Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Good Old Bad Old Days

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, terror, orlando, 9/11, nostalgia

No, we're not nostalgic for terror, tragedy, and death. But we were surprised and saddened today to find ourselves nostalgic for an America which actually stood united when America we haven't seen since 2001.

Sadly, this is probably the biggest victory achieved by the 9/11 hijackers - ably abetted by too many on the Left. Not the least of whom was Hillary Clinton, who stood on the Senate floor and declared "Bush knew!" about the September 11 attacks and did nothing to stop them.

The hijackers set the wedge...but it took the concerted efforts of many on the Left to follow through with the splitting and fragmenting of our country.

The New York Times (which seems to have forgotten what used to stand at the Ground Zero monument) recently editorialized that the Orlando attack only happened because of...Republicans. There was no mention whatsoever of ISIS or Islam.

It's entirely possible that the terrorists (and we include quite a few domestic politicians and media members in that broad category) may have already won.


  1. And the tear flow like rain.
    What a precious opportunity has been wasted the last 7 1/2 years.

  2. And perhaps The Hildabeast will drive a bigger wedge into the fabric of soceity than obamy if given the opportunity...... "nuff said

  3. @REM1875- Obama had the power to be a healer but chose instead to be a destroyer. He won, we lost - and even now, we don't know how much we lost.

    @Fred Ciampi- In some ways I see Hillary's "Bush Knew" moment as the official kick off of turning terror into a partisan political tool. If she's elected she'll do everything in her power to further marginalize conservatives and constitutionalists.

  4. If Hillary becomes president, it will only be because God allowed it,for His own reasons. Remember Nebakanezer? He saw the handwriting on the wall and he ended up wandering the fields eating grass with his hair and fingernails grown long. High office sometimes comes with a price.
    As much as I would hate it for her to win, I will wait to see what God has up His sleeve, because I know that He is still in charge. Ditto with Trump.

  5. I doubt that we will ever know the truth about 9/11. The only thing that is certain in my mind is that the official story is bullshit.

  6. @ Geoff King......along with other "tragedies", planned to forward someone's agenda.

  7. As far as chef621's nostalgia of old political leaders, I stand behind my contention that "negro fiddles as the nation burns". Remember, too, that the God you credit as allowing Nebuchadnezzar to rule over His people gave them evil leaders because of their apostasy. No doubt this country has EARNED its evil leaders, but a widespread spiritual revival is the perfect antidote to where we find ourselves today, then Jezebel Clinton would be rendered unnecessary.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks for the mention of Father's Day and the memories you have as do I of my father. However, by mentioning and acknowledging Father's Day, there was the omission of fact. Sunday will be a day of mass confusion in da ghetto, many predominate Negro communities and cities...'cause finding who's yo daddy will cause possible looting, burning and a killin' or two! :-O

    Jest sayin!

  10. @Bruce Bleu
    I agree wholeheartedly except for one small item. It is a golf club not a fiddle. ;-) Then again, that is about the same thing in his hands.

  11. Well, as Rahm Emanuel famously said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." So instead of discussion Islam's death cult that's ultimately targeting pretty much everybody, they'll work at outlawing guns.

    Speaking of, Bill Whittle had some great stats in one of his videos:

    Basically, subtract out the "Progressive enterprise zones" of Detroit, Chicago, South-side Atlanta & LA, and all of a sudden, America becomes one of the safest countries on the planet.

    But statistics and facts no longer matter. (It's been amusing and saddened watching hysterical progressives go apologetic over my "If we want to save a lot of lives, why aren't we outlawing alcohol" argument) People are not thinking with intellect, but are acting almost entirely on emotion, which collectively makes us little better than the Islamic extremists. Which also means that if this state of affairs continues, they will win, because a strategy based upon pathos will lose to a strategy based upon manipulating pathos and force.

  12. This just in: 441 Syrian 'refugees' admitted into the US since the radical islamic muslim terrorist attack in Orlando. 49 of them sent to Florida. What the hell is the matter with Lord Darth Obama. Shame on him.

  13. @ David in SoCal: There is absolutely nothing wrong with Øbama. The USA is the last main obstacle to the NWO's total tyrannical takeover of the world. Barry was bred and raised to fulfill his role in the destruction of our country. He is operating flawlessly.
    The real question is: why has no one attempted to stop him?

  14. It matters little if Clinton or Trump is our next president. Both are puppets of the same NWO controllers as Øbama. Both so-called political parties are now one and the same.
    Granted Trump, being a white male, may not be able to bring about the collapse of our country quite as quickly as Clinton can-or as Øbama already has, but if we all continue to vote for "the lesser of the two evils" that collapse is inevitable.
    It becomes a question of whether America ceases to exist in the next 4 years, or will it possibly survive for 8 years.
    Moot point IMHO.

  15. It seems to me that Obama knew all about the Orlando shooter way before the tragic nightclub murders. The FBI knew all about him and his terrorist sympathizing family. They even gave him a 3 hour head start on massacring people in that gay bar before they brought him down. And now they've let his wife skip town with all the money from his bank account. Seems rather incompetent and fishy to me.......Hmmm......

  16. Chef621,
    I think the club lamont is most familiar with is what mooselim men used to do to him when he "tied his shoes", a "WEDGE" (pronounced "wedgie"). The other club he's used to, when pluralized, is what they call him... "PUTZ". I know he doesn't play the fiddle... the only instruments he likes are the skin flute and phallic cymbals.


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