Friday, October 30, 2015

The Walking Brain Dead

Everyone likes to dress up and play "pretend" for Halloween, which perhaps explains the three idiots from CNBC who were pretending to be journalists during Wednesday night's GOP debate.

Not that they fooled anyone. With hilariously biased, condescending, and argumentative questions the three moderators accomplished the impressive feat of largely unifying the candidates, the studio audience, and the viewing public - all of whom agree that transparent liberal bias has made a mockery of what used to be an honorable profession.

Despite the GOP candidates themselves generally making a good showing, Democrat front runner Hillary Clinton had the appalling lack of taste to tweet an animated GIF taken from the Benghazi hearings as her reaction.  It shows her smugly brushing imaginary crumbs from her shoulder, as if to say that dealing with any GOP opponent will be as easy for her as ducking responsibility for four American deaths.

But for now, let's put aside the real horrors of a corrupt media and an even more corrupt politician and focus on other frights associated with one of Hope n' Change's favorite holidays...


obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, halloween, like it, keep it


  1. I started to doubt the 'press' when the 'most trusted man in the world', Walter Cronkite, started giving false reports about the statistics of the Vietnam War. I soon realized that he wasn't reporting the news, he was making the news. I also believe that he is responsible for much of the protesting that went on then and the disrespect that we returning veterans got when we got home. And he is also responsible for much of the loss we all suffered as a nation. Semper Fi America.

  2. @Fred Ciampi: This does explain Cronkite's and the Clintons chumminess, sailing in Walter's 60-ft ketch around Martha's Vineyard.

  3. I'm back! My smartphone had a seizure and had to travel to Texas and back before regaining it's former intelligence. Happy Halloween everyone.

  4. If nothing else comes out of this debate, I hope this will put a damper on the RNC's incessant need to subject Republican candidates to these biased liberal moderators. They obviously have an agenda that is not favorable to the Republican party. The DNC will not put the Democrats on Fox News because they know it will not be a schmoozefest like the liberal networks. This moderator-controlled debate format does nothing to help the voters decide who to vote for. It is designed as a reality show for gotcha moments to drive up ratings and to sell ads. Having said all that, these particular moderators were the worst I have even seen and for once, this has been called out in all media.

  5. I've been pretty busy, plus the World Series, and as usual minus "anything NBC" which I wrote off long time ago as being worthless as factual journalists; even their entertainment programming is low grade (SPONSORS TAKE NOTE)... so I missed that show but good grief: couldn't anyone have seen that coming?

    Hilarious Obama toon, thanks for the replay.

  6. Brilliant cartoon today, @Stilton. Will definitely be passing that one along. It also inspired the idea of a "Zombies for Hillary" bumper sticker. It's a pretty apt metaphor for today's Democrats; mindless fealty to the transparently corrupt who unless stopped, will consume what is left of America until there's nothing left.

    You'd think a debate on "economic issues" would be of great interest to me, but after a long day, I just didn't have it in me to watch the other night. And since the Econ family has been boycotting cable TV in favor of free over-the-air and relatively inexpensive Internet based alternatives, we no longer get CNBC anyway. From the sounds of it, what I missed wasn't so much a debate between candidates on relevant economic issues than it was the Progressive media taking a seemingly easy opportunity to enforce their narrative.

    Tip to GOP candidates: The next time a Progressive moderator trots out the "Obama inherited" narrative, respond with the fact that the next President will be inheriting an economy worse than that inherited by Ronald Reagan from Jimmy Carter 35 years ago.

    I am glad to see that many of the candidates didn't put up with that for long like the squishies typically do. Ted Cruz just went way up in my book for standing up to the leftist bullies: "The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense than every participant in the Democratic debate." Of course, it was the moderators job to see to it that nobody ever sees that, with their "When did you quit beating your wife" questions.

    The title of the piece in the leftist Washington ComPost linked by @Stilton is itself a slip: "The conservative war on the mainstream media...". No, it was a revealing display of the media's war on conservatives.

    Take the very first question, which was basically "Please tell us how you suck". Can anyone seriously imagine this panel, or any panel of moderators asking Hillary or Bernie that question, much less expecting an honest answer?

    (BTW, my biggest weakness? Allowing myself to be distracted by satisfying thoughts of me walking over and kicking their wimpy liberal asses off that stage)

  7. I think the thing that irritates me most is that this is all part of a process leading up to the primaries. My question is, why are we taxpayers footing the bill for these primaries? This is party business. Make the parties take care of it themselves without having to dip into my pocket to fund the primaries. Elections cost. Frankly, I don't care about how the parties select their candidates, but leave my pocket book out of it, unless of course everyone gets to vote for a candidate from each party on the ballot. If I'm paying, I should get a say in the matter.

    If there is to be a primary at all, it should be one national event in which the final candidates from each party are listed. The top two vote getters go on to the general election. This would allow third (and fourth and fifth, etc. parties) to participate freely. If their candidate loses out, at least they can use their vote leverage against the two winners. That way the big boys can't use the old "don't throw away your vote" threat.

  8. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.


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