Monday, January 18, 2016

Dem Dry Bones

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, democrats, debate, hillary, sanders, nbc, martin luther king

Last night's Democratic debate was an inspiring exchange of new ideas, fresh perspectives, good old-fashioned patriotism, and...and...oh, who are we trying to kid. We wouldn't watch these idiots with a gun (easily purchased on the Internet with no background check) held to our head.

The debate, like all previous Democratic debates, was again scheduled by the DNC to hide the candidates from as many potential voters as possible. "Give me a freaking break," a visibly angry Martin O'Malley was said to have exclaimed, "Not only is it a Sunday night, but everyone will be busy getting ready for their Martin Luther King Day parties!"

Speaking of which, and in all seriousness, we'd like to point out that in one year the long national nightmare of Barack Obama will finally be over, and the continued pursuit of Dr. King's dream - which we wholeheartedly share - will be able to pick up where it left off. Give or take 50 years.


Well, this may shake things up on the campaign trail...

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, natural born, citizen, trump, cruz


  1. I think it would have been nice to ask the candidates at least once about the policies of the last eight years of the sitting president of their party.

  2. Sorry, Mike, but that doesn't fit The Agenda....

  3. You watched it, Mike? You're a bigger man than I! (I'd hate to see your liquor bill...)

  4. If I can't stand to watch the Republican debate, I certainly can't watch Ma Barker, Eugene Debs, and whoever the hell that other clown might be.

  5. It is probably time for the Supreme Court to make a ruling on "Natural Born Citizen". Ted Cruz, being born in Canada, likely does not qualify any more than Arnold Swartznegger does. What if one parent was born elsewhere though, such as in the case of Donald Trump and in the alledged case of Barely Ă˜bama?
    While at it, the court should also decide whether the Founding Fathers were being sexist when every mention of a president's duties and requirements in the Constitution is preceeded by " he", "him", or "his". Does this disqualify Hilarity on the grounds of gender?

  6. That's funny! and it's very sad, as so many post-modern shallow-minded folk must think that very thing, considering the vitriol spouted by fans of Cruz when the question is brought up.

  7. I was so excited to see the Indonesian-in-Chief come charging out on the stage during the dee-bate with his camo suit and M16 yelling .... oh wait, that was my hallucination after all that moonshine. I actually did force myself to watch the first 3 minutes and 82 seconds of it. But I didn't have my hearing aids on so I couldn't hear it and I need cataract surgery so I couldn't see it. So, all in all, I'd say it was a good dee-bate.

    Now, about all of those sailors on their knees, number one, I think Iran is signalling Saudi Arabia that the USA can't and won't protect them and number two, on their knees is how our POS CIC likes them. 'Nuff said.....

  8. I didn't watch the Demodebate. Was Hillary in 'cuffs yet?

  9. There was a debate? How did Bush do?

  10. "The debate, like all previous Democratic debates, was again scheduled by the DNC to hide the candidates from as many potential voters as possible."

    The last thing the left likes is transparency.

    I recorded the debate, but one of my friends who had the stomach to watch it live mentioned on social media that it was mostly just bickering and talking over each other. The only mention on my local news this morning was that it took place, and that Hillary & Bernie attacked each other on health care and gun control.

    Interesting that when the GOP candidates "attack" each other over anything, it's 20 minutes of coverage on what Donald Trump said, how the GOP is in crisis, and why conservatism is over. If "Left and Lefter" bicker, it's barely warrants a 8 second mention, much less any video highlights.

    @Mike aka Proof, it will be up to the eventual GOP candidate to bring up those kind of questions, as the MSM never will. As it is now, the Democrats are doing a strange kind of kabuki dance, both embracing and yet distancing themselves from the last 7 years.

    And we already know my question will never come up: Exactly how does continuing to flood the US with low-skilled, low-pay immigrants competing for both scarce jobs and social services mean anything positive for the middle class you so vigorously claim to defend?

