Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Trip Down Memory Lame

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, alzheimer's, hillary, election

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is attempting to elbow Dr. Ben Carson aside in brain expertise, claiming that if she's elected she'll eradicate Alzheimer's disease by 2025.

It's a cause close to the former first lady's heart, as both she and her husband have repeatedly suffered the devastating effects of memory loss when giving sworn testimony. According to a Clinton campaign spokesperson, "we think there's a definite causal link between Alzheimer's and subpoenas."

Certainly, it would be a boon to our nation and the world if the scourge of Alzheimer's was finally ended with a real cure. After all, what could be sadder than losing the special moments related to those who are nearest and dearest to you? No memories of a mother's funeral, a daughter's wedding, a grandchild's birth, or...hey, wait a minute.  According to Hillary, those were the memories stored on her private email server and she wiped them all rather than ever think about them again!

Still, Hope n' Change believes that a cure for Alzheimer's would be a blessing for those people, unlike Hillary, who have the human capability of loving or being loved. We just have a hunch that if she is elected, this will be one of the first promises that she willingly forgets.

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, alzheimer's, hillary, election


Fortunately, there's nothing wrong with our memories here at Hope n' Change. Which is why we'd like to share these cartoons from Christmas seasons gone by...


  1. Some things, like say 2008-2016 might be worth forgetting. Just saying.
    Merry Christmas to y'all

  2. The good thing about Alzheimer's is that you only need to own one book.

  3. If Hillary gets alzheimers, how will we know?

  4. I wish I COULD forget the last 7 years. Have a very Merry CHRISTmas everyone. Love you all!
    (Good one, Geoff)

  5. "... and I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight, Screw all y'all! I'm going to Hawaii tonight!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Stilt!

  6. Merry Christmas, Stilt. And to everyone else here!

  7. I suppose one could hope that Zero has a "hot" date lined up with Pele.
    Merry Christmas to all, with hope for a change in the new year.

  8. A most Merry and Holy Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year to the whole Hope and Change Community. May God Bless you and May God Bless America again.

  9. Remember eight years ago when Barry said that he was gonna' end the ban on embryotic stem cell research, and by doing so, obliterate all known diseases? What happened to THAT pipe dream?

  10. Stilton, you are most CERTAINLY going to have a visit by some black Suburban "sleighs" with tinted windows over THIS one... ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! And the Christmas Album... let's just say I'm glad you're on OUR team. If it weren't for liberals being in the "Witless Protection Program" it would be harder for me to smile.

  11. Speaking of the black Suburban SUVs, here's what they will look look coming up my driveway;

  12. @Readers- Many thanks for all of the nice Christmas wishes! Barring some unforeseen calamity, I won't be doing anything REMOTELY like politics here on Christmas day. A welcome gift for all of us, myself included!

    @FlyBoy- Now that you mention it, Barry did make some impressive promises about the wonders embryonic stem cell research would deliver. But instead, the most notable benefit has been to the directors of Planned Parenthood clinics.

    @pdwalker- Sounds like a Chinese law firm.

    @Bruce Bleu- Thank you. I actually support the idea of eradicating Alzheimer's. The physical, emotional, and financial damage it causes is nearly beyond measure. But I'm giving Hillary crap about it because I don't believe her. Oh sure, she can funnel money ($2 billion a year, for starters) toward research companies which have given generously to the Clinton Family Foundation - but as far as having a real personal commitment to ending the disease, I'm not buying it. This is the woman who designed "Hillarycare" without allowing any doctors to participate.

  13. "we think there's a definite causal link between Alzheimer's and subpoenas."

    Thank you @Stilton for the belly-laugh of the day.

    Of all the medical maladies she'd like to address, I really don't understand why she'd pick Alzheimer's. After all, America's collective amnesia about the previous Clinton era is the only thing that makes her candidacy the least bit viable. I frankly don't understand why anyone would want to re-live the Clintons, unless you're one of the lucky employees of the Clinton Foundation.

    Actually, that's not entirely true. Largely, Alzheimer's compromises short-term cognitive function, which will make accidentally voting multiple times more likely.

  14. I just hope the corrupt old battle axe is either indicted or has a stroke. Anything to keep her name off the ballots. I'm a nonviolent person and have never wished harm on anyone (even my ex-husband) but if given a chance, I would love to take a slug at her and for that matter Obama too. Having said that, Merry Christmas to you, Stilton, and all the other delightful commenters here.

  15. I might get Hideous Clinton to drop by my place and gnaw down that old stump in my front yard. She seems well equipped for the task.

  16. Merry Christmas to all the fine folks who frequent HnC Cartoons, and especially to you, Stilt!
    Thanks for everything!


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