the vast majority of the output from Hollywood is crap. When Mrs. Econ & I go out to rent a movie, we're constantly astounded as to how almost 100% of the offerings are of absolutely no interest to us. We usually walk home empty handed. (but with brain cells intact) So I really can't imagine how imposing race and gender quotas on Hollywood would make things much worse.

    And remember, my price for sacrificing the 2nd Amendment is the outlawing of alcohol and then censorship of violent and pornographic content. So it's good to see things moving right along...


    OMG! I had not heard this. Bureaucrats are running amok. Overpaid, lazy, unionized (against whom?), and thumbs planted firmly in their anuses. Bureaucrats are the most despicable creatures.... after pols and used car dealers ... and lawyers. Oh never mind they all suck bananas.

    Did you see this on how these lazy monkeys waste our money? Mafioso,and other assorted crooks, these are bureaucrats hard at work.

    We all need more possum (a substitute word for what I really wanted to say) but this isn't the way to go about it. Hey, I don't get enough women either EEOC/ACLU. Where they hell are you on that?

  7. Fred, the idea of actually making a profit to these asses is as foreign as the rings around Uranus. These moronic bed-wetters have absolutely no concept of how this country's economy worked before they came on the scene. We quit modern movies years ago. They are way too much of everything. Our local library has a huge collection of movies of every type you can imagine. We figure we'll be taking a dirt nap before we see them all.

    I can only hope that when Israel figures out who their real enemy is and sends a covey of cruise missiles into dc, they put one through the front door of the eeoc / sarc.


  8. John the Econ: precisely - and we're seeing this phenomena more every day - the left eating its own with increasing regularity. It's a beautiful thing to witness after so many years of this stupidity. I'm reminded of a movie called 'daybreakers', where a cure for world-wide vampirism starts a chain reaction in which freshly reverted vampires become fresh meat for those around them, who in turn revert after gobbling the cure, and on it goes to the only logical conclusion. Color me optimistic, but I'm stocking up on popcorn, as I see a great liberal progressive implosion on the horizon. Ah, but to dream...

    Sortahwitte/John the Econ: Might I recommend the movies 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and 'Idiocracy' - the first is a pretty decent sci-fi flick with plenty of humorous moments, while the second appears to be a documentary about the decline of our present culture.

    Facepalm: formal definition of bureaucrat : "a person who is one of the people who run a government or big company and who does everything according to the rules of that government or company : a person who is part of a bureaucracy." Notice how there is no allusion to actually producing anything. In fact, the definitions for 'friction', 'drag' and 'impediment' appear to have this same quality.

    Stilton: Being that you have both Busty Ross and Lefty Lucy in your employ, what are the odds that these EEOC chimps come after you for over-representing chicks in the workplace? I'm sure there is some sort of a 'brothel exception' you could hide behind, assuming you can demonstrably prove that you are indeed screwing them over for a profit. As I am sure that you are a staunch champion of women's rights, it's the least you could do.

  9. When the state of California makes appeals for federal special assistance for the many problematic issues of their own making such as water, fuel, electricity, waste disposal, illegal aliens, and so on... I hope the rest of us will have in place federal leaders who will tell them to go jump unless they want to "participate" in unpopular measures in California to resolve their own problems... like producing their own energy, cutting their water use, fireproofing their own backyards, tossing out illegals and cutting off highly demanding minorities. But no; let's make an issue of something really important like the gender of motion picture directors. It could be OK if most of California really did fall off into the ocean; but the problem is the San Andreas fault line is little too far west.

  10. All I can say it, the ladies better get it in gear, because their roles as movie directors will end in one of two ways...maybe both: the movies will just suck, or the west coast will fall into the sea...either way...

  11. @Mike Porter, if there's an upside of the left systematically destroying the right and everything that made this country great, it's that after we're gone they will only have their own to consume. That's the nature of bureaucracies; they never stop once a job is done. They just keep going.

    Speaking of the bureaucracy:

    Federal Bureaucrats Are Paid 78% More than Private Sector Workers

    "Federal civilian workers had an average wage of $84,153 in 2014, compared to an average in the private sector of $56,350. The federal advantage in overall compensation (wages plus benefits) is even greater. Federal compensation averaged $119,934 in 2014, which was 78 percent higher than the private-sector average of $67,246."

    These are the good, high-paying jobs Obama is all about; they will consume everything, and yet produce little beyond the justification for more government.

    In a few more years, "Idiocracy" will be a documentary instead of a comedy. The first 5 minutes are gold.

  12. Funny thing here is the movies will be made elsewhere but the actors will continue to live in that S**thole known as California. Already there are a lot of proven actors that can't get work. This will only get worse. Of course some will lower themselves, horrors of horrors, to get a gig in TV. I believe the first to cross over was Orson Wells, doing a wine commercial. He said he needed the money. I am sure there are a lot of broke actors whose day has come and gone. Oh, yea. I will guess they will avoid NY also (along with Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore and DC.)

  13. They already tried that 'get in touch with your feminine side' crap for Dirty Harry in 'The Enforcer'. Good film, bullets everywhere, quite a few laughs, crackling dialogue but at the end poor old Tyne Daly took two 5.56mm in the chest so that was the end of that experiment.


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