  11. "How the Hell can anyone but the rich afford popcorn?"

    For once I find myself agreeing with Bernie...

  12. drjim: too true

    Emmentaler Limburger: sometimes I take one for the team. On the plus side, my veins are good to -31°

    John the Econ: True. But normally if your guy is the incumbent, you can find SOMETHING he did right that you can promise to uphold. *crickets*

  13. Now now... The Demorats hold their debates on Saturday nights because it's been proven that this is when most young people watch TV. Oh wait... that's SNL they watch. My bad.

    I did not watch the master-d-bates, because, to quote Billary, what difference at this point does it make? Two socialists (one avowed, and the other unable to define socialist), and a guy who should have dropped out 12 months ago. I did, however, hear a clip of Shrillary blathering about needing to change the current health care law because the middle class were suffering under it. Huh?! This shit was her effing idea, right? If she cares so much about "everyman," why doesn't she do what we really want, and turn herself in to the FBI with a full confession? Heck, she already owns an orange jumpsuit; she's ready for that 8'x8' condo right now.

  14. Oh, and another thing; although I watched an astonishing 3 minutes and 82 seconds of the masterful debate, what was missing was the National Anthem. Oh, the democraps don't believe in it, do they?

  15. I don't hold to the national anthem nor the pledge of allegiance. And I am no democrat or demoncrap. I am a freedom loving Texan living in Oklahoma. Until this nation becomes, once again, an association of free states, it is foreign to me and I do not sing its praises. And I do not pledge allegiance to any flag, all the more so considering the nature of that pledge and who wrote it. The Constitution is what we are to defend. The flag is a piece of property.

  16. @TrickyRicky: That "other guy" is there to mop up in case the other two overload their Depends. (Forgive me for the visual.)

  17. ON MLK Day regarding formal USA holidays: During 32 years of primary career that I worked in private, demanding, fast paced industry... we observed eight paid USA holidays: NYD; Washington B-day aka Presidents Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas; and either Columbus Day or Veterans Day; that was variable between companies. But a firm total 8.
    THEN For 7 years in second career I worked for a state government: We had 12 paid holidays & day after Thksgvg was usually added by Governor executive proclamation. It was almost unheard of to not have it; & if not, no one worked. They'd just have to take a day of PTO, or make it up. Total of 13. A few times workload & deadlines required I work one of those extra 5. There was no OT pay for the work; and you'd think I had crapped in the lunch room. That just wasn't done.

  18. @ Manfred

    I have to admit I felt a momentary strong surge of disagreement with your statement,
    "I do not pledge allegiance to any flag. . . The Constitution is what we are to defend."

    Then I stopped and thought about that for awhile. Then I read the military oath, both the one for enlisted men, and the one for officers. Nowhere in either oath was allegiance to anything other than The Constitution of The United States of America mentioned.

    If the so called leaders these days would read those words, then ponder what they really mean, and follow up by actually reading and comprehending our Constitution many of the divisive, self-serving issues seen these days would go away IMO.

  19. All well and good to refer to candidates not being born caesarean, but how do we know for sure when the candidates were found under a rock?

  20. @ Geoff: I like your gender point. If people are going to nit pick the Constitution, then they should go all the way. The natural born citizen clause, in the Constitution, has traditionally meant to be ....NOT a naturalized citizen (those originally a citizen of another country who chose to be American). If one of a person's parents is an American citizen, then that child is also, and doesn't need to be naturalized.

  21. You'd think that at this point, there's nothing a Clinton could say or do that would seem incredulous anymore. And yet, the incredulous keeps coming:

    "Hillary Clinton's campaign encountered heavy backlash Sunday night shortly after tweeting a statement made by Clinton during the fourth Democratic primary debate: "There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail," Clinton told the moderators during the first hour of the debate Sunday."

    We wholeheartedly agree, Hillary. But we know you don't.


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